
The Counselor

I should break that silence which fell between us, that one which only sparked the tension in the room, but I was found gaping at the young man away, watching the delight which rushed to his gaze. In there was a haze of glee. One which mocked me, one that said, 'I know how well I've gotten you, and it would be unwise to turn away now' How those eyes scrutinized my form, Lord! Mouth was found turning dry, the tensity and anticipation coursing through every vein in me, building up so bad, and coming to burst up right in my chest. Those eyes were ravenous on my form, pulling mine so well, and I could tell you, my own eyes faltered, warmth rushing to every part of my being, and in a second, he brought his lips to mine, body freezing under his hold. It was a like a rush of breeze had snapped past me, with my legs found numb, I swallowed hard at the touch of the young man. I was tossed in a state of shock, left completely bewildered at what was happening, but more so, dumbfounded that I gave no resists to his actions. His lips remained light on mine, waiting for me to give entrance for his to settle in, and in a moment, they pushed in, sending every heat to my body. It came to last for as long as a minute was, our lips moving in sync, and only at that instant when his hands reached for my thighs, had I pushed him off at once, coming to realize what was enfolding. The silence that passed, gave enough volume to sound of our breaths and pants. While the young man away remained watching me, I avoided that scrutiny of his, hands adjusting my clothing. "Leave, Logan" My breath was low, voice heavy. No utterance was emitted from him. Those eyes only contracted on my form, watching as I brought my gaze to his. "Leave" I called yet again. "And let it be known that this will be our last counseling session" I dropped those words, right before moving away from him, meanwhile, I just could feel that scrutiny lingering on me.

ArazellaSnow · Urban
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28 Chs


The figure of a little girl sauntering over to me, was the first thing I came across upon my arrival at this place.

Such enormity of a house left my eyes skimming from here to there, accessing all that came with the building.

The environs were serene, undisturbed, and laid around the house were a bed of flowers, like that didn't do enough adding to the beauty of the already magnificent area.


Those bright eyes took a peek from behind the door, peering on at my form stood right by the entrance.

"We've long awaited your arrival"

That voice of hers was soft, a bright smile plastered on those lips, while she revealed herself before me.

"Long awaited my arrival? What's your name, sweetheart?"

I crouched low to her height, hands reaching to caress her cheeks.

"I'm Lily" She called out, flashing a smile, revealing a set of missing teeth.

"Oh, Lily. What have I told you about answering the door?" A voice called from behind, with the figure of a robust lady soon coming into view.

Her eyes took in my form, gaze skimming me up to down, and in a moment, a warm smile had crossed those lips.

"You must be Logan's teacher!" She called out, pulling the door even wider.

"His counselor" I corrected, returning her smile.

"Oh, do come on in. Mr and Mrs Marshall have been expecting you" She took a step back, pulling the little girl to a side, as they both made way for me to proceed in.

I was ushered into such elegance of a home, with the peace that struck my being upon entry made to linger with me.

The entire area was covered in white, the glass doors bearing your reflection at every corner you turned to, this place was a wonderland.

"You're just in time for lunch"

"Please, after you" She gestured pointing the way to the large room on the other end. My feet were slow, purse held tightly to my chest, while my eyes did a thorough examination of the area.

Those chandeliers which hung low, shone so bright into my eyes, with the lights it gave lighting up the area.

I got to the room acting as the dining area, beholding the sight which came before me. The table had been lined up with bowls of meal, a fountain of desserts stood at the center, alongside a number of glasses filled with water.

"What's the occasion?" I was forced to ask, seeing what was before me, but the lady returned my question with only a smile, leaving the little girl with me, while she made way out the room.

"You may have your seat?" I heard the voice of Lily calling out, with those tiny hands of hers reaching to pull out a seat for me.

"Mom and Dad will be with you shortly" She followed.

"Give me a minute, let me go fetch Logan" And off she went, scurrying away, leaving me to the silence that had taken the room.

What was this place?

Such calming home for one to be in, the tranquillity that followed was one that would have you lingering here.

It just was peaceful.

There soon came the sound of footsteps drawing in, and at each second, they became louder pulling closer, and soon enough, I came to behold two figures making their way in.

"Miss Sangretti!" I stared blankly at the lady who pulled towards me, arms outstretched while she planted a peck on both sides of my cheek.

"Such delight to have you in my home"

"Thank you, Mrs Marshall" I followed.

"Please, Call me Sarah" She called at once, taking the seat opposite my form.

"This is my husband, Michael"

I turned to the man who had walked in, gaze acknowledging me. That resemblance he held with Logan was so strong, it was bound to hit you upon first meet.

"We welcome you to our home" He let out in a low voice, taking a seat away.

"I must tell you—Mrs Marshall began, grabbing the cutleries off the napkin, reaching to dig into the strips of meat centered on the plate before her—It was of much joy when I received a call from the principal stating that our boy had been of such good conduct lately, all praises to you"

"Oh, I did nothing, really" I scoffed.

"Don't go being modest now, Miss Sangretti" That voice called, with the eyes of the man away, rested on me.

"Our son's behavior has changed entirely" He called.

"It is no secret how hard the death of Ashton struck him, and ever since, he turned away from us. We found a stranger in our son, no longer could communicate with him, barely caught sight of him, but all that ended few weeks ago. Logan's changed now.

"We'll forever be indebted to you, Miss Sangretti"

"You really are making me feel like I have done something special" I gave a low chuckle, taking a sip out of the glass in front of me.

"Perhaps, you did something special" Mrs Marshall called

"However can we repay you?" She followed.

"It is my job, ma'am. Seeing the people under my care get better, is every reward I seek"

"Nonsense" Mr Marshall followed.

"State whatever it is you need, and we'll have it before you right now"

"It's alright, Sir" I smiled.

"Where's Logan, if I may ask"

"Probably in his room" Followed the response of the lady.

"Decided to leave out on this one, so we could get to know you better" She let out a breath, soon sitting up in her chair, eyes directed at me.

"So tell me, Miss Sangretti. Where do you stay?" That delight-filled gaze, were made to beam on at me, taking in every bit of my profile.

"North of the town" I stated.

"So far isn't it?"

"It is, ma'am" I smiled "But I'm made to survive, regardless"

"We appreciate a driven young lady" Mr Marshall grinned, eyes fixed on my form.

God! That uncanny resemblance he shared with his son, was killing. Those eyes which were similar to the ones of the young man I had gotten acquainted with in the past few weeks, not to forget that smile.

"Are you married?" I heard the voice of the lady follow.

"Come on, Sarah. You can't go asking that to a lady you just met" Mr Marshall pitched in.

"It's fine" I gave a smile, shifting in my seat.

"I'm not married"

"So you stay alone?" She questioned.

"Yes, I do live alone"

"Doesn't it get lonely?" Her eyes were rushed with interest, gaze never leaving my form.

"I believe I've gotten used to it" I mentioned.

"But you are such a beautiful lady, Miss Sangretti. Any man would be lucky to have you" She let out with that smile still on her lips.

While the gazes of the couple accessed my form, I was found shifting in my seat, avoiding their lingering scrutinies.

"May I use the restroom?" I called at once, getting to my feet.

"Of course" Followed Sarah. "Just take the stairs, it's five doors down the hall"

And off I went, ascending the never ending staircase, proceeding into a hall that seemed like to be found lost in.

Like I hadn't already been wowed with all that came with the house, I was left beholding the interiors of each room I bypassed.

Why were the doors left open to begin with?

The silence. It still lingered in this corner.

I pushed past a door, and another, and just about moving forward to where I had been directed to, when eyes caught sight of that familiar figure.

Taking a couple steps back, I beheld his figure once more in one of the rooms. Form sat on the bed, head bent low, I was left wonder why he sat in the silence.


His gaze had snapped up to my form, eyes resting on me, while I pulled closer to the door.

"Why didn't you come down?"

His eyes remained watching me as I stood by the doorway.

"Didn't feel like it" He uttered, soon getting to his feet, moving over to where I was.

His hands had slipped into mine in a second, and at once, he pulled me slowly into the murk of a room.

"Nice room" I called, eyes shifting here to there, observing the interiors that were all of a gloom color.

"Although, I can't figure out why you've decided to have your curtains shut, with all the lights turned off. I barely could make out your figure in here"

Not to lie, it really did take a lot for my eyes to register his form in the room. The area was completely dark, I made sure to draw my steps slowly, cautious not to run into anything, but his hands remained holding mine, showing me in.

"The room doesn't belong to me" He let out in a low voice.

"It's Ashton's"

I turned to him at the drop of those words, eyes holding his.

He soon went reaching for the curtains parting them open, so little light could pour in.

"You don't need to do that" I followed at once.

"I'm fine with it, Cara" He called after me, moving to another end of the room.

I watched him tear out an item from the drawer at the corner, soon turning to me with outstretched hands.

"Ashton" He pronounced, voice low, while he presented the picture on to me.

I was met with two young kids, beaming cheek to cheek in the photograph, their gazes boring into mine.

"He's the one on the right" Followed Logan.

That innocent face of the boy in the picture, I stared into. Eyes filled with life, they were enough to hold one's scrutiny.

"It was in this same room he died" Logan began.

"Right on that spot you stand" I looked up at him, gaze holding his.

"He had barged in here, with my figure trailing after his, while the sound of our yells broke out all over the house"

"Maddison was over that very day" He let out.

"She beheld both of us engaging in our usual quarrels, except, that was to be our last"

"Mother had called in the day before, stating that she couldn't attend his game, an hour later, she showed up at my school for the parents' forum"

"He blamed me for being neglected, but that sure wasn't the cause of his anger, for that day when he came home, I called him a weakling for not being able to bear the sight of his brother, being attended to by our own parents"

"I told him to stop acting a wimp, and rather stick to what he loved doing best, keeping away from everyone"

"I told him to kill himself"

My eyes gaped on at him, taking in the blank expression sat on his face.

"My words presented that Knife into his hands which he slit his wrist with" Logan followed.

"Don't say that, Logan" I called at once, taking his hands softly.

"Whatever decision a person makes, it is solely on them" I called.

"Ashton chose to end his life, not because you said it out of some rage, not because he chose to listen to you, but because he gave in to it" I let out.

"You hold no part in his death" I called at once.

"Cara, I do"

"Look at me" My hands rested on his face, eyes holding his.

"You know why you've been able to survive all this while, it's because you're strong enough"

"You've fought through it, Logan"

"That's why you're here" I called.

His gaze remained locked in mine, hands soft in my hold, and in a moment, he had brought his lips to mine, body pushing forward.

I made no resist at all, my hands remained over his neck, while his lips found their way through mine. His hands came pulling my figure closer to his chest, the warmth between our forms becoming even prominent.

He pulled back in a while, eyes warm, and in a low breath, his voice broke out.

"Cara" That breath of his grabbed me, eyes shifting through.

"I know I've done a lot to have alarmed you lately, but I don't want to lose you, Cara" His breath poured out, gaze soft in mine.

"I can't lose you" He added.

Every word got lost in my throat, as I stared at that figure away from me. Those eyes had much sincerity that struck me, with the sound of his breaths pouring into my ears.

"Do not leave me" His voice was low, gaze shifting through mine.


And with that I had pulled him into my embrace, hands wrapped around his form. The sound of his breaths was all that poured into my ears, with body soon relaxing in my hold.