
The controller

A boy came to earth from another planet due to some war incident that occurred in his planet , he escped to earth, were he came across a woman who helped him in adjusting to the things of the earth but little did he know that the monsters that destroyed his planet will still follow him to earth and now he's looking for a way to handle the situation. what can he do ? can he be able to save earth ? does he have the power to overcome the situation? "did he got a helping hand? there is one more problem he had and that problem was that he wasn't allowed to let earth people know about him having powers but for how long will he continue to hide his ability " You think I wouldn't find you , oh how senseless of you but thank you for showing me the other planets you showed me before coming to earth, which I collected what belongs to me before destroying each and every one of them. Now that am here I will take what you stole from me and escaped to earth and still take what belongs to me , this planet his hiding " Queen lilinan said through Nora with a weird laughter, she dreamed walked inside and making use of her to do her biding " I will stop you with whatever it takes " Kein said determinedly " Foolish boy , can you be able to withstand me ?" Lilinan asked with raised eyebrows " Yes I will , because am not alone " " Oh really, you think that your kings egg you stole from me will help you ? " lilinan asked smirking " What have you done to my parents !!!!?" Kein yelled with anger " Oh about that, I turned them into one of my subjects " Download to read more, the more you read the more you understand like and comment

chiboss050 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

I thought earth people don't have powers ( how come ?)

Kein followed the girl until she reached a certain lonely hallway and stopped, she sighed resignedly before turning towards him

" I thought I have warned you before to stop stalking me ?"

" yes, and I let you do whatever you wish with me because I don't want to create a fuzz in school but that won't happen again " Kein declared

" oh" the girl exclaimed, she was awestruck by the braveness of Kein. she scoffed before looking at him

" you don't know who is messing with Kein or whatever you call yourself"

" I hope you know that, I saw you that day you stole that money at the mall"

" what money," she said with a confused look

" stop pretending Kelly, I know you are the one"

" you saw a ghost, not me"

" Okay, since you are not the one that jumped the building why cut your hair and why the wounded face? " Kein asked her but she was silent so he continued " because you know that your hair was seen by everyone who was there at that time, and I know you are trying everything to heal the wounds on your face to avoid being recognized " Kein noted but Kelly furrowed her brows

" I just don't understand what you talking about, my face was injured because I mistakenly slipped and smashed my face on my mirror " she lied and started walking away " goodbye Kein"

Kein noticing that the girl is not ready to say the truth anytime soon decided to force the truth out of her by shooting a golden beam of light at her but she dodged it by backflipping. when still in the air, she flings her arms at Kein, tiny daggers were sent at him but he stopped the daggers directly in front of him with his controlling ability before sending the daggers back to the sender but she dodged all the daggers due to her fast reflexes and the weapons stuck to the walls and floors behind her, then she puts her hands together and started separating them slowly, as she was separating them, a bright sword was forming in-between her hands and she points the sword at Kein

" Hey, hold on, we are not fighting" Kein raised his hands resignedly when he saw the sword Kelly formed " waw.... that's a badass power you got there"

" Now you have seen what you wanna see, can you stop stalking me ?" Kelly asked still pointing the sword at him " I thought I was the only one that had power but I didn't know you had one" she muttered

" I thought earth people don't have abilities, how come you had one ?" Kein asked still confused

" what do you mean by earth people, are you not from earth ?" Kelly asked now holding the sword tight

" Can you stop pointing that sword at me, you know I can kill you with just a fling of my hand " Kein sarcastically stated with a smirk

" Who are you ?" Kelly asked alerted, now turning the sword into two pairs of daggers, holding each in one hand while walking around Kein who was standing in the middle

" I am the only survival of the ectopia planet and that power you had was owned by Gika, Queen of the Jupiter planet "

" How did you know that ?" Kelly was knocked for six by kein's statement, she wondered how Kein come to know of the creature that gave her the superpower

" Because we are being taught on my planet about it, the powers of the nine rulers. and am sure she must have informed you about the incoming war..."

" how am I sure that you are not the incoming war ?" Kelly asked with raised brows

" no, am not the villain, the one stronger than me is on her way coming to take over earth, am sure that's the reason Gika gave you her power so you can be able to use it to save your planet" he explained but Kelly was still dazed over the situation

" so, all you want to tell me now is that you are an alien, hahaha what a freaky joke" she laughed with tears in her eyes

" This is not a joking matter Kelly, my planet was destroyed as well as hers, and am sure she might not have come from Jupiter just to give you her power for nothing, where's she? I mean the warrior queen" Kein asked but Kelly just looked by the side

"she vaporized in front of me into the tin air" she answered

" I am also here to save the earth and you have to help me save it, look, the earth is the only planet left the other planets have been destroyed and the reason the earth hasn't been destroyed is because of me....."

" Are you God ?" Kelly asked with a wry

" no, what I mean is that I am the key to earth destruction, if queen gets hold of my powers, she will use it to take over the earth " Kelly rolled her eyes

" you know what Kein, I just don't understand anything you are saying, queen this, the queen that, I thought science taught us that earth is the only planet live is if you might have said mars I could have agreed with you but ectopia and Jupiter no no I can agree with that. so Kein, stop involving me in your universe war or planet war of yours but if queen linen or whatever she calls herself comes to my planet, let her know that I will be ready for her" she highlighted and left

Kein stood there confused, he doesn't know what to do next, Kelly is such a strong head so he decided to go discuss it with his king in the king's void.