
Never Did He Care When She Cried (2)

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Ling Chuxia's refined brow crinkled as her deep-seated insecurities engulfed her.

Her purse and mobile were in her handbag. Now she had no money, no mobile phone, and no clue as to where she was. The place was so deserted and remote. How was she going to get home?

Ling Chuxia stood there helplessly for some time. Time ticked by like an old man. She knew that Shi Che would not come back to pick her. Of course, he was in such a fiery rage earlier, and from the way he looked, it was as if he would devour her. It would be impossible that he would return for her.

She could only depend on herself, otherwise… once dusk set in, she would be helplessly stranded.

But, what could she do now?

Ling Chuxia frowned as she pondered her options. She could recall the scenes on tv programs, where the leading actress would show off her sexy long legs to seductively lure taxi-drivers to her aid.

She banished such thoughts as she had no guts to execute such a ploy. Her viable option was to borrow a handphone from a passer-by to make a call to get help.

She searched for road signs and saw on one sign that the nearest petrol station was five hundred meters away. As long as she could make it to the petrol kiosk, she could get to a phone.

Ling Chuxia focused on her goal and headed forward. Very quickly she reached the petrol station and saw a few employees scattered around the petrol kiosk.

Ling Chuxia was relieved and strode towards a young man dressed in uniform. She explained herself and the attendant offered his phone generously.

Ling Chuxia gripped the mobile phone and attempted to recollect the phone numbers etched in her memory.

She was most familiar with Shi Che's mobile number. However, it was impossible to call him at this instant. The next number on her list would be the family home number. She was reluctant to dial that number. Mrs. Shi was already displeased with her and would devise ways of driving her away once she discovered the extent of Shi Che's disdain for her.

As the two most familiar numbers were out as her options, she was at a loss as to whom she could seek help from.

She had grown up in the Shi family since she was a little girl. As the child bride of the Shi family, her social circle was confined to the Shi family's members. She genuinely had no one to turn to for assistance.

Ling Chuxia was worried. Did she need to resort to calling the police station to get the police officers to send her home?

Just when she felt completely distraught, she suddenly caught sight of a big poster hanging at the petrol kiosk. The lady on the poster was pretty and had alluring fair skin. Her casual pose was stylish and elegant. Under the bright sunlight, she was glimmering attractively.

Eureka! Ling Chuxia had finally found her benefactor.