

Chapter 2 - Unwillingness

The silence in the house made the Madame Prime Minister's expression change, thus, the Prime Minister who could not bear her grievances became even more furious and fired at Mo Xiyan.

He knew that the current Prime Minister was already burning with anger, so he didn't dare to delay any longer. He directly took the fire piston and walked in, then he lit the only candle in the room that had been half burnt.

The Prime Minister held the Madame Prime Minister's hand and walked into the room. In the next second, their expressions were all somewhat strange.

The candle, though dim, was enough to make out the situation in the room.

There was no doubt about the mud hut, except for the girl lying on the wooden bed. There was no one else in the room.

"How can there be no one here!?" "I clearly …" Li mama let out a surprised cry, but the moment the words reached his mouth, they disappeared under Madame Prime Minister's sinister gaze.

"Li mama, it's normal to cherish a face without this place. She is, after all, a noble direct daughter of the Prime Minister's Palace, so how could she possibly do something like having a matchless relationship with someone?"

Madame Prime Minister looked at Mo Xiyan with a gentle gaze. With her dignified and luxurious clothes, as well as her elegant temperament, she was truly worthy of the two words "Madame Prime Minister".

Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful the exterior was, it could not conceal the decay within.

Mo Xiyan imitated the original owner's appearance, fearfully and timidly curled up at the corner of the bed, and said with half-lowered eyes that were filled with terror.

"Father, you, why are you here? I, I really didn't do it on purpose, I, I was just sick … "

Her voice grew softer and softer until she struggled to get up from the bed, looking as if she was afraid and didn't know what to do.

The Madame Prime Minister would naturally not miss such a good opportunity to perform.

She quickly walked to Mo Xiyan's side, pressed her back onto the bed, and said with a pitiful look in her eyes, "Why didn't you say earlier that you were sick? And what slave told you to wash your clothes? You are the daughter of the prime minister, how could you do such a thing? "

As he said that, he raised his hand and touched Mo Xiyan's forehead, and after looking at her expression carefully, he continued, "Looking at your complexion, it is indeed haggard. Although it is not burning, I will call the doctor to come over and take a look."

The Prime Minister pulled Madame Prime Minister up, and interrupted her with a tone of voice, "What are you looking at! To be able to pretend to be sick at such a young age, what's the point of getting old? "

In his view, the words that Mo Xiyan had said was purposely said to discredit his wife. After all, no matter how unfavoured she was still a direct daughter of the house, who would dare to let her do such menial work as washing clothes?

Furthermore, she clearly didn't have a fever, but her face was pale and listless. If this wasn't pretending to be sick, then what was it?

As for the Li mama saying that a stranger had entered the courtyard, the Prime Minister felt that it was most likely that this lass had self-directed him so that she could lure him over. Only then could the scene in front of them be put on well.

It seemed that Hong Qin was too kind and allowed this little girl to ride on her head.

Thinking up to here, the Prime Minister pressed down Madame Prime Minister who wanted to 'plead', his tone sinking once again, "Madam, don't speak anymore. You and I both know the temper of this girl, there's no need to speak any further."

With that, he pulled Madame Prime Minister along as he turned around, and the instant he walked out of the room, he said to the butler, "Lock that girl inside the ancestral hall for three days, you are not allowed to give her food during those three days."

"Father, Father, I really did not do it on purpose. Please listen to my explanation …" "Ugh!" Mo Xiyan fell off the bed in a hurry, and when she regained her senses, the Prime Minister was already long gone.

What just happened? Mo Xiyan's eyes darkened, she was just putting on an act, she did not expect her heart to suddenly feel a sharp pain, the pain that suddenly came was extremely fierce, it actually caused her limbs to powerlessly fall to the ground.

What was even more unbearable was that before she could even come to her senses, she was forcefully brought to the ancestral hall by two servants, and then mercilessly thrown inside.

The vibration of her body hitting the ground made her see stars, and she instantly lost consciousness.

After an unknown period of time, when she slowly woke up, a dim light was shining through the only window in the ancestral hall and onto her face.

She tried to move her body, but she didn't expect her body to be in so much pain.

She subconsciously operated the wood gas to ease the pain, but after receiving the original owner's memories, she suddenly stopped.

After understanding the original owner's life, she could not help but smile wryly again.

In the Primordial Era, in order to survive, she had gone through so much pain and suffering that she had never thought of changing time and space. In this ancient world, surviving was just as difficult.

It was because after she had lost her mother's love and her father's, this girl called Mo Xiyan, she had died in this courtyard in unknown reasons.

Although her life would not be easy after replacing the original owner, the clean and bright world before her without the slightest threat to her life still attracted An Ran's attention.

Perhaps, because of this disaster, she obtained a blessing, and from this moment onwards, she was no longer An Ran, but Mo Xiyan.

It was unknown what she was thinking about, but Mo Xiyan's eyes suddenly flashed and with a thought, her consciousness probed into the space around her.

Yes, in the Primordial Era, although she was widely known for her wood-type superpower, her greatest style was the spatial superpower. It was precisely because she knew of the value of the spatial superpower that she concealed her secret.

It was an unexpected surprise that he had come to this world with her.

After Mo Xiyan felt it carefully, she discovered an even bigger surprise. It was that the empty and empty space was actually connected closely with her wood type superpower, turning this entire space into a lively small world.

The cores she had collected in the unknown world had actually given this small world extremely dense and pure spirit energy, turning all the plants inside into spiritual plant s.

With these spiritual plant, she would have them act as informants and spread throughout the entire Prime Minister's Estate. At that time, no matter if the wind or grass in the manor moved, they would not be able to escape her eyes.

Mo Xiyan withdrew her consciousness from the space in satisfaction. A white figure flew out from the small forest, and followed Mo Xiyan out of the space.

Mo Xiyan opened her eyes and discovered a white cat lying on her lap.

"Qing Qing, so you also came!"

Mo Xiyan happily hugged the white cat, and lightly rubbed her cheek against its body.

"With you here, I won't be too lonely."

Her heart was truly filled with joy. Qingqing's appearance had undoubtedly greatly reduced the loneliness in her heart. This was because, whether it was in this world or the world, Qingqing was the only existence that she could completely trust and would never betray her.

Moreover, with Qing Qing, her way of doing things would be more convenient in the future.

However, her Discipline hadn't fully recovered yet, so she had to save the use of her Discipline.

So Mo Xiyan patted Qing Qing, who was trying to curry her favor, "Go back to your room and rest. Once your supernatural ability has recovered a bit, you will definitely be active again."

Qingqing unwillingly returned to her space while Mo Xiyan covered the entire courtyard with the wood element. Only then did she calm down and close her eyes, allowing wood gas to roam around her body once.

The results of the investigation caused her anger, which had been slightly suppressed, to rise once again.

The original owner was only seventeen years old, but the poison in his body had accumulated for more than fifteen years.

What did this mean? This meant that even before her mother died, she had already been poisoned when she was still a child.

No wonder the original owner died.

She did not want to die, but she was powerless against the lack of wood gas.

This feeling was terrible!

Could it be that she could only watch him die? How could she be willing to accept this …