
suspicious move

Old Mrs Gift came down stirs for her meal, "Priyanka where's Rose? "is off to school, any problem" Margret cleaning her hands with table towel, Mrs Gift takes her sit "no, it just quite too early" Looking at the dish served on the table, "oh my goodness, my favorite, this takes a lot of time to cook" Old Mrs Gift looked at Priyanka who smiled at her, "mum, I noticed this days I've not been taking care of you, so from now, I'll take that as my duty" Priyanka told her joining her on the table.

Isabel ran into the room, pulling Sofia by the hand with so much excitement.

"Come on, hurry, we've just prepared grilled chicken and some spicy meal, said Isabel giggling, (strong grim expression), Isabel paused, as she quickly closed her mouth with her hands,

"Oh! My, what have I done, Oh my stupid mouth I've, I've said something I shouldn't have said, I wasn't meant to tell her, what will.. Oh.. what am I going to do now.., as she kept on thinking.

"Isabel!!!, they shouted her name, "I'm coming!!!, (She turned to Sofia, holding her two hands),

"please Sofia safe me, said Isabel pleading emotionally.

"Isabel, I know what you've done, but.. I'll just walk in there with confident, like nothing happened, without being surprised, said Sofia smiling at Isabel.

"Hell No, they will kill me, said Isabel, robbing Sofia's hand.

"I was just joking around, don't worry I'll close my eyes, you lead the way, said Sofia closing her eyes, as Isabel happily pulled Sofia.

Getting to the co-workers apartment, "surprise" everyone shouted, Sofia opened her eyes screaming.

"Oh! My goodness you all did this for me, said Sofia hugging Benita and Isabel.

"even if things are not going well with you, we want you to know that, we are always here for you, said Mr. Michael.

"Come on everyone let's dig in, let's burn our sorrows away, said Sofia as everyone happily sat down, taking their cups for a drink.

"let me pour a drink for you guys, said Sofia caring a bottle of bear hair. Everyone brought their cups forward.

"To Sofia happiness, said Mr. Michael raising his cup, as everyone gave a toast.

"thank you guys for thinking about me, said Sofia in appreciation.

"it's a no problem, said Ola smiling.

"Good day sir, said Stephen, standing beside an elegant designed sofa.

"Hey, don't rest your filthy body on my classic design, said Valentine getting up from his chair, he opened his drawer, and brought out an envelope, walking up to him. Valentine sat down on the Elegant sofa, throwing the envelope on the table, Stephen bent to pick it.

"Huh hmm.. don't touch it yet, said Valentine, as Stephen stands back.

"what's he up to, all I know is that I'm here to get my money, Stephen thought.

(Shape knocks on the door) Old Mrs Gift looked surprised, "are you expecting any one? She asked Priyanka who looked at the house clock, "but this is quite too early" Priyanka thought "yes I'm expecting someone" "then go open up the dam door" Priyanka got up with a smile after seeing her mum's face, she quickly went to open the door, "good morning Mr Kalos" "good morning lovely Priyanka" Old Mrs Gift was wondering who, when Priyanka suddenly gave way and Mr Kalos walked in, a sudden miss digestion of food accord, (character coughing continuously). Priyanka quickly ran to help, "thanks" Old Mrs Gift takes a smile "what brings you here Doc Kalos" she asked, "nothing I called by your daughter" suddenly the spoon fell from her hand, she slowly got up looking at both Kalos and her daughter, "what's going on here? Old Mrs Gift taking her step backwards, "Mum it's time you receive your medical treatment" Priyanka told her "no!! Old Mrs Gift shouted running to the stirs she felt a sudden loss in her strength, Priyanka walked to her, Old Mrs Gift rested on the wall slowly going on her kneels, she held Priyanka "what have you done to me? Old Mrs Gift asked, "just add little of the same dosage you gave father" Old Mrs Gift shaking her head "no, no Priyanka no"

Alex was in the police station, sited with Mr. Moonfleks, listening to Valentine's conversation with Stephen.

"look, I'm paying you because you did you job well, but I still need you to do something for me, this time around I want you, to call back all my brother's workers, (Mr. Moonfleks sat back covering his face), those bunch of rats, need to fill up some empty spaces, and I will pay you more of that, note, I'm not doing this as a favor, it just that, you shouldn't be working for me with those rag cloths, so you can.. you can pick it, make sure you get some new cloths to put on, and call Ogbolo, said Valentine, crossing his two legs on the table.

"Look at this bold fool, You think you are smart, well you just met the smartest, and I'll make you pay, for what you did to my family, Stephen thought, giving Valentine a smile.

"Thanks Mr. Valentine, said Stephen picking the money with his hand shaking.

Immediately Stephen left, Valentine quickly brought out his phone from his suit pocket, he dialed a number.

"Hello Bianca, how are you and how is work?, Valentine asked smiling so happily.

"work is fine, and thanks for the money, we'll be expecting your visit, said Bianca.

"Bianca, you are so sweet, don't forget I'm watching you, so don't you dear, think of stabbing me at the back, said Valentine as he busted into laughter, (door slam open, as Valentine quickly dropped the call), Ogbolo walked in bowing.

"who is Stephen?, Alex asked Moonfleks,

"he's just a cleaner in my company,(Moonfleks laugh out in pain), wow! so I've been a real fool to my own brother, said Moonfleks with his chin shaking.

"Ogbolo, I'll like you to get something for me, you'll go into my brother's house and get me all the documents, I mean all, don't leave anyone behind, you may leave, said Valentine as Ogbolo left.

"look boy when you get to my house, in the center of my room, the documents are hidden their, said Moonfleks as the police came to take him back to his profuse castle, immediately Alex received a message.

●Alex quick, come to the house right now, your mother is sick😓😓. Fen texted Alex using her husband's phone.

Alex got up running out of the police station,

"hello Emanuel quick, come pick me from the police station, now! Said Alex.

Mrs. Fen was busy preparing the table when the door slammed open.

"Mum, Mum, Alex ran inside panicking, as Fen quickly sat down on the chair, fanning her self with a light flat plate.

"Son, she calls out in a low tone. As Alex ran to her.

"Mummy are you alright?, speak to me, said Alex, holding her shoulder,

"no son, I don't know what to tell you, please fan me I'm boiling up, said Fen handing over the plate to him. Mr. Walker was coming down from stirs, only to meet Alex and his mother in crisis, he shakes his head.

"Son don't listen to her, she's just acting again, said Mr. Walker, Fen quickly held Alex's chin.

"Son don't mind your father, he's just jealous because I gave all the love to you and your brother, she said giving a painful smile.

"Ok how about I show him the CCTV video, son come and have a look, at what your mother is up to, said Mr. Walker, Fen quickly held his hand. Fen shakes her head, showing a pitifully face,

"No son don't listen to him, his just a smashed talking Papaya, said Fen as she got up seeing that her husband was coming closer.

"Hey!, she shouted going to grab the phone, Mr. Walker quickly raised the phone up, as she kept jumping. Alex just sat down, and tore a part of a chicken.

"Hey drop the phone, Hey!, (the door slam open), as both couple froze, slowly looking at the door.

"Good evening sir, (Jonathan bowed), a young lady is here to see you, said Jonathan with his head bent.

"Let her in, Mr. Walker ordered, Fen quickly hit Walker on the chest, walking back to the dinning table.

"Alex what did you think you are doing, how could you dig in when our visitor isn't here yet, said Fen kicking Alex on the leg.

"ouch! Mum that's painful, he said robbing his leg.

"Wait a minute mum, who is the visit, Alex asked waiting for her reply.

"Who do you think it is?, said Fen. As a beautiful lady walked in, Alex turns to the ladies direction.

"What Anita? Said Alex in surprise, he quickly stood up.

"mum why did you invite her here, Alex asked, even Fen was also shocked herself.

"I never did, could it be.. your father¿ (Fen looked at Walker with a strong face).

"I didn't, Mr. Walker whispered, demonstrating with his hand.

"Then who did¿ Alex drops a questioned in his mind, thinking.

19,68.. lost memories of Zim

"Little boy, what are you doing here, aren't you meant to be in school learning?, the rich man asked him.

"I.. I don't have a family or parent who would send me to school, so I just try my best to find, something to eat, the little boy answered.

"hmm.. that's sad, what's your name?, he asked the boy.

"my name is Zim, said the little boy, smiling with the plate on his head,(the rich man giggled)

"you are a very funny little boy, Zim, open your pocket, (Zim did as the rich man drops a little amount of money, into Zim's pocket. Zim thanked the rich man, waving him a good bye. Mr Frederick stood watching as Zim jump from one corner to another happily, Mr. Frederick smiled walking into the flower company.