
The Conquering and Genius Magical Engineer

If he had another chance, he would do things differently… The relationships he hadn’t pursued, the friends he hadn’t kept in contact with, the things he hadn’t enjoyed… He had had so many choices, so why was he now facing death? No… He knew why… His entitlement, his pursuit of immortal recognition, his stubbornness... He was the sole responsible for his team’s deaths, the fall of his family and the desecration of his name. Strangely, taking on this burden gave him a sense of comfort and closure. It was the least he could do if he truly wanted to earn forgiveness. When the Colonel saw Park's resigned face, he became angrier. How was this weakling calm during his last hour?! And for the last time, the burly man spoke. "You should have known being alive was better than being a fool" The final squeeze and metallic sound of the gun's hammer was the last thing Ji-ho heard before everything faded into obscurity... *** [System… Initiated] [Evaluation… Passed] [Recovery of memories and abilities… Achieved] [Reboot sequence… Initiated] … … … [Reboot sequence... Successful] [Welcome to Arcadia, Engineer Ji-ho!]

LaPlume · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Eulji Mundeok was the perfect subordinate for Arcadia.

He had everything Ji-ho lacked and more, relieving him a lot of stress.

The engineer also noticed the new stats and their definitions' conciseness, something he really appreciated as it made it much easier to memorize.

However, it worried him that the general's loyalty stood at 0.

He knew he couldn't fault him since he summoned him to an unknown and hostile land without permission, but he thought it'd be higher considering what they had just gone through.

Still, he realized that for Mundeok, his words might as well be those of a crazy man.

On another note, Park knew he'd also have to prioritize the general's progression.

With little to no information about Arcadia's dangers, it was a must if he wanted to ensure his safety.

[Congratulations on obtaining your first subordinate, user Ji-ho Park!]

The system's voice came crashing through the engineer's mind, much to his displeasure.

"Really!? Right now!?"

[I still have explanations, which I will begin right now]

"Wait! Can you at least talk to Mundeok? He needs a crash course on Arcadia, especially on its geography, geopolitics and occupants"

[It is possible to speak to him since he is your subordinate, but he cannot converse with me. He will simply hear my voice, with you acting as the relay. This function also only works with one person at a time. Would you like to proceed?]

Ji-ho immediately picked up on that bit. Was the system's access restricted?

"Why can I speak with you then? Is it because I'm new?"

[Every entity transported from elsewhere is privy to a course on Arcadia, which I am currently giving you. Once it's over, however, I 'erase' myself, meaning interactions are over. They will still be able to use certain functions, but no more. The natives can also use these functions, but they aren't briefed on Arcadia. Only rulers have indefinite access to the system, which is the status you chose previously]

The engineer felt blessed. His supposedly grave mistake was, in the end, a stroke of genius.

Simply thinking about being without the system was terrifying.

[However, the link between us will be severed if your cube gets destroyed, effectively making you a normal entity of this world]

This part sounded terrible, but it didn't worry him, as it'd be the least of his worries should such a catastrophic scenario happen.

Ji-ho then turned around to face Mundeok, who had been observing him attentively. He was quite interested in why Park had suddenly become distant and unresponsive.

"What I'm about to say will probably freak you out, but bear with me. You're about to hear the voice of a woman, in your head, who'll describe the state of Arcadia and its dynamics. Don't panic, I've been talking to her just now, and I gave her instructions on what to tell you"

The general became utterly confused.

"What are you talking about? A voice in my head?"

"You'll see. System, go ahead"

[Command confirmed]

Eulji wanted to retort, but he was instantly dumbstruck instead.

Ji-ho had expected him to lash out in fear, but he seemed entranced by the system's every word.

His composure honestly made him jealous…

It took a few minutes for the explanations to end, and when they did, the general looked at Ji-ho with fresh eyes.

"This is incredible. Were these the new things you said in your stories?"

"No, this was new for me as well. It's much more advanced than anything we ever had or created"

"How interesting"

Mundeok became pensive for a few seconds before asking another question.

"The woman told me about Orcs and Dwarves… What are those?"

"Oh, I forgot that you weren't exposed to the fantasy genre popularized in the modern era. Basically, Orcs are gigantic, greenish monsters that wage war and excel in battle because of their physical abilities. They're barbaric and do not possess an ounce of mercy or remorse. All their fights end in one side being completely wiped out. Dwarves, on the other hand, are small, stubby humanoids who are also strong, but less so than Orcs. Their true strength lies in their weapons' craftsmanship. Their technology is also better and more advanced. They're usually neutral, but they will not hesitate to defend themselves. They have iconic beards, so you'll recognize them right away"

Mundeok listened intently while memorizing every detail.

"I see… And since you said we'll conquer the world, it means I'll have to fight them, right?"

And following those words came a creepy and evil smile on the general's face, one that made Ji-ho tremble.

"I can't wait… Especially for Orcs… They seem like fun"

It was the first time Mundeok exposed that perverse part of his personality, and even though it terrified Park, he was also all for it.

Someone this excited in the face of adversity was invaluable. Using his precious item had not been in vain.

"You'll certainly have your chance"

Ji-ho also pondered about something else.

"System, can Eulji Mundeok see his stats panel?"

[Yes. It is one of the basic functions available to all in Arcadia]

"General, say 'Open Status Window'"

The general was confused, but still proceeded.

The engineer couldn't see it appear, but he knew it did the moment he saw Mundeok's expression change. It surprised the general at first, but the more he read, the… angrier he seemed?

"What the fuck is this!? I don't know what it all means, but it's telling me I'm a fifth of what I was in the past!? This can't be right!"


Park wanted to laugh, but now wasn't the time. He was pretty sure the general would still slice him in half if given the chance.

"That would be on me, as I had to use an item that limited your strength at the beginning. However, you'll quickly progress towards your original strength if you train, fight and gain knowledge. Plus, it was the only item I had… The system can confirm it if you want"

Ji-ho's delivery sounded genuine, which quelled his counterpart's anger.

After all, he recognized that Ji-ho was essentially in the same situation he was.

And with that chapter ending, the system resumed.