
My Wife

Jae could not stand sitting beside Mari. He places a note beside her, written on it is that he will sleep in the car. He manages to go out the door without a sound, and walks out the room into the hallway. “If there’s anything urgent please call me. I’ll be staying in the car,” he tells the female nurse. She tells him, “Sir, I also need to advise, the doctor has mentioned that we are going to make her sleep if she loses it again.” “Sure, you guys need to be safe to. If Mari becomes violent, please do the right thing. I trust you.” He then goes to the elevator and exits the hospital in a minute. He walks to the car, and checks his phone. No calls yet from Coree, he says to himself. He suddenly feels worried, though he knows that there is nothing to worry about. He drives away, wanting to see her and make sure she is safe.