
The Complicated Throne

"Why I'm I marrying you when I'm in love with someone else?" y/n asked herself. "To become a Queen His Queen" She thought again. ______________________________________________ When Prince and Princess from Royal Families are forced to marry eachother for Throne, And become King and Queen... They face the worst consequences that are about to destroy their families and dearest Royal friends. Will they start to love eachother and Save everyone????

Blomming_Blossomz · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Support 04

*continuation* *3 years ago*

*Y/n's pov*

"Wtf Jin??!" all the 7 of us screamed in sync so loudly that all the guards came in holding their guns and other weapons.

That made all of us realise that we just screamed our lungs out on the elder who is now sweating because of fear.

"Your Highness are you all okay?" Captain asked worried.

"Yeah it's nothing y'all can please leave us, sorry for that." I said

"Okay your highness. Please do call us if you need anything. Your safety is our first priority." he said and we all nodded.

The guards left. All of their footstep sounds which echoed in the hallway, are not heard anymore.

Noah looked around to make sure there isn't anyone who might be watching us. He sighed and spoke

"You really need to consult a Psychologist. Brother." he remarked looking over at the group's elder. Who was now totally in his own world thinking about something but still listening to what we are speaking.

"He freaking doesn't need any therapy dude! let's just leave him in the mental hospital." I said earning a death glare from jin. As I gulped down my own saliva trying hard not to get scared of his eyes piercing into my soul like sharp needle. Oh god save me from him now.

"Oh god it's Bright day and here, He's on his high! Are you Drunk??!!" Lucus interrupts.

"He indeed is!!!" John agrees looking over at Jin with an Disgusting expression.

"You really need to stop drinking in the morning, bruh..." Ash shrugs and Justin Nods.

"CAN YOU ALL STOP IT??! IM SERIOUS. I ONLY HAVE YOU GUYSSS! YOU PEOPLE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN HELP ME TO GET THROUGH THIS!!" Jin bangs the table in front of him as he stands up from his chair which soon hits the grass with loud thud. He screamed. This time not able to stop his tears, He continues, sobbing.

" I.. *sob* I.. only have you guys..." *sob*

"Please support me... I... I c-can only trust you guys... I've been through enough of things that my parents did to me. I... I.. w-want to be Happy... I d-deserve to be happy!!!" *Sob* now suddenly he knelt down. Pain rushing through his veins, He turned red like tomato. Uncontrollably sobbing his heart out as if someone's stabbing him.

Broke... He's Broke... He needs us...

But it's not right for him to do that. Should we really need to help him in this...? Yeah we should.

It may not be the right thing to do but if it really helps him to become happier version of himself again... Then I guess it's the most righteous thing that we can do.


Only for Him...

We'll Fight for Him.

"Okay. Let's get it..! I'll support you Jin. I always will..." Justin knelt down beside jin hugged him softly from side.

"Yeah we are always with you on this." John also agrees, rubbing elders back protectively with a warm smile. Which has a power to melt anyone.

I look at John. He was eyeing everyone with

hopes lit up in his now determined eyes.

This guy who I know was cold, rude and annoying. But now, he looks like a cup of yummy hot chocolate with melted marshmallows decorated delicious on the top, which are served during a beautiful chilly Christmas night which has a power to wash away all the pressures and bring smile on someone's face.

What the Heck I'm I thinking of him..?! Omg stop. You hate him y/n, remember? *I thought to myself*

I clear my thoughts and when I was about to speak up...

"Jin, stop crying. We'll never leave you." Ash says wiping the tears off from Jin's cheek and Noah nods and hugs his dearest brother.

"Look everyone. Except Jin, we all are rebellious with our parents which means we usually aren't scared of them, and jin is just asking us for help. because we are the only ones he can rely on... And Yes! I'm in. I should at least have some Fantasy rom com in life to spice up the things. Liam says smiling wilding wiggling his eyebrows eyeing Jin, which makes him smile after all the sobbing.

Liam is such a good Mood maker. He's such a happy bomb. He always made Jin laugh. and he was also the one and only person who laughed at and loved Jin's dad jokes.

"Yeah. We can't leave you on your own." I say smirking as raise my eyebrow at Lucus. Who's now just staring at us with confused yet known expression.

"I can't probably say no to all of your puppy eyes, right?" "Okay then your my big brother too... I'll always help you." The guy finally states with a genuine smile.

After hearing all of the people agreeing, Jin now smiles brightly, his anguish fading away as he thanks us with happy tears.

"C'mon guys, time for group hugggg!!!!" Liam exclaims pulling all the guys together into a embrace.

"Argh... I... I.. hate group hug!" Lucus says breathless yet with little smile.

"Then why are you smiling, you dumb?" Ash laughs while saying.

"Cuz he's probably enjoying it!" I tell while giggling.

"wow, I love you all." Noah tells as they all tighten the hug more.

"oh.. I.. Too tight!" *Cough* John says who also can't breathe.

Now as we all are released from eachother... we all start to cough as the hug was too much suffocating.

"First things first. Whats your plan???" Lucus asks Jin and he just.... Smirks..?

Why are you Smirking you Dumbhead? Wait does that mean he got everything planned? what is planning to do? and why that winning smirk on your face when you didn't even start the game? What's gonna happen??? I'm suddenly Scared...

"What was that Smirk for?" I ask him

"You'll know soon" He answers with his signature wink.
