

In the morning the next day, Baek-Hyun asked Lady Ki, Hana and few of her friends who were made to work in the sewing factory to get them Gi armours. By night, thirty Gi armours were hijacked into Lady Ki's house. Man-Chun and Kyong provided the bows, arrows, swords and spears. Baek-Hyun was pleased with everything and she made a stone offering and said prayers to the heavens. The last thing on their list was mapping their escape route should in case anything went wrong. That was where Hana helped. "I know who can help us map our escape". She told them when they gathered at night. "tell me more". Baek-Hyun said and Hana smiled and begun her story. Immediately Baek-Hyun heard it was a prince, she trashed the idea of asking him for help but Lady Ki stepped in and agreed that the Prince was trust worthy. The next day, when Hana went to serve tea to the princes, she kept her fingers crossed and wished that Prince Young-Sun would just call her off to a corner so she would have a chance to talk to him and her wish came true. Prince Young-Sun gulped down his tea at once and dragged her away out of the room. His brothers called him back and screeched about his terrible manners but he wouldn't reply. "I can't believe that girl choose our last brother over us". One of the princes said and the crowned prince Chun smiled. "She must be a minor, don't be deceived by her looks". He said and the others agreed. "But I would take care of her better. I hear she is the sister to Baek-Hyun. The concubine who has brought disarray to this kingdom recently". Another prince said and his brothers shushed him. "Keep your voice low, father must be in great distress and he must not hear you speak of her". The crowned Prince whispered. Then they continued whispering about the rumours that were going around. Lady Ki was in great awe because she had no knowledge about some of the things they said. It was almost impossible convincing Prince Young-Sun to give her a map. He kept urging her to say her reason but she knew telling him would make him trash the idea. "it's for studying, I want to study it, I'm interested in maps and locations and I thought maybe I can start from home". She didn't stare at his face as she spoke, she kept her head low as she lied. Hurtful lies. She was trying to destroy his own home and family and yet, she was using him to do so. "You should have said that earlier, I'll give it to you but first you have to tell me why you have been avoiding me these past days. Did I do anything wrong?". Hana stared at him pitifully. She wanted to tell him about how his father destroyed her home, how her sister is his father's mistress, how he sent her to destroy people's home, how she returned few days ago and she spent all her leisure time with her, how they planned to destroy his home…how she was using him, she wanted to tell him everything, but the story was just too long. "I have been quite busy and I have no time for myself". That was what she ended up saying and he nodded…

That night when Hana handed the map to her sister, she wasn't happy at all and Baek-Hyun noticed but she didn't say a word about it yet. Man-Chun, Kyong, Baek-Hyun and three other men studied the map together and they came up with an escape plan. Later, Baek-Hyun went to talk to her sister but Hana was distraught at first but she later told her most things but not all. She made her sister understand how she was with the last prince and Baek-Hyun didn't fail to understand. She knew the only solution was to protect the prince and she promised her sister to do so. Hana almost had no other worries, she was certain everything would be alright at long as her sister kept to her promise and she trusted her.

The last task that would ascertain their freedom was Lady Ki's job to do. she was the only person that was closest to her king even more than his wives for she bathed him, dressed him, combed his hair, and also prepared his food. She was 'the' court lady! It was somehow scary for her to perform the task at first though she brought the idea, but as the days passed and her hatred for the king grew, she made up her mind to do the job. the job was simple but it was of great risk. All she had to do was add some herbs that would weaken the king continuously until there was nothing left of him. She was full of confidence when she first added the herb, but as time went on, she loosed her confidence, her hands were wobbly anytime she had to add the herb to his food or tea. The atmosphere in the palace in the past few days were really threatening to her. Something was happening and the soldiers were going up and down. There were hidden fear in the eyes of the princes and the queens stirred. It was almost as if they had a clue of what was going on and she was scared of being discovered. Her herbs were working very well. The king was sick those days and there were dark circles around his eyes often. He couldn't attend meetings and he didn't go to his throne room for days. Bayan pressurize her to cure the king and she pretended to be doing all she could but all she did was add more of the potion into his food and teas. The king could no longer yell the way he used to, or order that people be put to death like he used to. Only the highest of hierarchies were aware of the king's illness. That night, Lady Ki called the slaves to gather, all she said was that it was time. The people didn't rejoice like the should have. There was fear in them but it was only courage that Baek-Hyun felt. They spoke about their attack again and the ones that were not participating in the rebellion were shown their escape route while they attacked.

"he would be back brother, please". Aya begged his brother when he got the news that Chi-Mae went after Baek-Hyun and he went with other soldiers, some of the best martial art soldiers and U-Jin as well. "I cannot believe that you Lady Bong Cha would be a part of this conspiracy. Even if Chi-Mae insisted, you should be the one to talk him out of this. What will the council say about this? The people? Didn't he think of these before making such irrational decision?". Young-Jae was angry. An emotion he seldom felt but Chi-Mae was his friend and he knew that he was good but he also knew that he could never fight over Three hundred thousand soldiers even if he were to carry along all their three hundred martial art soldiers. "Brother please, sent reinforcement, it might break into a real war and you know he can't possibly escape then". Aya pleaded and she fell on her knees. They have been pleading him two days ago since Chi-Mae left but he was distraught and now she was going to start crying now. "You said you would make it up to me for letting me stay in that dungeon for a whole month, this is my wish. I need you to go help Chi-Mae. Already, Gi deserves this, seize this chance and make them pay for the things they have done to us. You do remember they aligned with Tang kingdom to fight us and we lost out parents to that war, it was that war that turned Chi-Mae to the beast he was before Baek-Hyun came". Aya was already crying and Young-Jae didn't want to see more of those tears. "it's so sudden, the fortresses raised a standard against war by protesting that they need peace, doing this will make them think that we do not have their best interest at heart. The Eubul family, they have become a great stronghold and their influence is getting out of hand, if go to this war, they influence will become greater and it will get difficult to tame them". Young-Jae was confused but he couldn't go against his sister, he couldn't allow his friend and brother to die in Gi and he couldn't also miss the only opportunity he may have in a long long time to repay Gi for what they have done to them. "There are other ways to tame them my king, you can marry one of their daughters, they have respectable daughters at least and you can even come up with an indirect decree that will directly restrict their influence. Chi-Mae knows how to do these things best and if he returns then he can take care of all these for you". Lady Bong Cha said and Young-Jae stared at her then at Hwa-Bel who has been quiet all along. "Get the soldiers". He turned and said to Lady Bong Cha. "Send a messenger to Mounguen, tell them to prepare their army and meet us by the mountain part that leads to Gi". He said to Hwa-Bel. Then he walked to his sister and asked her to get up. "I will accept your wish but you have to stay back. You are not taking part in the war". He said and her face dimmed. "but…". She was going to say more but he stopped her. "No need for that Aya, my words are final. You would stay back and run this kingdom until we return. I will send word to Gorgyeon, they will send their soldiers here immediately to protect the palace". He said and walked back to his throne. Aya had no choice but to accept her fate. She bowed and left with Lady Bong Cha. Young-Jae exhaled deeply and turned to Hwa-Bel "you will stay behind as well in case she decides to do anything irrational".

The attack would be done on broad daylight. They would dress like Gi soldiers and they would take their different route into the throne room where the Emperor is supposed to be. Baek-Hyun would dress like a medium and cover her whole body since there weren't female warriors in Gi. She would go to see the king and tell him her vision about his kingdom. Fifteen soldiers hid in different angles inside the throne room and Baek-Hyun being in disguise knelt before the king. "Greetings your majesty. I have come from far away land to speak of your greatness. For years, your mighty kingdom has flourished throughout Goryeon. You have conquered mighty kingdoms and fortresses. Your reign has not ceased and I would say will not cease except that it is about to come to an end in few minutes. You have destroyed many lives and lived in satisfaction for many years, now you will pay for it". Baek-Hyun said and stood up then she removed the veil that covered her face. The king was shocked to see her. He turned to look at Bayan, then at the woman before him. "Do you remember this face". Baek-Hyun asked and she let the second veil that covered her body to fall off. "you are not dead?". The king said and his body began shaking crudely. "Guards! Royal guards". Bayan began yelling. "Shush him". Baek-Hyun ordered and suddenly Man-Chun appeared from empty space and slit Bayan's throat and the man fell dead to the ground and he moved over to the Emperor. Then abruptly, the hidden soldiers revealed themselves and in a matter of seconds, they were everywhere. "Wait". Baek-Hyun said and Man-Chun halted. There were noise coming from outside the room. "In position". Baek-Hyun ordered and the soldiers got ready to fight. Man-Chun had the Emperor in position with his sword placed on his neck and Baek-Hyun drew her sword. She didn't even bother to lock the door, she just waited for them. Soon the door was pushed open and about a hundred soldiers trooped in but when they saw that their King was already at the mercies of Baek-Hyun, they halted. "Back off". Baek-Hyun yelled and the man who seemed to be the General looked around and he smirked when he saw the number of soldiers that were with Baek-Hyun. "Baek-Hyun, you have caused enough trouble for our kingdom, let our Emperor go and we will let this slide. We will pretend it never happened and you can leave with your family or remain here in peace". The old man said Baek-Hyun shook her head. "No! I do not want to let this slide; you surrender right now if you want to see a reasonable part of your King to give him a proper cremation". She said and the man nodded to a soldier behind him and the soldier pushed Hana forward to their General. "Let our King go or lose your sister". The man said and Baek-Hyun was dumbstruck. She was shocked about how they even knew that the attack was her doing. "Hana". She whispered. Hana was already crying as she kept studying the moment of the blade on her neck. "How did this happen?". Baek-Hyun asked nobody in particular. She couldn't believe she went that far for nothing. "Baek-Hyun no". Man-Chun said behind her and she turned to stare at him. Then he suddenly passed the Emperor to Kyong who was standing beside him. "Let my sister go first". Baek-Hyun said and the General shook his head. "I'm sorry sister, it was the crowned prince, he manipulated me into telling him everything". Hana cried out and Baek-Hyun wondered how she could be so stupid. "How could you?". she asked and then swiftly, she rushed up to the General and knocked the sword out of his hand and she pushed Hana away from his reach. When her soldiers saw that, they began attacking and Kyong pushed the Emperor down and rushed to Hana, he had to get her out of there first. He found no use for the Emperor because he was already a dead man. He couldn't even talk and breath properly. Lady Ki did a heck of a job on him. For a moment, Man-Chun had to halt and watch Baek-Hyun fight. He almost didn't see her attack but he saw that any soldier she went close to fell dead to the ground and she was flying and her legs barely touched the ground. "Martial art. Impossible". He whispered in shock but he woke up when he felt a sharp pain of his shoulder. He returned to fighting. Baek-Hyun fought until she went out of the room. She took a second to look around, her soldiers were now twenty-two in number but Gi soldiers were increasing by the second and she could see a soldier sneaking the Emperor out of the arena. "Man-Chun, after them". she ordered and pointed to the direction they went then she continued fighting. The fight was fierce and they were not winning. The Enemy was too much and she had to retreat. She stayed on the roof of the building and looked around. She had five men left and her brother wasn't among them. She became distracted and manoeuvred herself down and she killed five Gi soldiers in less than five seconds. She knew if she got their General, the soldiers may stop so she began tackling the old man and the man was good as well but she was better. The man sliced through her left hand and she groaned in pain and she also gave him a cut on his stomach. They old man stopped and stared at her then at her wound and when he began attacking again, it was fiercer. He gave Baek-Hyun five more cuts and she was weakening. She was almost breathless and bloody all over. Then suddenly another Gi soldier knocked her sword out of her hand and he charged at her but she kept dodging his attacks until she tripped and fell. The man started laughing as he stared at her and he raised his sword to strike but then abruptly, the man fell dead on Baek-Hyun and then all other Gi soldiers in the room fell dead including the General that had proved too stubborn for her. "Stop". Baek-Hyun yelled when the strange soldiers were still fighting with her own men who were disguises as Gi soldiers. But then they were not strange to her. She knew those armour, those were Hak-Kun soldiers. "Baek-Hyun". U-Jin appeared and he stretched out his hands to her and she took it after enough staring. Then she looked around the room and found Chi-Mae seated on the roof of another building that was beside the one they were. He was drinking whiskey and then in a matter of seconds, he was down and he was walking to her but then they were disrupted by the noise of another set of attacking Gi soldiers. "Your folks need to change into something different if you do not want their heads rolling on the dust". U-Jin said and started walking towards the Gi soldiers. "Do as they say". Baek-Hyun said and the soldiers nodded and left. By now, the whole palace was aware that they were under attack. The queens and the Princes were all being vacated but Man-Chun heard of it and when he reported to Baek-Hyun, he also told her that they he had missed the king. She asked him to go after him with the other remaining five soldiers. "Kill everyone and do not spare any of the Princes. Wait, take the last Prince to safety and protect him with your life". She said and Man-Chun left. He admired her and he was right about her after all, she would be a great person for she dreamed big.

Emperor Woong was stronger and he sat up in the dungeon that the soldiers had hidden him away. They believed that they wouldn't search for him even to the dungeon. The Emperor sat up and stared at the soldier who looked as if he saw a ghost. "What is going on? Has Baek-Hyun being captured?". He asked with his usual authoritative tone. "No your highness, we are still under attack and you can only be safe here for now. I've asked the Court Lady to send word to the other soldiers that a ship be brought in so you can vacate". The soldier said fearfully. "when the sorceress told me about how great she would be, they never told me she would be great with my own kingdom". He lamented with anger. "Take me out of this place now". He yelled and the soldier helplessly tried to stop him but he yelled more and the soldier obliged.

The battle was very fierce and Kyong was almost lifeless but he fought with his life to lead the soldiers away from the hideout of his people and his sister. Man-Chun had brought the last prince of Gi in and said it was Baek-Hyun's order that he is kept in safety. It was now late in the night and the fight continued. Chi-Mae and Baek-Hyun had made a mountain of dead bodies outside the palace. More soldiers from Ji-Seok had joined in the fight and the whole of Gi was already shaking. People were vacating the capital with great speed and all the princes were dead. Man-Chun had killed them one after the other with the soldiers that was helping them get away. He killed nearly all the Emperor's wives and he only spared the young girls that were forced into the marriage. There was almost no soldier left in the palace again and the remaining ones began to flee. Baek-Hyun dropped her sword down as she killed the last soldier around. She fell on her knees and then she laid down. she was breathless and she looked blood drunken, it was at that moment that she understood why Chi-Mae always looked the way he did anytime he shed a blood. Chi-Mae flew down from the roof of the building where he sat to kill with his arrows and little daggers. Baek-Hyun smiled as he walked towards her and she stood up and walked to him as well. She wrapped her arms around his huge back and they remained that way. "I thought I wouldn't see you again for a while". She said with tears in her eyes. She cried because she was tired, because he came for her and she didn't expect he would. "eleven days feels like a century without you". He said and cleaned the tears that rolled down her face. "You need a shower; you smell like food to me". He teased. "Blood isn't food". she said and he nodded. "it is my food". He said and she rolled her eyes. "Not cool".