
The Conundrum

Nuezelea, a country which was known for its peaceful coexistence between the Humans and the "Majestros"; humans with special abilities, special powers. But this peaceful environment did not last long, a fatal war broke out between the two communities. The war ended on a note - The Majestros being exterminated. But not all were killed, some went into hiding and survived.The ones who survived the catastrophe, today live under scrutiny. Over the time the Majestros became the antagonist of the past, they became a community loathed by the citizens. Nora Williams, an eighteen year old and a citizen of this prestigious country. Good friends, a loving family, technically she had a pretty normal life, but she had a secret. Everything was calm and peaceful, until an incident turned her life around. A truth is revealed that made her eighteen years of life fallacious. Everything seems unreal now, her friends, her family, she has no idea how to face them, how to survive among the people she trusted the most. But now she has no choice but rather to accept what the destiny holds for her and survive in this same yet different world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This novel is a romance fiction. The setting of this novel is completely fictional, set in the fictional country of Nuezelea. Ps. This is my first time trying my hand at writing a novel. Any constructive criticism is strongly welcomed!!! *** The copyrights of the cover image goes to the real owner. If any issues please contact me. ***

Serene_Knight · Urban
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

First time

"Luke come on already. How long is it going to take?"

"Just a second sweetheart." He said still looking into his laptop.

Nora slumped down on the the couch beside him and sighed, "You've been onto this thing since forever. Even I reached my seemingly impossible target. How long?"

He didn't answer her but continued on with his work while Nora just sat there staring out at the city skyline.

After a good hour Luke finally shut down his laptop and stretched his arms, "All done."

"Finally." Nora dragged on the word, "now can we have our movie night?"

"Sure thing." He ruffled her hair, "Go choose a movie I'll bring the popcorn."

"Go? Aren't we gonna stay here?" She straightened herself.

"Why do we have a movie night in the living room when we have a home theater." He looked at her with confusion.

"Home theater? You have a home theater here."

"Yes." He shrugged as if wasn't a big deal, "Now get going it's down the hall." He took her hands and pulled her up from the couch.

As he said, there really was a home theater in here. Turning on the lights she stepped in and just like every other room it was huge. The walls were painted in a shade of light grey and one of the walls sported a huge flat screen with wooden panels behind it. There was a dark gray couch at the back of the room on a raised platform and two chairs of the same shade in the front with a black table in the middle. "What are you waiting for?" Luke's voice made her turn her head. He was heading down the hall with a bowl of popcorn and two cans of soft drinks.

As they headed inside he kept the tray on the table, "So which movie?"

"Uh, I'm not sure. Can we watch WALL-E?" She looked up at him.

"WALL-E? I've heard it's a good watch but never watched it." He said turning on the flat screen.

"Seriously you haven't watched WALL-E!" Nora asked bewildered, "So WALL-E it is. We're going to watch WALL-E."

"As you wish." He ruffled her hair once again and moved to the couch. He picked up the blanket from the couch and opened it up, getting a confused look from Nora he explained, "It gets chilly in here." She nodded and grabbed the popcorn from the table.

The movie began and they settled on the couch. Half an hour into the movie Luke spoke, "Nora seriously?" "What?" She asked. She already had the blanket over herself with the bowl between them. "You need the blanket too?" He sighed, "You really don't know anything, do you?" He placed the bowl in the holder of the armrest on his side. Then pulled her towards himself, she squealed, "Hey." He wrapped an arm around her while her head rested on his shoulders. "I don't think that'll be comfortable for you." She shifted under him.

"No this is very much comfortable than the distance you put between us before." He pulled her closer. "Now let me watch the movie."

Nora was stiff in his arms but he didn't let go. He'd let her have her way for a long time now, watching her put distance between them every chance she got made him somewhat upset, but now with her in his house there was no way he was letting her do that. But what confused him was, it wasn't this way before but with her, he just couldn't have enough, he always found excuses to touch her and even the slightest touch from her stirred up something deep inside him. His attention shifted back to her when he felt her move, she threw the blanket over him and smoothened it, then she leaned back again resting her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist; he just couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Nora felt Luke's eyes on her and she turned to look up at him, he was smiling down at her. She thanked heavens for the dim lighting which prevented Luke from getting a good look of her face which was probably cherry red now. She wasn't a fan of physical touch but with Luke, it was different. His every gentle touch left her wanting more. It was the first time she ever craved for human touch; she was glad and embarrassed at the same time that what she craved for was Luke's touch. With a wide smile on her face she cuddled him and got her attention back at the movie.

They watched the rest of the movie just like that, in each other's arms. When the movie finally ended Nora looked up at Luke who was not-so-surprisingly looking at her, "So, what do you say how was the movie?"


"Good? That's it?" She straightened herself, "Okay wait, let's try it again. So what do you say–" Luke swung her around so she was facing him, she was on his lap, her legs on either side of him, "I want you Nora."

She was left utterly speechless, here she was asking him about the movie and here he was telling her something she didn't expect. "Luke... I" she stuttered. She tried to move but his eyes fixed her in place. His gaze was intense and she could swear his eyes were a shade darker. They had something in them, something she couldn't point out. Surprisingly his gaze did not make her a bit comfortable, even with the intensity he was looking at her.

"Nora," his hand started moving up and down her arm, "I've made it more than clear that I want you on several occasions and I know I promised you to give you as much time as you wanted but with you here in my house, with me, I'm barely able to keep myself in check. I don't have any idea how long my control would last." He snuggled into her neck and placed small kisses there before biting her skin softly. He froze when he heard a sniffle, he looked up to see Nora's eyes shining with unshed tears, "Nora," his hands cupped her cheeks, "I'm sorry, I'll stop." He pulled her closer and hugged her tightly. "It's okay Nora." He said rubbing her back, "it's okay."

"No it's not," came back the reply in a small voice, "It's not okay. I want you too but–" Luke pulled her away before she could complete. "You want me too?" He asked. She looked in his eyes and then looked away and nodded and continued, "I want my first time to be with you." Her face heated up with embarrassment and she flushed, her face beet red. "First time?" He looked at her dumbfounded, "I'll be your first?" He asked slowly as if testing the words. She nodded.

Luke looked at Nora who was sporting fifty shades of red on her face. Knowing that she wanted him too was more than enough for him but when she dropped the bomb he couldn't control his feelings. It wouldn't have mattered to him anyway, she was his and that's all that mattered to him. But her confession didn't do any good, it only made him more impatient, his so-called control had now went down the drain but he knew he had to take it slow. He promised her that she would be the one keeping the pace. "Then what's wrong sweetheart?" He cupped her cheek and the tears returned, his heart clenched.

"I... I'm afraid you won't like me anymore if you see it." The tears threatening to fall anytime now.

"Oh Nora, there's nothing in this world that could stop me from loving you. No matter what it is, I swear to love every part you." He tilted her chin up so she looked up at him, "Now Nora promise me you won't say anything like that ever again. Ever."

"I promise." She murmured and looked up in his eyes.