
The Crazy Angel

Follow the story of Alejandro Hernandez, a teenager blessed with a supernatural mind.

Chris_Rojas · Action
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Finding the evidence

Time: Morning

(10:30 AM)

Heavy rain poured over historic Bandar Melaka, in ALOR GAJAH Melaka, an empty mansion containing the bodies of 50 murder victims of Alejandro, as well as 1 victim who was sacrificed due to Alejandro's cruel plan. Several people in the area reported this incident to the police.

The Criminal Identification Team took photos of the crime scene, the bodies, Bazer's office room, Bazer's secret underground room, and other rooms.

The police quickly arrived at the mansion and secured the crime scene. Detective Roman arrived by taxi.

Detective Rozman comes from Perak, he is 30 years old and he has a wife and 3 children, but all that changed when The Smiley Killer took away the happiness in his life.

The mansion area was already covered with yellow tape "Crime Scene."

The stench of blood enveloped the room mixed with the rotten smell from the bodies in the middle of the room, namely Fauzal.

The medical team examined Fauzal's body to ensure vital signs and find early evidence related to the cause of death.

Detective Roman looked at one of the police officers. "Let me in the mansion," Detective Roman said politely but firmly.

"Please, detective," said the police officer politely with a warm smile.

"Thank you," said Detective Roman politely as the police officer pulled the yellow tape up to allow Detective Roman to enter the mansion.

Detective Roman walked into the mansion and was greeted by a police officer named Bayu. "Nice to meet you

today, detective. We have a massacre case in this mansion, and after we investigated a bit, we found money amounting to 1,000 million ringgit in a secret underground room, and there is also the body of a man lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to the head. And we checked the documents in his office room and found his real name, Bazer A Bero. He is the boss of the drug business in Melaka," Bayu said politely but firmly.

"Hmm, did you find any evidence?

Fingerprints or DNA of the perpetrator?"

Detective Rozman asked seriously.

"We still haven't found it yet. We will try to investigate further. Maybe with the arrival of the detective, this case will be a bit lighter," Bayu said politely.

"Thank you for your praise. I will try to find evidence," Detective Roman said firmly.

"You're welcome, detective," Bayu said politely with a smile.

Suddenly, one of the police officers named Zarif ran screaming, "Help! One of us fainted when we found a laboratory!"

Detective Roman quickly looked at Zarif.


"On the 3rd floor!"

Detective Roman, along with Bayu and the medical doctors, ran up the stairs.

They finally reached the 3rd floor, and Detective Roman quickly realized this.

He analyzed the situation quickly. "Stop, cover your noses!"

Everyone there covered their noses.

"He fainted because of the poison gas in the lab!" Detective Roman said firmly.

"Wear gas masks," Detective Rozman continued firmly.

Slowly, the police officer whose fainted face began to pale, his body trembling.

"M-my brain is boiling," he screamed in pain, his head and body slowly burning and turning into ashes. The X Poison's effect was truly insane.

Everyone there was in shock. "What is this!"

Some medical doctors brought gas masks. They all wore the gas masks provided by the medical doctors.

Detective Roman put on the gas mask and then bowed in respect at the place where the police officer burned to ashes.

He then entered the laboratory.

"This will be kept secret so that no one knows about the X Poison."— Detective Rozman thought.

Besides, this police officer has no family; consider this a calamity, as it is impossible to save him; his body has turned to ashes.

"Check every place, wear gloves, in case there is poison that affects the skin," Detective Rozman said firmly.

The medical doctors nodded, they had prepared gloves. They then put on gloves to be cautious.

The Criminal Identification Team took pictures of the laboratory.

Clara, with her two daughters Lily and Kyla, stopped at the mansion in a taxi. Clara then paid the taxi fare in cash and walked towards the mansion with her two daughters.

"What's inside? Where's Fauzal? Sir, let me in," Clara's face was filled with worry.

"Who are you?" The police officer guarding the mansion asked firmly.

"I am Fauzal's wife," the police officer nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, your husband is no longer with us; we are investigating a massacre case in this mansion further," the police officer said empathetically.

"It's impossible, the call earlier must have been just a prank, and now... ahhhh," Clara held back her tears. "Sir! This can't be!" Clara felt hysterical.

Lily and Kyla were in shock. "Dad is gone???"

Clara cried hysterically, she couldn't believe this, she sat on the wet ground. She really couldn't believe this.

"Alejandro... that bastard! He's gone! He must be the mastermind behind all this!" Clara's emotions were filled with anger.

Several police officers tried to calm Clara. "Ma'am, please calm down, please calm down."

"Ah!" Crying hysterically, "Let me see my husband!" Clara seemed crazy now.

Lily and Kyla hugged Clara; they both cried too. "Mom... dad is gone," they cried.

Several police officers there felt guilty. "Follow us, ma'am, see your husband for the last time." The police there also felt sympathetic and sensed the sadness.

Their three cries truly made a sad and heart-wrenching atmosphere. The police officer brought Clara into the mansion, then opened the dark blue blanket used to cover the body of the deceased.

Clara fell silent, Lily and Kyla cried out loud. Clara hugged Fauzal with care and love. "I-I'm sorry if I've ever made mistakes, forgive me if I've ever troubled you, forgive me if I've ever asked for too much from you without considering your feelings. Forgive me, my love..."

"A lump formed in my throat. The world was silent, when the hustle and bustle of the city should have filled my ears. But all that was there was a piercing silence. You left me with a multitude of regrets and uncontainable longing."

Clara fell silent for a moment; she felt frustration and disbelief, her emotions truly disturbed.

"No, this can't be. Your calm face there, lying stiff, cannot be justified. You are too young to go. Burning anger in my chest, mixed with bone-penetrating disbelief."

Clara spoke again.

"Every corner of our house whispers about you. The aroma of your favorite dish that used to fill the air is now replaced by a piercing silence. Your love was like the refreshing morning dew, now vanished, leaving a chilling trace."

"The dreams we planned together, now shattered into pieces. Plans for a picnic to the beach, a surprise birthday party, and peaceful old age, all gone with the cruel wind of farewell." Clara was truly emotional; she truly couldn't believe all this.

"These tears will never be enough to let go of your departure. But with a heavy heart, I have to let you go. May you rest in peace there, in the embrace of eternity. My sincere prayers will always accompany your steps." Sweet smile with teary eyes.

Several medical teams were ready to lift Fauzal's body to be taken to the hospital for autopsy.

"Ma'am, we know this is a difficult time for you. We are here to help in any way we can. And we remember that you mentioned Alejandro earlier, who is Alejandro?" The police officer showed sympathy.

"Alejandro... he's my husband's friend, but he called me yesterday... he told me to come here... yes! He's the one who killed Fauzal, that's why he called me to come here and then left," Clara said with annoyance. Lily and Kyla just remained silent with sad faces, holding back their sorrow.

"Ma'am, we will take you to the police station, and you can tell us about this in detail," said the police officer, named Hendra.

Clara nodded.

The medical team lifted Fauzal's body and placed it on the stretcher. The team then wheeled the stretcher into the mortuary van.

Detective Rozman, along with the others, carefully examined the laboratory; there were many poisons inside the laboratory.

"Look at that, the roof of this laboratory is perforated," Rozman said.

Rozman deduced all possible scenarios that occurred and visualized them. He quickly visualized the entire room easily and described the situation the perpetrator entered.

"If he went through this path... how could he survive the poisons in this laboratory? Or maybe he already knew from the beginning and had put on a gas mask? Rozman is still thinking, trying to come to a conclusion.

"Give me a ladder, I want to check that ventilation shaft," Rozman said firmly.

"Okay," said Bayu.

Bayu quickly fetched a ladder and placed it by the ventilation hole.

Detective Rozman climbed the ladder, with his sharp observation, he easily saw Alejandro's fingerprints. He also saw blood from Alejandro.

"I found fingerprints!" Rozman said with anticipation.

Some of them came with fingerprint collection devices.

Detective Rozman used fingerprint powder and swept the powder over the surface using a small brush.

Explanation: Fingerprint powder is a fine powder that contains substances such as graphite, titanium dioxide, or iron oxide. This powder is used on dry surfaces to adhere to sweat, oil, or dirt containing fingerprints.

After that, Detective Rozman transferred the fingerprints to a fingerprint plate.

The police officers and medical team felt relieved and happy.

"Yes! We did it!" Bayu said joyfully.

Detective Rozman and the others sealed the laboratory with yellow tape. Detective Rozman, along with the others, walked down from the third floor.

"We found fingerprints, secure this item, do not damage it at all," Detective Rozman said firmly.

"Understood, Sir."

Rembia, Melaka

Alejandro, dressed in a black robe with a mask, was resting in an empty building.

"I feel something strange... my evil nature is starting to emerge... have I sinned?"

"They say it's self-defense. But self-defense doesn't make you feel like a monster. It doesn't make you question every reflection, every glimpse of anger. Am I a killer now? Is this who I am?" Alejandro pondered deeply; he didn't know what he was doing.

Alejandro stopped talking, he continued his conversation.

"I have reached the peak, but I have lost my moral compass. This victory is not worth your soul."

Alejandro fell silent for a moment.

"I left fingerprints in the ventilation..."

Alejandro stood up. "I have to prepare a strategy."

He took off his black robe and ran towards the MiniMarket, heading towards the cashier.

"Excuse me, is there a toilet here?" He smiled sweetly.

The cashier girl blushed shyly. "Uh, yes, it's at the back, just walk straight," she smiled, blushing.

"Thank you."

"But can I also take a shower?" He frowned.

"Uh? Um, yes, you can," the cashier woman said, smiling and blushing.

Alejandro walked towards the back area. He entered the toilet and took off his clothes.

He turned on the shower, and the shower head sprayed water. He sighed.

"Ummm~" Alejandro rubbed his entire body clean.

I have to plan something... hmm.

Alejandro came up with an idea.

People and information. I have to manipulate some people, hmm, I have to build relationships first. I definitely have to build relationships with people who have courage. If not, my plans and strategies won't succeed.


In the laboratory, Detective Rozman, along with the Criminal Identification team and several police officers, tried to analyze the fingerprints.


Some police officers checked the national fingerprint database, which contains the fingerprints of millions of people, including convicted criminals.

"Haven't found a match yet?" Detective Rozman asked firmly.

"Not yet, sir," said one of the Criminal Identification team.

One of the teams checking the national fingerprint database was named Yen Chui. She checked each fingerprint, normal people as well as captured criminals.

"Eh? This..." Yen Chui tried to analyze and match the fingerprint with a teenage boy named Alejandro Hernandez.

Detective Rozman quickly visualized it and matched the complex fingerprints, formulating it all in his head and getting a match.

"Yes, this is Alejandro Hernandez, 17 years old, not attending school, originally from Mexico and moved from New Mexico to Malaysia. He has a passport and identification card. His mother died when he was 15 years old," Detective Rozman looked at the others.

"A teenager massacring a drug cartel gang? Seriously?" Detective Rozman's face truly showed disbelief in this.

"He lives in Graha Maju, Melaka. Let's go there," Detective Rozman said firmly.

Alejandro exited the toilet wearing the same clothes. He walked towards the female cashier.

The female cashier looked lost in thought.

"Hello?" Alejandro asked.

The cashier snapped out of her long reverie.

"Uh, yes?" The cashier blushed shyly.

Alejandro observed the cashier, studying her body language.

She's embarrassed by me, avoiding eye contact, slightly hunched posture, and a subdued smile.

"No need to be shy," Alejandro said with a sweet smile.

"I see a great desire in your life, that's why you start with small things like working here," Alejandro continued.

"How do you know? Um, yes, but that's true," the cashier said with a nervous face.

Alejandro leaned forward slightly and crossed his arms on the counter.

"Tell me... what is your desire? I'm willing to listen to all the stories you keep in the deepest corners of your heart." He smiled sweetly and gently touched the cashier's hand.

The cashier blushed even more.


"Alright, I'll tell you."

The woman felt comfortable with Alejandro; his aura was truly warm, gentle, and sweet.

"Please, I'm willing to listen, even if it's as long as a 1,000-page novel," Alejandro said with a sweet smile.

"My dream is to build a big business. Since I was a child, I have always dreamed of having my own business, being my own boss, and building something valuable. I want to make a meaningful contribution to the world and leave a positive legacy," said the cashier in a soft tone.

"Wow, that's an incredible dream. I admire your spirit and ambition. Building a big business is not easy, but with determination and hard work, I believe you can achieve it," Alejandro replied calmly.

"Thank you for your encouraging words. I know this will be a long and challenging journey, but I am ready to face it. I have started saving money and learning everything about starting a business. I also take some online classes and seminars to increase my knowledge," the cashier said enthusiastically.

"That's great; it's important to keep learning and developing yourself," Alejandro said with a warm smile.

"T-thank you for listening to my wish," the cashier bowed respectfully.

"You're welcome; I don't mind. I care about fellow human beings, whether male or female, I'm willing to listen to their complaints or desires. Especially you," Alejandro said, winking his left eye.

The cashier blushed.

"T-thank you," the cashier said nervously.

"I'll go now," Alejandro said.

"Eh? Um, do you want my number?" the cashier asked.

"Number? I don't have a phone," Alejandro said softly.

"Huh? Um," the cashier thought.

"I don't have a home, phone, or anything useful to me," Alejandro smiled sweetly.

The cashier blushed.

This handsome man doesn't have a home? I want to take him home... but I'm afraid some people will misunderstand... so how...

"You don't have a home? What if you stay at my place?" The cashier smiled warmly.

"Your home? Don't you think that's bad? People will think bad things about you and me later, so it's a dangerous step," Alejandro said kindly.

"Hmm, so what..." The woman said, confused.

This woman has fallen into my trap; she is now completely comfortable with me. This is the beginning of my plan.

"It's okay, just stay at my house. If there are neighbors who talk about you and me, I'll speak up," the girl said sincerely.

"You're really open-minded, how can you trust me?" Alejandro asked.

"You make me comfortable, you really understand my feelings, showing a strong bond between us," the cashier blushed shyly.

"Haha, you're good at sweet-talking me," Alejandro chuckled, his face truly sweet and handsome, surely this is part of the advantages he has in life.

A customer enters the minimarket and takes a can of cola, then goes to the counter and pays for it, then walks away.

"Okay, I'll wait at this minimarket to accompany you until sunset," Alejandro said with a sweet smile.

"Oh yeah, what's your name?" Alejandro asked.

"Um, my name is Mia," Mia smiled warmly.

"Alright," Alejandro chuckled.

The autopsy process was canceled because the suspect was already found in the database, and the issue of poison X was also kept secret by the police.

Clara looked sad, she was eating in the hospital cafeteria with her two daughters Lily and Kyla, her face full of sadness, waiting for the doctor's statement.

A voice from the mic was heard.

*"Clara is requested to go to the autopsy room now."*

Clara stopped eating, she immediately walked, bringing her children to the autopsy room.

Clara took the elevator and went to the autopsy room.

She then knocked on the door. A doctor came out of the autopsy room.

"Madam, the autopsy process is canceled because the suspect has been found," said the fat female doctor.

"Really??? I'm sure Alejandro is the culprit!" Clara said angrily.

"Yes, we found his fingerprint," said the doctor.

"Thank God," Clara said with gratitude.

Why wasn't Clara at the police station? Because Clara didn't want to go to the police station, so the police understood Clara's feelings and let Clara stay at the hospital for a while, and she could talk about the suspect tomorrow. But since the culprit was found, all of that was unnecessary.

"Yes, indeed, the suspect's fingerprint in the database is written as Alejandro Hernandez, he comes from New Mexico," the doctor said.

"Alright, thank you, I am truly grateful to the forensic team, police, and detective," Clara said with gratitude.

"You're welcome."

Lily and Kyla also felt happy, hugging Clara tightly.

Detective Rozman, along with other police officers, walked around the Graha Maju area, looking for Alejandro.

Detective Rozman approached a man and asked, "Do you recognize this man?" Showing Alejandro's picture to the man.

"Hmmm, Alejandro! Oh yes, I know him, he lives in a boarding house above this Melaka cake restaurant," the man said.

"Why are you looking for him?" The man looked confused.

"There is something important, that's why we want to find a man named Alejandro, so thank you for telling us this," Detective Rozman said with a friendly smile.

Detective Rozman walked towards the stairs to Alejandro's boarding house. He took out his walkie-talkie. "I have found the suspect's house, come here now," Detective Rozman said firmly.

"Alright," said Bayu.

Bayu called his team to follow him to Detective Rozman's location. They arrived at Detective Rozman's location, not too far from where they were, about 50 meters away.

"Follow me," Detective Rozman walked up the stairs, Bayu and the rest of the team followed Detective Rozman.

Alejandro smiled cunningly.

From the beginning, I had planned this, and I had calculated all the possibilities. Even though at first, I didn't know that I would be attacked by Bazer's subordinates and ultimately kill Bazer. But I had predicted everything from the start and anticipated it. I didn't tell everyone close to my boarding house that I would move out; I had prepared a letter for the police. But from the beginning, I didn't fully write the letter for the police because my initial prediction was that the people close to my boarding house would enter my house, but this is different; I had planned this carefully. My intuition has never been wrong. The police found me very quickly; I didn't expect them to know that the culprit was me in just one day. Very clever. But not clever enough, I will outsmart them.

The letter reads **"I am in Kuala Lumpur and will no longer return to Melaka, forgive me all:)"**

Detective Rozman and his team finally reached the second floor; they knocked on the door of the house.

"Hello! Mr. Alejandro! You are asked to come out now!" Detective Rozman said.

"Hello! I'll say it again! Or we'll break down this door!"

Detective Rozman sighed, then looked at Bayu and nodded.

Bayu nodded in understanding. He looked at his team and ordered them to break down the door.

Bayu's team managed to break down the door; in front of them was a table and also a letter that read

**"I am in Kuala Lumpur and will no longer return to Melaka, forgive me all:)"**

"What? What does this mean?" Detective Rozman tried to find an answer behind these words.

"Listen everyone. This is just a diversion; Alejandro is still in Melaka, he is trying to deceive us. In my deduction, he is in an area near Rembia."

Detective Rozman thought again.

"We found blood behind the mansion, and several dead bodies, we also found Alejandro's blood on the ventilation, I have to think more critically..."

"Meaning it is Alejandro's blood from his feet, it hinders Alejandro's movement, making him unable to go far. Finally, I was able to find the puzzle pieces and put them together." Detective Rozman nodded with a smile.

Bayu and his team were surprised by Detective Rozman's deduction. "How is that possible?"

"But your statement makes sense," they nodded in understanding.

"Let's go find him in the Rembia area," said Bayu.

(7:30 PM)

Mia finished her work; today she went home early.

"Alej, I'm done, and Ahmad will take over my shift for the night," she smiled sweetly.

Alejandro, who was sitting in front of the minimarket, quickly looked at Mia. "Oh, okay, let's go," Alejandro smiled sweetly.

Alejandro followed Mia.

"Eh? Is your house near here?" Alejandro raised his eyebrows; his sweet face could truly melt any woman and make her fall in love.

"Um, yes," Mia smiled sweetly, blushing.

Alejandro stared into Mia's eyes for 10 seconds. Mia, who talked a lot, started to blush.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable; I just wanted to check on you," Alejandro smiled sweetly.

"Oh, n-no, I'm comfortable," Mia giggled nervously.

"Oh, really?" He smiled sweetly.

"You look so happy today; I guess you're a bit happy because of something?" Alejandro asked, showing a innocent face.

"Ha? Y-yes," Mia blushed shyly.

Ah, this handsome man is too cute... I... I feel like pinching his cheek and kissing his small lips...

Mia blushed.

Alejandro chuckled. "Hey? What are you thinking?" Raising an eyebrow.

"Ha? Um, I-I like you," Mia's face started to blush.

"You like me? Wow," Alejandro deliberately looked surprised.

"Thank you~ You can definitely pamper me," Alejandro chuckled.

"Y-yes, I... I do want to pamper you," blushing.

Finally, they arrived at the boarding house.

"Oh, you live in a boarding house," a sweet smile.

"Yes, let's go up," Mia said with a sweet smile.

Alejandro nodded, following Mia's footsteps. Alejandro visualized the surrounding area.

Two CCTV cameras along the speedmart corridor, and also one CCTV camera above this boarding house corridor.

Finally, they arrived at the boarding house. Mia reached into her pocket and took out her boarding house key. She then opened the door to her boarding house.

"Come in," Mia said with a sweet smile.

"Thank you," Alejandro took off his shoes and entered Mia's house. He smiled warmly.

"Your house is quite nice; you're a diligent girl," Alejandro smiled sweetly.

"T-thank you for the compliment," blushing.

"You're welcome," Alejandro said with a wink.

Mia closed the door and locked the gate.

"I'll show you where your room is."

"Okay," Alejandro said with a warm smile.

Mia walked Alejandro to the room he would stay in.

"This is your room," Mia said with her sweet smile.

"Thank you, without you, I would definitely sleep on the side of the road," Alejandro said with a sweet smile.

"Um, yeah," Mia blushed shyly.

Mia noticed that Alejandro's toes were bandaged.

"Why is that? Is your toe injured?" Mia asked.

"Yes, a little, don't worry about me," Alejandro smiled sweetly, then yawned.

"If you're sleepy, you can sleep; I won't disturb you," Mia said.

"Okay, thank you for understanding me," Alejandro said with a warm smile.

Alejandro bowed his body, then entered the room, which was clean, with only a wooden table and bed. It was also a bit cold inside.

Mia closed the bedroom door, letting Alejandro rest. She then sat on the sofa and smiled happily.

I can't believe it, today is my lucky day, finding a handsome man who is homeless and poor and bringing him to my house. I'm lucky!

Alejandro pondered.

I left a lot of evidence there, but why didn't my face appear in the news? Are they keeping this case secret? I think this is lucky.

Sly smile.