
The core that developed the underground

Will only put the starting happenings on the ch names (just pulling strings seeing if I like em then look at other ways to do things so I’m trying to see what I’m good at or improve myself)

K1tten · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The first summoning

Madison was doing the normal boring job time after time, finding the best places to start mines, her brown hair could be compared to the dirt if it wasn't for the silky texture, and with her great search magic that allowed her to know what was with in a mile radius but Madison's brain would overload if it was used to the fullest.

on the 50th one found by Madison she was getting her break when a magic circle appeared, falling in it then the magic circle disappeared behind her. The people in charge of keeping Madison safe saw it happen but weren't ready to help because they had a magic barrier up which should've blocked all magic.

"What happened" Madison thought as her head was still throbbing with pain. she looked up at a huge boulder in the center of the room which had vines growing on it and flying light like things around it also there was light coming from the roof there was also breathable air she noticed all these things before fainting again.

Madison groaned, while being able to stand after waking she looked at the boulder and felt a weird sensation coming from it so she used her magic on it the magic gave some backlash but identified it, well...



(Mana absorbed ? total ?)

(Mana used

summon 1 - use ?


"What does core mean and why are there unknown variables I thought my spell would work without question" she mumbled to herself then the Core glowed as Madison's magic was absorbed and she fell into fatigue as the Core glowed with mana