
The Connected Souls

[Completed] WHEN TWO SOULS FALL IN LOVE....... There is nothing else but the yearning to be close to one another. The presence is felt through a held hand, a voice heard and the sight of a smile. Even through a simple touch. Souls do not have calenders or clocks nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around. Your soul feels their absence and doesn't realize that the separation is temporary. Because love finds its way....... Death can set apart the bodies but not soul. Anastasia Prescott (23 years) A charming, young and innocent girl who lost her love, Ashton Watson three years back in a tragic incident which left her soul shattered into pieces which is beyond repair. She dedicates her life to WATSON CORPORATION, the dream of her beloved Ashton and make it big, just as he dreamed it to be. But while doing so she lost herself as she never overcome from his loss in her miserable life. She was a lifeless body without a soul who was adamant for ripping apart her every being in his memories. Ashton Watson (26 years) The young lad and the heir of Watson Corporation who was keen to pursue his dream of taking his father's empire to new heights. He fell head over heels for Anna and her innocence. He was determined about his future with her. But least did he know that he would not be able to keep his promises that he made to her. He knew that he was her everything and that is why he uttered the last words on his deathbed, "Live for me Anna. Don't ever give up on yourself. I love you and I will always be with you. You may not find me near you but I will always be around you." Regan Knight (29 years) A debanoir, one of the most dashing bachelor and the most successful entrepreneur of his generation. He is conceited and ruthless when it comes to business. Love is not a part of his lifestyle. But things change when he sets his eyes on Anna who beholds him in a trance from which he never wants to come out. He gradually understand the meaning of love and...... pain. He know he would never be able to replace him in her heart but after realizing his love for her, he is ready to accept this fact as his fate. He thinks his own love would be more than enough for both of them to spend rest of their lives together. All he wants is a chance from her, for her, for them. Will Anna move on? Will Regan be able to mend her? Will Regan and Anna have any chance of a future together? Join the emotional journey of Anastasia and Regan in search of love. The journey which throbs with emotions you never experienced, the agony and finally the blitheness which leaves you with nothing but bliss and contentment to love and to be loved by your precious. --- Excerpt --- "I love you Anna." He finally confessed. His heartfelt confession moved a string in her dead heart as if awakening her soul from a deep sleep. Those three simple words that were barely above a whisper held the utmost conviction of his every promise that he had silently made to her. She didn't expect something like that. Her eyes widened in shock and she muttered unbelievingly. "You love me?" She shook her head still not believing what she heard from him and gulped. "You love me. As….as a friend…..friend, right? As a….." The edges of his lips curled up slightly. Out of all the reactions, it was the most unexpected from her. She was still not ready to believe what she heard and he was determined to make her believe every word he said. He cut her off to speak further and repeated again. "I love you......as a man loves a woman Anastasia."

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139 Chs

Hiding the truth - I

The next couple of days were conventionally busy as always for Regan and Anna both. The land offered by Cullen's company was really worthful to start the project. It was a large mass of land spread over 150,000 sq. ft.

Anna was already up with the plan of making it the largest hotel of New York. Since she was working behind it since a long time, she already had her plans and designs done which she discussed with Regan as soon as he stepped in the office the next day.

Indeed he was not only amused but also impressed by the meticulous layout presented by her. With some changes here and there, they finally agreed on it and decided to start the process of construction at the earliest. The land was located on the north-west edge of the city. Although it was meant to be opulent, Anna wanted it to be a luxurious as well as a peaceful accommodation. The project was indeed very big as it was going to be a 55 storeyed luxurious hotel with more than 1500 rooms and 50 exclusive suites. Later with all the things in mind, they conducted an early meeting with the most famous architect of New York, George Hill. However, it took no time to settle everything between them as Anna was quite clear about her outlook for the construction and was beforehand prepared with everything. On the other hand, Regan's farsighted developmental ideas and theories combining with her plans were sure to result into the most positive upshot.

While Anna was finally appeased and let out an audible sigh inspite of the tumultuous back to back meetings, Regan was amused to see her in an inexhaustible workaholic mode. It was already evening when they wrapped up for the day.

He chuckled and said, "Mom and Dad should see you like this."

She frowned on hearing him unable to understand what he meant.

"What I mean is they'll definitely stop grumbling about me being a workaholic after watching you like this, especially mom."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I enjoy my work and besides, this project is one of my biggest dream and a special present to someone I love dearly. I can't waste a single minute see it accomplished at the earliest."

"Ashton?" He couldn't help but voiced out his thoughts.

She was stunned on hearing Ashton's name from him as she clearly remembered of never bringing him in the conversation that she had with him. She nodded her head in a 'yes'.

"How do you know its him? Do you know him?"

"Back then in Seattle, when I went to drop you to your hotel, you eventually slept in the car and uttered his name a few times in your slumber. So I just guessed it and I suppose I am right though."

She replied with an 'Oh' in a whisper. She didn't have any idea about it. "What else did I say?"

"Nothing except his name."

"Okay." She never felt strong enough to talk about Ashton with anyone without breaking down and it was the last thing that she wanted to do in front of him after a long tiring day. She immediately decided to cut short her conversation with him before he ask or talk anything regarding him further.

"Regan I...I need some fresh air for I am too tired, it was a long day. Please excuse me."

She said and walked past him in a hurry. However, he couldn't understand her indifferent behaviour after hearing Ashton's name especially when he was someone whom she claimed to love. And it wasn't for the first time that he noticed her like that. He was also keen to meet him so as to assure himself of letting her go for the right man, although the thought of her being with him upset him instantly. However, there were innumerable questions in his mind about his absence in her life as he never noticed him around her or anyone close to her talking about him. Even her too. And her absurd behaviour raised more questions regarding his presence in her life. He too left after her departure but as soon as he reached his place, he called Drake.

"Hey Reg..."

"Have you found about Ashton?" Without dragging himself into unnecessary conversation, he directly came to the point.

"Good evening to you too Reg. I am doing great and ofcourse I reached home safely. Thanks for asking buddy." Drake chided sarcastically.

Regan pinched his brows in exasperation.

"Cut it out Drake. You know I am not a patient man. I told you to dig out about Ashton. I am sure you would have get it done by now still I didn't hear anything from you. Can I at least know about it now?"

He helplessly sighed on Regan's questions as he knew he would not let this matter slip away. He didn't want to lie but knowing that it was impossible to ignore him anymore for he being so adamant on knowing everything about Ashton, he spoke.

"I did what you asked Reg. I did find about Ashton." He took a deep breath to calm his nerves as he was going to do something which he never did before with Regan. "He was... I mean he is a great guy. In fact he loves Anna too much. He is all that a girl dreams about her man. A perfect son, brother and.... a lover. He has loved Anna more than his life and I am sure he would do it till the end of his life."

Regan closed his eyes. He wholeheartedly wanted Ashton to be exactly as what Drake described him to be, but somewhere in his heart, he wished him to be not worthy of Anna to get a chance with her. He knew it was selfish of him to think like that but he was helpless with his heart that ached for her and longed for her love. He felt as if his heart broke a bit by bit with every hope of being together with her.... probably of being more than a friend to her.

When he didn't speak anything after listening him, Drake asked him in a panic, "Reg... are you okay? Are you there? I know it would be difficult for you but...."

"Is she happy with him?" He cut him off and asked in a heavy voice.


"Does he make her happy Drake?"

"She is Reg. She is very happy with him. He is her world and I don't think anyone can make her as happy as him."


"I am sure you would want to check about him with your own eyes. I'll send you his file with someone."

"There's no need of it. I trust you Drake not only because you are the best at what you do but also because you are my best friend. I would have given this task to any of my people but it's about Anna and I can't trust anyone when it comes to her. Thanks and I owe you for this. I'll talk to you later." Saying that he hanged up and plopped down on his bed.

He hid his face in his hands. He felt as if a heavy weight was placed on his chest and he found it difficult to breathe. He knew it was going to happen one day but it was all worse than what he expected. All he could feel was pain. A pain that teared his heart which was not ready to accept her of being someone else's. His heart was yearning for her. He remembered all the happy moments that they spent together and a lone tear made its way out from his eye. It was again a first when he cried for someone. He wanted to console his heart that she was never his and her happiness was what that always mattered to him but he felt as he lost the connection with his heart and it had its own mind who was not ready to either accept or understand the truth. It was still not convinced with what it heard earlier. Regan sat there numb for hours until exhaustion covered him and his mind decided to shut off and he closed his eyes to doze off.


As soon as Regan disconnected the call, Drake brushed his hand through his hair. He knew what he did was absolutely wrong and unjust to Regan because he had every right to know about it. But still he did that to protect him from getting hurt. He was still grieving when he heard someone from behind speaking in a bitter voice, "Don't you deserve an Oscar for being the biggest liar on earth and then acting like you truly regret it?"