566 Chapter 566-Now That Was Easy.....

I surrendered to the intoxicating desire that enveloped me, my hands firmly gripping her waist as I nestled myself against her. Her wet folds were a seductive embrace, their heat beckoning me to plunge deeper. I could hear her muffled moans, her voice a melody of yearning.

With deliberate slowness, I penetrated her, savoring the tightness and warmth that welcomed me. Her moans echoed in the room as I filled her completely, her body stretching to accommodate my fullness. I pulled back and pushed in again, each movement deliberate, each thrust fueling the fire between us.

She wriggled beneath me, her plea for more evident in her actions and the desire that burned in her eyes. But I had other plans in mind. I wanted to hear her beg, to relish the sweet sound of her voice as she cried out for release. "Master, please~..." Her honesty and vulnerability were endearing, but I was determined to make her wait.


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