
The Connected Souls

[Completed] WHEN TWO SOULS FALL IN LOVE....... There is nothing else but the yearning to be close to one another. The presence is felt through a held hand, a voice heard and the sight of a smile. Even through a simple touch. Souls do not have calenders or clocks nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around. Your soul feels their absence and doesn't realize that the separation is temporary. Because love finds its way....... Death can set apart the bodies but not soul. Anastasia Prescott (23 years) A charming, young and innocent girl who lost her love, Ashton Watson three years back in a tragic incident which left her soul shattered into pieces which is beyond repair. She dedicates her life to WATSON CORPORATION, the dream of her beloved Ashton and make it big, just as he dreamed it to be. But while doing so she lost herself as she never overcome from his loss in her miserable life. She was a lifeless body without a soul who was adamant for ripping apart her every being in his memories. Ashton Watson (26 years) The young lad and the heir of Watson Corporation who was keen to pursue his dream of taking his father's empire to new heights. He fell head over heels for Anna and her innocence. He was determined about his future with her. But least did he know that he would not be able to keep his promises that he made to her. He knew that he was her everything and that is why he uttered the last words on his deathbed, "Live for me Anna. Don't ever give up on yourself. I love you and I will always be with you. You may not find me near you but I will always be around you." Regan Knight (29 years) A debanoir, one of the most dashing bachelor and the most successful entrepreneur of his generation. He is conceited and ruthless when it comes to business. Love is not a part of his lifestyle. But things change when he sets his eyes on Anna who beholds him in a trance from which he never wants to come out. He gradually understand the meaning of love and...... pain. He know he would never be able to replace him in her heart but after realizing his love for her, he is ready to accept this fact as his fate. He thinks his own love would be more than enough for both of them to spend rest of their lives together. All he wants is a chance from her, for her, for them. Will Anna move on? Will Regan be able to mend her? Will Regan and Anna have any chance of a future together? Join the emotional journey of Anastasia and Regan in search of love. The journey which throbs with emotions you never experienced, the agony and finally the blitheness which leaves you with nothing but bliss and contentment to love and to be loved by your precious. --- Excerpt --- "I love you Anna." He finally confessed. His heartfelt confession moved a string in her dead heart as if awakening her soul from a deep sleep. Those three simple words that were barely above a whisper held the utmost conviction of his every promise that he had silently made to her. She didn't expect something like that. Her eyes widened in shock and she muttered unbelievingly. "You love me?" She shook her head still not believing what she heard from him and gulped. "You love me. As….as a friend…..friend, right? As a….." The edges of his lips curled up slightly. Out of all the reactions, it was the most unexpected from her. She was still not ready to believe what she heard and he was determined to make her believe every word he said. He cut her off to speak further and repeated again. "I love you......as a man loves a woman Anastasia."

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139 Chs

A glimpse of her past - VI

The car was swiftly heading towards a hilltop in a comfortable silence. None of them spoke a word. Regan was thinking about the events of the day while frequently stealing glances on her whereas Anna was looking out of the window, this time, not to avoid him but to admire the scenic beauty that was engulfed in the blanket of darkness but still looked serene.

Lots of things happened that she thought she would have never done especially after Ashton's death or atleast without him. She felt her heart at ease and happy after a long time. She lost the count of smiles that erupted on her face since the start of the day. It was as if it was plastered on her face not intending to leave anytime soon, atleast in his presence. The only reason behind it was him, Regan.

As the thought crossed her mind, she shifted her gaze in his direction. He was driving the car and she looked at him in a daze.

'When did I get so comfortable with you Regan? How? Earlier, whenever I used to smile, I always felt guilty of doing something wrong. But today.... I am not. There's nothing like it except a wave of euphoria that is still flowing through my veins. I don't understand...Why? Has something changed? Is it because of you?' She contemplated in her mind.

"You know its rude to stare." Regan stated feeling her heated gaze on him.

She instantly came out of her trance and looked down fiddling with her fingers. "I wasn't staring... just thinking about something."

"Mind me if I ask about what?"

"Nothing specific."

Before he could probe her further, they reached the spot and Regan stopped the car. He went outside and opened her door in a flash.

"Here is where our journey ends. Come have a look." He extended his hand.

However much he tried to keep a hold on himself, he couldn't deny the feeling of content that he felt while holding her tiny hand. The simple touch send innumerable sensations in his body and he never felt anything like that before. He could still not imagine that it was the same him who got changed because of her within such a short span of time.

Anna looked towards his hand and then at him. She held it hesitantly and he took her to look over at the most breathtaking sight of her life. The atmosphere was calm and a wave of cool breeze was blowing around. The whole city was wrapped under darkness illuminated by numerous lights looking like stars scattered on the surface of the earth. She sighed audibly and smiled.

"It's the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. How did you know about this place?"

He was taking in her every action. The sparkle in her ocean blue orbs when she looked around and the way in which the edges of her lips curved. He too smiled on seeing her smiling.

"I have a special thing for such places. I have came to New York several times for different reasons and one day while roaming around, I just found it. Since then, it has become my favorite spot to loose myself and feel tranquil, away from the hustle of my hectic life." He explained.

She nodded and stood beside him loosing herself again in the tranquility that the place provided to her heart. She was gently rubbing her arms to seek some warmth from the cold when she felt herself wrapped in an unknown fragrance and heat that soothed her immediately. She turned to look around and found Regan standing behind her and noticed that she was covered with his jacket.

Before she could deny it, he said, "I don't want you to again get sick Anna. It will keep you warm." She nodded and accepted it.

He took few steps back to enhance the distance between them when she spoke tenderly, "Thanks for today."

He smiled on hearing her. "It should be me thanking you for giving me your time Anna and believe me when I say it was the best day of my life with you beside me."

She smiled awkwardly after hearing him. She cringed at the fact that she accompanied him only because she wanted to return his favour but as the day passed, she relished every moment. She felt awful after hearing his gratitude for she did nothing, instead it was him who was the reason behind her elation. She was unable to take it anymore, so she confessed.

"I am not worthy of your gratefulness as I did nothing. I would not lie. Initially, I agreed to accompany you to just return your favour for helping me out in my vulnerable state. But I actually enjoyed every bit of it forgetting about the reason."

"I know that."

"How? I mean... aren't you annoyed with me? "

She had her gaze lowered as she couldn't meet his eyes which she thought of seething rage after her little confession.

He chuckled at her naivety. He tucked his hands in his pockets to look intimidating and said in a deep voice, "Yeah I am.... So what now? How are you going to make it up to me?"

Her eyes widened and he indeed looked furious. She was certainly intimidated by him this time and believed that she might have hurt him.

"I would do anything if that makes you feel better."


She nodded a 'yes'. He smiled inwardly with a mischievous glint in his eyes which she failed to notice.

"Okay then.... Spend another day with me. May be we can go for some more adventures."

"What?" She yelped with her eyes as big as saucers.

He couldn't control himself anymore and started laughing hysterically.

"Just look at your face Anna. I was just pulling your leg." He said between his laughter.

"You... you are so bad Regan.....You again tried to mess with me? She squinted her eyes with her hands on her hips. She looked here and there to find something. She instantly picked a twig and threw it towards him. He laughed more on her futile attempt to hit him. He dodged it easily and said cockily, "Ouch Anna! It hurt really hard."

"You know what I don't need this. I am enough for you." She threw his jacket on him in exasperation while he stepped backward catching it up and started running with her chasing behind.

Their little banter continued till they were out of breath and stopped abruptly. She had her hands on her knees panting heavily when he said, "I didn't know you could run this fast with your petite frame like Usian Bolt."

She scrunched her nose in annoyance and moved towards him again but her foot stepped on a stone and she tripped forward as her ankle got twisted. When Regan saw her staggering, he instantly came to her rescue but lost his balance due to her, abruptly descending in his direction.

None of them knew what happened and how. Anna closed her eyes tightly expecting to meet the ground while Regan held her tightly close in his arms to protect her from getting hurt.

She heard a 'thud' expecting some pain but when she felt nothing, she opened her eyes to meet his grey orbs which were already casted on her in concern.