
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 Jack and The Conqueror's escape

Nine years later. The Conqueror's power is still unstable and one day a spaceship lands on the planet and three people walk out of the spaceship. One old man one young lady and a young man the lady says "Joe why are we on this uninhabited planet this is a huge waste of time!" The old man says "You can never be sure there might be some intelligent life form here!" The girl says "Jack what do you think about this world?" Jack the young man says "I think we should get off this world right now Marry" Marry the young girl says "Why's that Jack?" Jack says "That's why look out Joe!" Joe is sent flying by an Ice giant with a Ice club. Joe lands hard on the ground and is attacked by a pack of twenty spider monsters and eaten. Marry says "Joe but this world isn't supposed to have any life so how?" Jack says "Marry Joe is dead and nothing will change that and if you want to live then you have to do what I say when I say to do it can you do that Marry?" Marry is crying so much to talk Jack says louder "CAN YOU DO THAT MARRY?" Marry says "Yes just don't let me die Jack!" The spider monsters get closer to Jack and Marry so does the Ice giant. Jack says "Get down now!" Marry gets down as Jack launches a fire attack at both the Ice giant and the spider Monsters burning them to death he stops the attack and says "Now get on the spaceship now and wait for me!" Marry gets back to the spaceship and says "You better come back Jack!" Jack says "I will trust me Marry" Marry enters the spaceship. Jack is surrounded by one hundred Ice giants on his left side. One hundred spider Monsters on his right side side. One hundred scorpion monsters in front of him and one hundred giant skeletons on fire. Jack says "Come and kill me if you can!" Jack is attacked from all sides at once. Jack burns everything but the giant fire skeletons to the ground with one attack. Jack than defeats the giant fire skeletons with a lightning attack. Jack smiles but is then sent flying by a flaming dinosaur and a lightning dinosaur. Jack gets back up but another Dinosaur arrives this one is an Ice dinosaur and a fourth dinosaur arrives as well as this one is a nature Dinosaur. Jack is ready for a fight and smiles at them. The fire dinosaur is on the left. The lightning dinosaur is on the right. The Ice dinosaur is behind Jack as the Nature Dinosaur is infront of Jack. Jack says "This is going to be interesting come at me all four of you are going down!" The fire dinosaur launches a fire energy cannon from it's mouth at Jack. The Lightning dinosaur launches a Lightning energy cannon from it's mouth at Jack. The Ice dinosaur launches a Ice energy cannon from it's mouth at Jack. The Nature Dinosaur launches launches out a nature energy cannon from it's mouth at Jack this all happens at once. Jack says "Oh shit!" Jack stops the Fire dinosaur's attack with an Ice energy attack he stops the Ice dinosaur's attack with a fire energy attack and he stops the Lightning dinosaur's attack with a Nature energy attack. However he gets hit with the Nature Dinosaur's attack. This hurts Jack a lot. Jack kills the Ice dinosaur with a fire attack he kills the fire dinosaur with a Ice attack. Jack kills the Lightning dinosaur with a water attack. Jack kills the nature Dinosaur with a fire attack. Jack is out of breath and exhausted. Jack is surrounded by spider Monsters that are preparing to attack. Jack gets ready for another fight he says "Come on come at me I will kill all of you bring it!" The spider Monsters are about to attack but stop and retreat. Jack says "Yeah you better run!" Jack hears a voice behind him say "They aren't running from you they are running from me" Jack turns around and says "Who or what are you?" The Conqueror says "I am the Conqueror who are you?" Jack says "I am Jack" The Conqueror says "How did you get here?" Jack says "By spaceship" The Conqueror says "Take me to your spaceship" Jack says "Why should I do that Conqueror?" The Conqueror says "To keep your life that's why" The Conqueror grabs Jack by the neck and says "Take me to your spaceship now or die" Jack says "Ok I'll take you" A few minutes later they spot the spaceship. The Conqueror says "Is that it?" Jack says "Yes that's it" The Conqueror says "Are you alone?" Jack says "No I have friends" The Conqueror smiles and says "Then I can just kill you" The Conqueror kills Jack and uses an ability that steals Jack's power and gives it to him. The Conqueror says "Did it work?" The Conqueror heads to the spaceship and enters it and says "Fly this thing somewhere" Marry says "Who are you?" The Conqueror says "I am the Conqueror now fly this thing somewhere now!" Marry says "Not without Jack" The Conqueror says "Is he the young man I saw not long ago?" Marry says "You saw him? Where is he?" The Conqueror says "When I found him he was being attacked by monsters I tried to save him but I was not fast enough they killed him and ate him but before he died he said to get off this planet and protect his friend I am sorry" Marry says "It can't be not Jack but if that's true than his last words.. okay where do you want to go?" The Conqueror says "Anywhere that holds more intelligent life" Marry says"I know just the place so tell me Conqueror have you ever heard about Earth three?" The Conqueror says "No but I know of Earth two tell me how many Earth's are there?" Marry says "There should be fourty that were created but because of war and other stuff there are only about fourteen but one of those fourteen is in the control of dinosaurs this started last year with the very first of these dinosaurs so that Earth is left alone for now but anyway let's go" The Conqueror says "Only fourteen of them remain that's not a lot but who cares I am ready to go to Earth three" Marry smiles and and says "Then here we go" Marry begins to fly the Conqueror to Earth three in the spaceship. The Conqueror watches Marry fly the spaceship. Then they arrive on Earth three.