

Chi-Mae went back to his chamber. He was shocked, hurt, betrayed, jilted, used, fooled… he felt like hitting his head on a rock so that the pains would go away. He drank alcohol but nothing was okay. He was still very aware of what Baek-Hyun had done to him. He couldn't sleep a bit that night and the next morning, he didn't go for the rehearsals so U-Jin took over the training course, neither did he go the council meeting or the evening patrol. He didn't go for breakfast or agree to have lunch, he was miserable for the rest of the day. In the evening, alcohol was his companion. He regretted everything he said to Aya and he wished she was there. No one had ever made him that miserable in his whole life. When his parent died, he only became cold towards everyone but now he was going crazy.

On the other hand, Baek-Hyun woke up the next morning and she begun tracing her way back to the palace. She was weak but she walked on, she was hungry and dizzy but she walked on. Till she could no more walk and her feet were sour. She leaned by a rock and took a long nap and when she woke up, she had enough strength to walk on. When it was night, she finally reached her destination. She looked worn out but she greeted no one as she walked into her chamber, few seconds later, she was out again and she staggered to Chi-Mae's chamber. She didn't knock, she just opened the door and walked in. The mood and condition she found Chi-Mae broke her heart into many pieces. "Chi-Mae". She called but he couldn't hear her until she called three time. "are you thinking about me?". Baek-Hyun asked in a silly manner but with tears in her eyes. "what are you doing here?". Chi-Mae asked with anger. "you didn't hear all my story". Baek-Hyun said again but Chi-Mae wasn't in for her silliness. "guards". He called in a loud voice and soon, the guards were inside. "take her away and lock her up, I don't want to ever see her again". Chi-Mae ordered and one of the guards jerked the weightless Baek-Hyun up and took her away. She kept pleading with Chi-Mae but he gave deaf ears to her pleas. She was taken away and thrown into the dungeon. Everyone who saw her being taken away were shocked. They wondered what she did, some started confirming that she was a spy. Baek-Hyun sat on the cold floor of the creepy dungeon. The dungeon had cobwebs everywhere and the floor had dried blood stained in it. There were rats running in and out and cockroaches as well. Baek-Hyun was frightened, she was in total despair, she wondered what will become her fate, Chi-Mae's fate and above all, the fate of her brother and sister and that of Ji-Seok people. Tears rolled down her rough pale face and she bit her lips till there was a cut on it. She sobbed all day long till she slept off in the corner she had curled up. She continued that way for about two days.

On the other hand, word had gotten to the king that Chi-Mae had thrown Baek-Hyun into the dungeon. He was disappointed and sad because he didn't expect Baek-Hyun to turn out that way. He stood in front of the creepy dungeon where Baek-Hyun was kept and he stared at her. "she had wrong Chi-Mae, he will decide what to do to her". Young-Jae said and walked away with his hands behind his back. "I warned him, I warned all of you". Wang mouthed happily. He was impressed with himself for foreseeing the doom of their General.

Lady Bong Cha wasn't happy about what was going on. She knew there was a story behind Baek-Hyun. She pitied her and she tried interceding for her but Chi-Mae didn't even give the chance. The Princess was happy about the whole development but still she couldn't help but feel sorry for her child hood crush. "Chi-Mae, it's me Aya, tell your guards to let me in". she yelled from outside Chi-Mae's door. Of course Chi-Mae was capable of even restricting the King's movement talk less of the princess'. It was his army and his soldiers and so they only obeyed his orders except on rare occasions. Chi-Mae was too weak to argue with her so he asked the guards to let her in. it was a dream come true for Princess Aya. She was standing right inside that chamber and she knew that she now had many more chances of going into that chamber. "General, she's not worth it, don't do this to yourself". Princess Aya said with sincere pity when she saw Chi-Mae. His hair was tattered and he looked unkempt. He didn't really wear any serious cloth except the Kurta. His face was pale and his eyes were cracked. "Come on General, you taught me to be strong, to not let my emotions get the better of me and you are not showing a good example at all". The Princess said. She felt like crying and her hatred for Baek-Hyun deepened. "it's not that simple Aya". Chi-Mae said. His voice was hoarse and cracked. It showed that he hadn't spoken for a while. "what is wrong with you? shouldn't you have seen this coming? We all told you, I told you but you choose her over me. I bet you now know who you should have chosen after all". Princess Aya said with a tinge of hidden jealousy. "I would never have done this to you. how could you have fallen for such a foreigner when you knew basically nothing about her except that she is a victim of war. So unbelievable!". The Princess nearly yelled. Then she walked closer to Chi-Mae and squatted beside him. "General, tell me, did she try to stab you? how did you find she was a spy? If she loved you back, she would have trusted you enough to tell you even before you found out". Aya said and Chi-Mae opened his eyes in realization. "what do you mean?". Chi-Mae asked Aya getting all interested in the conversation. "yes, true love needs trust, you told me that many years ago. If she loved you, she would have told you her mission here before you find it out by yourself. I would never do that to you General, but you refused to give me a chance. I've been faithful for years. Even before I joined your army. Why can't it just be me?". Princess Aya asked with self-pity and desperateness. "Aya, you can leave now". Chi-Mae said coldly. "but why? She put you in this place and now she can't even comfort you. Baek-Hyun is so shameless; I'll make her pay for this". Princess Aya said again with anger and Chi-Mae got further irritated. "leave". He yelled and Princess Aya being startled hurried out. Chi-Mae sat for a while and thought of what Aya had said to him. The more he thought of it, the more he became weak and confused. He didn't know what to do with Baek-Hyun. He had not listen to all she had to say. Maybe he should have given her a chance after all.

Aya on the other side walked out of Chi-Mae's chamber with anger. She was going to teach Baek-Hyun a lesson. She took a dagger and marched to the dungeon where Baek-Hyun was. the dungeon was unlocked and immediately Baek-Hyun heard the sound of the iron; she woke up from her slumber and she sat up weakly. She was scared. She thought that it was finally her time to be killed. Tears wailed up in her eyes as she sat up. "well, well, well, which killer do we have in the dungeon today and what death will best suit her? Let me guess, a stab with the dagger". Princess Aya's voice echoed brutally in the cold and damp dungeon. "Aya". Baek-Hyun said as she tugged behind her ears the wilt of hairs that had covered her face. "Do not call me". The Princess yelled. Then she walked closer to Baek-Hyun and dragged her hair. "you have no right to breath after what you have done." Princess Aya said with deep rooted hatred in her voice. "too bad the General is too sober to make a decision about how you will die". She said again to Baek-Hyun who was struggling helplessly for her hair. "let go of my hair". Baek-Hyun said with hidden fear. Princess Aya gave her a resounding slap of her face and yelled "how dare you?". but Baek-Hyun laughed. Then she spat out the blood in her mouth. "oh I know how you will die, I've heard Chi-Mae speak of boiling the head of anyone who dares lay a hand on me in hot caldron, but I suggested that such a person should only be beheaded". Baek-Hyun said with a tinge of pride and a smirk on her face. She wasn't going to let the Princess make jest of her. "You fool, have you no shame? After everything he did for you, you still betrayed him". Princess Aya yelled and she hit Baek-Hyun again. The punch made blood ooze out of Baek-Hyun's nose. Her face flushed red and it swelled. "you Slut, I will separate your flesh from your bones and I will donate your skeleton to the Americans and they will use it for their crazy experiment. Then I will feed your flesh to the vultures". Princess Aya said with disgust, hatred and despise in her voice and eyes. "three years, that it how long I have worked my ass off so that the Chi-Mae will love me back and just when I was so close, you dashed out of nowhere and ruined everything". Princess Aya yelled again. "Aya, it took you three years to get Chi-Mae to like you but still you haven't succeeded? Oh my, that is so savage because it didn't take me a month, just as you can see". Baek-Hyun boasted proudly with a smile that further irritated the Princess. She gave Baek-Hyun deafening slap on her face and kicked her to the ground and Baek-Hyun hit her back on the hard wall of the dungeon. She heard a tiny deafening bell ringing in her left ear which the Princess slapped. She was weak but she wasn't going to let the princess get to her. "Listen here Baek-Hyun, Baek-Ha or whatever your name is; as long as I am alive, you will never marry the General". Princess Aya spat out with clenched teeth and Baek-Hyun laughed. "what exactly is that? You mean two to three weeks from now?". Baek-Hyun asked and the Princess nearly went crazy. She was done, done talking. She pulled out the dagger from the belt on her waist. Then she walked slowly to Baek-Hyun. "you can't wait for me to die can you?". she asked with a smirk as she held Baek-Hyun's hair and drag her up. Then she took the dagger to her cheek. "I can't kill you now because Chi-Mae is not present, but I will make sure the next time he sees you, he will wonder what it was that he found attractive about you. it seems the beauty that the Heavens has given you is making you think too high of yourself that you do not know how to differentiate between humans and dogs like you". the Princess said with disgust in her eyes as she ran the dagger through Baek-Hyun's face. Baek-Hyun was frightened. She swallowed her pride and begun begging the Princess but she paid deaf ears to her. Princess Aya found a perfect spot on Baek-Hyun's redden face and swollen cheeks. "oh I know, what if I learn how to draw a red moon on your face? I will surely make it beautiful so you can thank me later because I will surely start with your eye length and stop at your red cute lips. I'm sure Chi-Mae didn't know that the last time he kissed you will be the last until for ever". Princess Aya said brutally. She meant to scare the life out of Baek-Hyun. Just when she was about to slice through Baek-Hyun's face "Aya". She heard Lady Bong Cha yell out her name and she froze. "Leave immediately". Lady Bong Cha said and Princess Aya shot Baek-Hyun a furious look then she stared at Lady Bong Cha and God knows that if eyes could kill, the woman would have dropped dead before the Princess stormed out. Lady Bong Cha was shocked to see Baek-Hyun in that condition. She rushed to her and carried her up so she could rest her back in her arms. "Lady Bong Cha". Baek-Hyun called almost with her whole strength. "Baek-Hyun". The woman replied. She had worry written all over her face. "I'm sorry Lady Bong Cha". Baek-Hyun said with her eyes shining with tears. The woman was speechless. She was mad at Baek-Hyun though but how can she even yell at her when she looked so vulnerable. "am I going to die?". Baek-Hyun asked with more tears but the woman just kept staring at her. "how is Chi-Mae? Can you tell him I'm sorry? What is he going to do to me?". Baek-Hyun asked again. "Baek-Hyun, no one knows your fate or that of Chi-Mae. He has been miserable since and he hasn't left his chamber. The king says your fate is in his hand". Lady Bong Cha replied. "Everyone is gossiping, and the Princess isn't helping and everyone wants you dead but everything will be okay. I'll go talk to Chi-Mae once I leave here and I'll get back to you, okay?". Lady Bong Cha said and Baek-Hyun nodded. "eat and cry less, everything may be fine". Those were Lady Bong Cha's last words to Baek-Hyun before she left the dungeon. Immediately she left, she was able to breath properly. The dungeon was suffocating and she wondered how Baek-Hyun survived.

Chi-Mae left his chamber in the evening and cleaned up himself before he moved to the training ground. He wanted to put his frustration on someone else. No one dared went close to him because of his looks and aura. But then, the council members called for him. He would have neglected but he knew Young-Jae would never disturb him in his time of distress except it was very important. When he got the council hall, the old men regretted calling for him because it seemed to them that if he stared at them, they would fall dead. Lady Bong Cha was very worried about him. She had only seen him look that ruthless once and that was when his parents were killed in the war that happened about a year ago. Princess Aya who was sitting next to her brother was overwhelmed too. She felt terrible for him yet she could not dare stare at his eyes. "You look so pitiful General". Aya begun and Chi-Mae shot her a dead stare. Her heart skipped a beat as he looked at her and she recoiled back into her shell. Young-Jae prayed in his heart and hoped that his sister would be smart enough not to talk to Chi-Mae. He just wanted to cancel the meeting but he knew that was also looking for Chi-Mae's trouble because after summoning him, nothing reasonable was said. None of the lieutenants on the table were able to start a conversion with him, not even U-Jin. He stared at his general with pity but he hid it behind his sharp dagger eyes. "how can I help you all?". Chills ran down Lady Bong Cha and Aya's spine as Chi-Mae froze the room. "We called you here to know your opinion about Gi, we all know its high time we make our move". Young-Jae said with Jaunt. He was a king and he spoke like one. "My King, with your order, I will start planning our attack. Gi has acted foolishly and they need a lesson to learn their mistakes, or they might grow in foolishness". Chi-Mae said as if he was making a proposal. "How do you intend to go about this?". Young-Jae asked and Chi-Mae smirked. "They had declared war, so we give it to them". his eyes were red and there were shadows around them. his voice sounded more husky than it usually was. "How long will it take you to strategize the war?". One of the Council members asked. "they work with spies don't they, it's time we send ours. We need two maps. Of course we have the exterior map, I will send someone to get us their core map, that is where we strike". Chi-Mae's voice sounded ready for business and that was the spirit for the task. "So it will take a couple of months then. Meanwhile, I shall prepare a letter telling them that we are coming". Young-Jae said and the others agreed. "I think I'm done here; I'll take my leave now". Chi-Mae said and stood up but Aya's voice rang in the air. "I don't think you are; we still haven't decided what will be done to that traitor in the dungeon". Her voice was filled with rancour, it wasn't hidden. "Aya". Young-Jae called but she wouldn't stop. "if you two aren't going to do anything, then someone should and I am always ready if you brother, will just give me the order". She spat out. "Aya, Baek-Hyun's fate is for Chi-Mae to decide, do not touch her". Young-Jae yelled. "But why? You kill every other one that comes here, why do you spare her? She attempted to kill the General and yet you defend her, what if she succeeded? What would you do then?" Aya yelled back at her brother the table was silent. "This is an abomination Princess Aya, no one dares speak to the king in that manner". Hwa-Bel the king's advisor and the Father to Sa-mul said accusingly and Aya widened her eyes. She had totally forgotten she was doing that before everyone. "My King, this is unforgivable, Princess Aya has to face the penalty for disrespecting the King". Taizhong, the Prime Minister yelled. Aya's face turned red. "No brother, you can't send me to the dungeon, that traitor is in there and I didn't anything that bad". She begged desperately. "I'm sorry Aya, you will have to step down for a month". Young-Jae said looking down. He couldn't believe he just said that. He so much wanted to glue her mouth together, now she had to be imprisoned. "Guards". Young-Jae called and Aya was taken away. "Don't touch me". She yelled at the soldiers and they allowed her walk alone. Chi-Mae was the first to leave the hall before any other person. He hoped Aya learnt to mind her business before she got out of the dungeon.

Princess Aya was paraded to her room, where her maids helped her take of her royal apparels. Tears welled up in her eyes as her crown was removed from her head. She bit her lips as she hoped that her brother would change his mind but he didn't, no one came to stop the maids until they were done and all she had left were the common maiden white gown. she swore to make Baek-Hyun pay for that. She would make sure she was put in the same dungeon as her so that she would be dead before it was actually time for her to die. "I'm sorry my Princess". Maya, her closest maid that ran most of her secret errand, whispered as Aya was taken away to the dungeon. She kept her face low as everyone stared at her questioningly and tears rolled down her face. She was ashamed and couldn't believe she was actually going to the dungeon. As she walked past Chi-Mae's study, she stared at it intently hoping to see his worried face, … or no, he was only worried about Baek-Hyun and not anyone else. But there he was, he was standing at the second floor of the palace walls. He was looking at her not with hatred nor worry, but with indifference. He didn't care! He walked away and Aya's knees quivered. Her heart sunk in her chest as she watched him leave. She blamed Baek-Hyun for it all but she would make her pay for it. "I need to talk to my brother before I leave". She suddenly yelled at the guards that were taking her away. "Allow her". U-Jin's voice echoed and the guards obeyed immediately. She was taken back inside the palace. Before she would just walk to her brother's chamber and knock, now she had to wait in the waiting room for her brother to agree to meet her. But he didn't go to her, he asked her to go to him. He was sitting lazily on his writing table. "so you weren't going to say goodbye, one month is a long time brother". Aya's voice didn't sound so good to her brother's ears. "Aya, you brought this upon yourself, I've warned to stop pestering Chi-Mae, what would our parents say if they were to see what you did out there? They would be so disappointed". Young-Jae said and Aya fell quiet. "I didn't come to fight, I just wanted to ask for a favour". Young-Jae wasn't mad at hipister; he couldn't be but she had to go through her punishment. "what do you want?". He asked her. "I want to be put in the same dungeon as Baek-Hyun, do not ask for my reasons because it doesn't matter". Young-Jae stared at his sister pitifully but he knew her intentions.