

They were living their lives normally. But they got chosen by the ancient crystals, found by the Wizard, KAZAN. And after they were chosen their lives took an awesome turn. Now they are to go on dangerous mission in order to prove themselves and learn more of their powers. Find out how they went through the journey and the mysterious things they faced on the way.

Treasure_Sunday_4274 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 4

A\N I really hope u guys are enjoying my story. if there is something you don't like pls comment on it so that I can improve. pls rate my book, and also I need ur reviews. pls support me like I said its my first time writing a book. but anyways thanks for the recent views . love y'all.

Izzy's POV

I was rolling in bed when my alarm rang. I sprang up from bed, unwillingly, damn its Monday again(I feel ur pain sister). I put off the annoying alarm clock and got off the bed, I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine.

10mins later.....

Arhh I'm so fresher up, but that's when I remembered the events of yesterday. shit I'm going to see them in school today....I shook the thought off my head and started to get dressed but I saw the photo book.. no wait ,scratch that.... the destroyed photo book of yesterday, and that's when I remembered, yeah I've got powers. so I decided to check if it was still there, I closed my eyes and relaxed, then opened my palm , all of a sudden, I felt a feeling go through my body, my palm started emitting red flame , I was wowed, I played with it for some time before I heard my mom yell my name.....oops I got late again, I shook my hand to stop the fire then ran downstairs....


I arrived at the dinning and grabbed a toast and a bottled water, then ran out, my mum kept yelling my name but I said,Love you mom, then ran out....After I was out of the house , I slowed down and continued my bad habit, eating on the road..

10mins later.....

I arrived at college, I went inside but lesson hasn't started so I decided to go to my hostel but on getting there I saw Stacey. but she didn't even look at me, she just hissed passed me...wow I still can't believe that Stacey of all people would betray me.....

20 mins later,

we were all seated in the hall, and we were been taught history...and he died in the 70's said our history teacher, while in was busy writing....

After like an hour or so, the class ended, and we swarm out...several subjects later, it was time for lunch. I sat at the farthest part of the cafeteria and was eating peacefully, but when I looked to my right , Phillip and Stacey were being all lovey-dovey, urggh this is a place for eating, gosh,..... some people are jealous said Stacey, oh yeah I said to my self and smirked, I waited for them to be done with their romance and when they wanted to leave as I thought, I looked at her bag until it caught fire, she screamed and tried to put off the fire but to no avail she poured water on the bag and in the process socked her self, Phillip took her out, I was just laughing.....(Ohh someone is mastering her powers).....

Devin POV

I was at home playing some video game but I got bored, I decided to try something new, remembering my new powers.... let's try something new I said..so I went to my backyard where I kept all my plants, but non of them looked sick, suddenly I thought of an idea, I looked to my left where there was a big enough space for a tree, and smiled to myself (a\n thinking what I'm thinking😁). so I went there and sat in the middle with my legs crossed, like I was meditating, I calmed down and took a deep breath and then placed my both hands on the ground gently but after a minute forced my hands down, I felt a warm sensation flow in my body then I felt my eyes change colour and then green emitted from my hand,when I felt something flowing I opened my eyes, rose up and lifted my hands up directly to the sky, suddenly a tree grew but it was small though but green leaves has started growing out of it ...wow after a moment of my admiration I felt tired but excited that me having powers was real.. I mean wow... I went to shower then felt like taking a nap besides we have a big competition with one of the best players....

Jasper's POV

I was enjoying my sweet slumber when my alarm rang, I was solo frustrated, like literally, it just disturbed my beauty sleep, but when looked at the time I sprang up from the bed, Holy guacamole, today's the D day for the water surfing competition, and it was starting by 9 am but here I was on the bed at 8:25 shit ...I rushed into the bathroom and did , wait scratch that , I actually rushed through my morning routine... after about 20 minutes , I was done dressing, not forgetting to put my surf trunks in my mini cross bag... I rushed out of the house and hailed a cab oh shit ,I cursed.....


The cab arrived after 5 minutes, I paid him and rushed down to the venue just in time for the announcer to announce that the game is going to start in ten. I went into my dressing room to change into my trunks, then grabbed my surf board...After some time the announcer said we should all come out, so we came out and lined up, under the sunlight we were 7 in number and my friend, Jace was amongst them but when I looked on , I saw freak , Jim, he was always jealous of me, and always cheating. I was the fifth person, but to me it was no big deal, since I am one of the best(:-( narcissist). The competition started when the short gun sounded . Every one put their boards downs into the water, we all started surfing while using our hands as the paddle, then we stood and started surfing , each one of us trying to get to the check point. After some sick moves I started getting close at first place but suddenly a force hit me making me loose balance falling into the water, what was that, I asked, that's when I saw the freak, I got so mad, ehe, so that's how you want at, I stood up back on my board though I was know in the fourth place, I calmed my self then my eyes turns blue , I surfed with so much speed , passes the first, then the second , then the third, and it kept on going like that until in reached second place, behind the freak, with my eyes blue, I looked at the water, and then beneath Jim board , the water swirled causing his board to swirl too, he kept on swirling while I got to the first place, after some surfing I got to the check point and took the flag, my fans shouted in joy, then I just swam back to shore. Jace ended up being third place . After some celebration they gave me my trophy for first place, gave Adam second place trophy, and Jace the third place trophy, we celebrated, and when it was night time we went back home forgetting that freak, haha, come to think of it, that was really funny, haha, that's what u get for messing with me.....Okay, yeah I didn't say it , I'm actually a pro surfer with lots of awards and trophies and that's why I'm always causing attention(😒)....

A\N: hi y'all ,its ur girl T, hope y'all enjoyed this one. Know who else thinks that Jasper is a narcissist. pls share ur opinion and reviews. it will mean so much to me, to know that rather than only view I also get comments, reviews and recommendations. thanks again my lovelies😘😘.pls wait for more