

That night, Baek-Hyun couldn't help but think about Chi-Mae all night long. She thought about their kiss and the scenario kept replaying in her head. But she was worried, did that kiss mean anything to him? She wondered if he was also thinking this hard about them. but she shunned the thought. He did say he was going to be very busy that night and she was sure he had no time to even rest. But she wasn't too worried because at least, he had promised that no matter how busy he was, he would see her very soon.

Very soon turned to days, then a week and Baek-Hyun didn't see Chi-Mae. She was worried and always absentminded. Lady Bong Cha cared to ask a couple of time but she talked her out of it but convincing her that she was fine. "I know it has something to do with the General. He has been very busy and doesn't have spare time to spend with you". Moon always said to comfort her but she said she needed no comfort. But then it hit her. He was definitely at the temple. That morning, she hurried out of the house and she began walking to the temple. It took her hours to reach there but she made it. She rushed to the back of the building hoping to see Chi-Mae but he wasn't there. She hoped he would show up and she unintentionally slept off in a corner.

On the other hand, in the palace, Chi-Mae was seated with Young-Jae who was trying to persuade him to join him in a patrol around the capital that evening. It was something they always loved to do weekly when they were young and they always had a tough time convincing Aya to stay back. Once in their patrol, they caught a thief who was trying to steal gold from their General at that time. But there was that same Chi-Mae turning down his best offer but assuredly, Young-Jae talked him in. they were going to go but only the two of them and if they were lucky enough, they would find a fine healthy prey. That afternoon, the two climbed their horses and they rode away. They didn't patrol all the capital but the part they did, brought so much joy to Young-Jae. "We should do some give away but the new year". Young-Jae said and Chi-Mae just nodded. He was troubled, he hadn't seen or heard from Baek-Hyun for days and that worried him. He knew he felt compassionate about those ware sellers because of what she had done to him. She changed him and he didn't change for her, but he did change because of her. Her constant nagging, yelling, scowling, they all changed him. Changed the way he viewed people. He knew one place she could be at the moment and he suddenly stared at Young-Jae who had been speaking to him since but he heard nothing. "Why don't we patrol the uninhabited sides; we could find something interesting there". He said and Young-Jae nodded and smiled. "I see you are being thoughtful and for a while now, I heard birds whispering about your sudden attachment with our new citizen". He said and Chi-Mae threw him a stare. "so how well is she coping with the daily exercises?". The king asked again. "I would follow her up immediately your highness and get back to you". Chi-Mae choose to use the formal way but Young-Jae halted. "We are no more before the citizens Chi-Mae and we have talked about this. Stop calling me that". Young-Jae said and Chi-Mae smirked then he said with a bow "Yes your highness". "I'm glad to know that your annoying side didn't vanish along with your good sides". Young-Jae said to also annoy Chi-Mae but surprisingly, he wasn't annoyed.

Baek-Hyun woke up from her wariness and she looked around in fear. The weather had become freezing and she could tell it would rain. It was almost sunset and she walked around for a while hoping to see Chi-Mae sitting somewhere but she never saw him. She was so disappointed that tears wailed up in her eyes as she turned to go. The walk back home was lethargic. She was depressed because of how far she came and he wasn't there and now she was walking back again. she had wasted the whole day doing nothing. It was now sundown and wind was blowing fiercely. She hastened her steps hoping that a miracle would happen and Chi-Mae would appear and save her. It was getting dark and she knew she had to make it home before night fell on her. Suddenly, five men on horses surrounded her and kept riding around her. Baek-Hyun stared at them in a horrified manner. "Who are you?" she yelled and the horsemen climbed down their horses and they let their cloaks fall off them. Baek-Hyun was shocked and her heart fluttered in her chest. Gi soldiers! That was her first instinct, and she was right. "What do you want from me?". She asked but they were all staring at one of the soldiers. "Baek-Hyun, the Emperor ask that you return with us immediately and he would spare your family". The leading soldier said. "Lies! How can this be when I have not even accomplished my task?". She asked "My Lady, success or no success, the Emperor wants you back immediately". The soldier said and signalled the rest to take her but Baek-Hyun kicked the first soldier in the balls. The man fells on his knees and groaned in pains. "We are not here to test your fighting skills my lady". The leading soldier said again and another soldier walked cautiously closer to Baek-Hyun but she walked swiftly past him and drew out his sword and cut off his ear. "You don't want to joke around with me". She said with creased brows and the soldiers spaced. "Please my lady, we come in peace". Another soldier said and Baek-Hyun smirked. "If you come a tiny bit closer to me, I'll sent all of you crashing to hell". She said and pointed the sword to all direction and she moved slowly away from them and when she was in a safe distance away, she threw the sword down and started running back to the direction of the temple. The soldiers stared at her with confusion and then their leader jumped on his horse. "Quick, after her". He yelled and the others followed him. Baek-Hyun couldn't run fast enough away from them and they were already behind her. The leading soldier from his horse carried her from the ground and put her on his horse. "I got her let's go". He shouted to the others. Baek-Hyun stared at the distance between her and the ground, she was calculating her next move. She suddenly started dragging the robe that controlled the horse with the soldier and the horse went galloping into different directions and it was jumping up and down. "Arrrggg… Let me go". Baek-Hyun kept yelling but the soldier wouldn't. they were going to fall off the robe at any time and it scared her so she screamed more.

Chi-Mae and Young-Jae were close to the temple side and Young-Jae was starting to talk about what they could renovate the temple into when suddenly, they heard screams and noises coming from somewhere around them. "It's Baek-Hyun". Chi-Mae said and began riding crazily to the direction of the screams. Young-Jae quickly joined him in the crazy speed. When they got to the scene, they met the five men trying to take Baek-Hyun away. "Hey, you five halt". Young-Jae said thinking they were some kidnappers or their own citizens mistaking Baek-Hyun for someone else. As the men heard the command, they stopped and stared at each other and then suddenly, four of them began attacking Young-Jae but Chi-Mae out of just nowhere killed all of them in matter of seconds. "Don't…". Young-Jae was about to say more but the men were already dead and on the ground. "You should have kept one alive". He half yelled and Chi-Mae smirked then he put his blood stained sword on the neck of the last man. "I've got one alive". He said and Young-Jae exhaled. Baek-Hyun was more than pleased to see Chi-Mae there but she hated the way he looked after killing them. his eyes suddenly reddened and he looked blood drunk. She hated to know he gained pleasure from killing people. "Who are you?". Young-Jae asked after getting off his horse and he stood with his hands behind him. The question took Baek-Hyun unawares; she knew what would happen if the stated his mission. "I am a Gi soldier and I was sent here by our Emperor". The soldier said and Baek-Hyun's heart sunk. "What do you want in our kingdom?". Chi-Mae asked impatiently waiting to slash his head apart from his body. The soldier suddenly turned and stared Baek-Hyun and her heart fluttered. Chi-Mae frowned at his action and he intensified the pressure of the sword on his throat. "one last time and if you keep me waiting, I will just kill you right away". He threatened and the man recoiled visibly. "I was sent here to…" with that, Baek-Hyun who behind the man pushed him towards Chi-Mae and the sword ripped off his head. Young-Jae was shocked at what just happened and he stared at Baek-Hyun with shock in his physicals. Baek-Hyun herself felt terrible for what she did but she knew Chi-Mae was going to kill him after all. Chi-Mae pushed the headless body that had socked him with blood from himself, then he walked to Baek-Hyun and held her chin so tight and Baek-Hyun held his hand in an attempt to remove it but she couldn't. "You!". his cold voice struck her. "What is wrong with you?". he asked and intensified his hold on her chin and her eyes watered. "Why did you do that?". He asked with creased forehead and Baek-Hyun stuttered. "I… he… he was going to kill me". Tears rolled down her blood shot face and Chi-Mae's hand weakened as he saw those tears. "Let go of her Chi-Mae, you were going to kill him after all". Young-Jae said Chi-Mae pushed her to the ground after staring at her to his satisfaction. He climbed on his horse and rode away. Young-Jae stood there and stared at Baek-Hyun for a while. Baek-Hyun felt so frustrated that she began crying right away. Young-Jae felt sorry for her and he walked to her and squatted beside her. "What does Gi soldiers want with you?". he asked and she just stared at him painfully. Chi-Mae's hands were visibly imprinted on her jaw. She sniffed and stood up. "I don't know what they want with me my King". She cried and he nodded and stood up. "Let's go home, Lady Bong Cha must be worried". He said to her and he walked to his horse and she followed him.

When Baek-Hyun got home that night, she was crying all through and she didn't bother hiding it from Lady Bong Cha and Moon because they were the one who helped her ice her jaw and also apply some lotion that helped clear the swelling and the redness. "But what really happened My Lady?". Moon kept persisting. "I was attacked by some hoodlums and the General saved me with the King". She said simply and Moon widened her eyes in shock. "The king also fought for you?". she asked and Baek-Hyun nodded. "Where did this happen?". Lady Bong Cha asked "I don't know where exactly but it is at the outskirt of the capital". She replied and that was when Lady Bong Cha really seemed to care. "You wandered that far?". The woman asked with furrowed brows and Baek-Hyun didn't answer. "It isn't safe out there Baek-Hyun. How can you even wander that far? You are lucky the General and the King offered to go for patrol because we only go that far once in a while and we wouldn't have reached that part today I'm sure". The woman said and Baek-Hyun swallowed hard. Then after they finished treating her face, Moon left the two of them alone "today, the General nearly ran over the marketers while he was returning from the patrol. He was drained with blood and it stunk greatly. I was scared it was your blood he had on but now I see you are alive, I am scared you have caused his anger and I speak to you now to tell you to be careful with his heart for we have figured it is only love that can heal him at this point". Baek-Hyun was surprised about Lady Bong Cha's affection towards Chi-Mae. "But what really made him the way he is?". She asked and the woman stood up. "No one really know the truth Baek-Hyun. Everyone formulates their own rumours and send it to the market so it can spread like wild fire. You ask him that and whatever he tells you is the truth". The woman said and left. Baek-Hyun slept on their discussion. She was sure it was going to take her another everlasting year before he would trust her enough to tell her.

The next few days, Chi-Mae was nowhere to be found. Baek-Hyun was worried he wouldn't speak to her again but what did she care? Then suddenly she changed her mind again because she needed him to like her if she must succeed in taking war to Gi and also saving J-Seok. She had to search for him and make peace like Lady Bong Cha advised. That evening, she offered to deliver his food to him and she exhaled loudly before knocking the door to his chamber. "Come in". he said from the other side. When Baek-Hyun went in, he was sitting on his writing table and when he looked up to her, he frowned. "Why are you here?". He asked coldly and she dropped the hamper on his table. "I brought food". She replied without staring at him. "What do you want?". He asked again and she exhaled. "I haven't seen you in days … and I … I … was… I was worried about you". she stuttered and he smirked. "I don't know if you don't see it but I am capable of taking care of myself". He said to her. "That isn't what I mean. You were not very happy with me in our last two encounters and it worries me". She never stared at him as she spoke, not once. Then he smiled at her and stood up and walked to her. Baek-Hyun covered her jaw with her hands and that made him smile more. But he removed her hands from her jaws and he held her face. "I'm glad you remember". He said looking serious and that confused her because she didn't know what he was thinking. Then he pulled her waist to himself and hugged her, very tight. She was shocked about his sudden action but what shocked her more was when he kissed her neck and said "You appease me, so much. I am sorry about how I acted the other day, I warned you about my mood swing". Her heart raced in her chest and knees weakened but he held her close and spoke so sincerely. "Breathe". He said to her with a smile. "Do you mind joining me?". He asked motioning towards the food and Baek-Hyun nodded. She didn't want to ruin the moment but she was scared that the moment would last forever. it would have been very awkward eating with him but she felt comfortable because he ensured she was comfortable. Baek-Hyun had so many question in her head but she waited until he was almost done eating. "What do you want with me?" she asked with a worried look and the mild smile that had been there all the while faded slowly. "I mean… you… I… our sudden… you never… why are you so easy on me?". She asked and he stared at her. "Lady Bong Cha asked me to go easy on you". he said simply and Baek-Hyun's face went from surprise, to realization, to sourness and then to disappointment. Chi-Mae could have missed any of them but not the final expression. "What do you want me to say? Tell me what you want to hear and I will say it to you immediately". Baek-Hyun was dumbstruck as she stared at him. She wanted to hear a whole lot of things. She wanted to hear him say that he goes easy on her because he loved her and he wanted her to love him back, but what she heard was "you are mine. I go easy on you because you belong to me". He looked damned serious that Baek-Hyun was frightened. "Hurr?". She said unintentionally and her jaw dropped and her eyebrows knitted together. "You once said I should stop treating you like one of my invaluable items and I thought of it, what if you are my property but the most valuable one?". A smile was slowly creeping to his face. He expected Baek-Hyun would be happy about that but she flared up. "Never say that ever again. Never ever call me your own okay?". She yelled and stood up and she packed up the hamper and stormed out. "Baek-Hyun". Chi-Mae called but she slammed the door. Chi-Mae stared at the closed door and he started wondering if he had said anything bad.

It was Baek-Hyun's turn to hide away from Chi-Mae for days and after some days of hiding, Chi-Mae showed up on the training field and he impatiently waited for the exercise to be done with and when it was, Baek-Hyun tried sneaking away but Aya dragged her back. "Why do I think you are acting weird today?". She asked and Baek-Hyun flunk her hand away and made to walk again but she dragged her back and made to slap her but then suddenly, someone grabbed her hand in the air and he said "Thank you Aya". Then he started dragging Baek-Hyun away to the stable. Everyone watched with keen interest as he dragged her away. "What is going on with them?". Wang suddenly asked the Lady Bong Cha and he got her startled. "Yes Bong Cha, you should know. What does the General always do with her?". U-Jin suddenly asked as well and Lady Bong Cha stared at them both the she walked away. She was going to say some prayers for Baek-Hyun so she would return alive. And she was going to ask Moon to pray with her.