

When they got to the shop Old Mrs. Gift began bad mouthing the cloths on sales, "what's this, oh my God do you call this a cloth" she kept turn the cloth round and dumping them right on the floor, her cab driver kept giving the sales girl sign not to blow up in anger, "wait.. she turned looking at the girl picking up the cloths, the shop owner walked in, the sales girl greeted "wait do you guys sell cloth here, I've check and searched just can't fine a cotton, all I keep viewing are slaves cloth, not a servant in my father's house will agree wear this" "please this way mam, said the owner directing her.

Finally Old Mrs. Gift putts on a nice cloth to her loveable test, she came right in front of the mirror admiring her self, continuously side by side "Oh dear holy cricket, look at this beautiful goddess" she told herself seeing an odd reflection pass by the frame, she looked at the mirror clearly and watched her back, "hmm… perhaps I was wrong" Old Mrs. Gift continued dressing up checking tread to tread, "good non is leaking" a human's reflection caches the eye frame again. "now that's strange, she told her self looking back for a minute and turns facing the mirror, there behold stands her guest of wyrd, her worst nightmares she screamed

"what's it now? The shop owner asked "Mental, this one, trust me" the cab driver told him and remained where he was eating bread, "Ghost, ghost" she shouted running out of the room, quickly he hide his bread running to her, "ma, ma.. are you alright? she bits his hands off, "don't touch me, I saw you, you're seated pretending like you knew not what you were doing" "no ma, I… "shout up, if I dear land you a slap" she told him raising up her hand, "ma you dear not drop a pin on me". The shop owner came forward "ma what's wrong? He asked Old Mrs. Gift kept quiet, "ma, one thing I like this land for, it has one clear truth.. who did you harm? He asked her, "how dear you ask me that, you… shop owner snaps is finger, folding his arms, "ma only the forest is been possessed by dead figures, if you found one here, that means he came or she came for you" Old Mrs. Gift eyed him "I don't fleet in such nonsense… and, and I! do not kill people" she drags her bag leaving, "excuse me old woman, you'll have to pay" The cab driver taps the shop owner, "don't worry I'll pay for that". Old Mrs. Gift came out of the shop angrily, while Mrs. Maria stood secluded by the edges of the wall, watching her, "hectic thing, you and your world are nothing but a perfect dump" Mrs. Maria laughed at her putting on back he coat, with her head perfectly covered, "hey crab" the driver came out "come open this dam thing, you call a car, look now I'm so sweaty"

They both turned, "we are in a big trouble, said Chief Commander John.

"Oh! I can feel the pressure within my butt, said Paul as John placed his hand on Paul's shoulder he said in a low tone; don't let it out boy, all we just need to do, is to walk straight into that house right now and find a place to hide. Paul nodded his head slowly squeezing his face,

"in the count of three we move in together", said Chief Commander John.

"but isn't three a time wasted? The asking Paul questioned,

"Ok in the count of one we move inside", said Chief Commander John taking in a breath and Paul nodded his head, cramping his fingers into his palm,

"I'm ready, said Paul. "Ok here I count one… immediately they moved a step of their foot, they both felt a hand on their shoulders. They didn't bother taking another step as both characters turned immediately falling on their kneels, bending their heads and their eyes closed pleading, both of them said; we are sorry sir, we have committed a terrible sin, oh! God have mercy on us for we've offended our boss. Alex looked at them as he gently walked into the house, "sir this is our first time, we are very obedient to your rules, we won't let this happen.. Chide tapped them, as they both moved back in fear.

"no it's me Chide.. I'm trying to tell you his gone, get up , said Chide.

"are you sure? Chief Commander John asked.

"yes his gone get up and stop disgracing yourself like this, said Chide. The two cat and mouse got up after hearing that their master was gone,

"oh Chide you're alive, said Chief Commander John, Chide asked; was I suppose to be dead before?

"No but it got to a point where it looked like you were actually dead, I mean dead for sure" said Chief commander john giggling as Paul who left him running inside with his both hands under his butt.

"He's coming, he's coming, said Chide as commander John quickly went back on his kneels, pleading again; we are sorry sir, we have committed a terrible sin, oh God have mercy on us for we've offended our boss, John noticed he was the only one talking he silently called; Paul, Paul join me, we're into this together, as he continued pleading with Chide also leaving him behind. The building became hot,

"everyone wake up, wake up the CEO is here, said Michael knocking on Isabel and Benita's door which was close to each other,

"Sofia, Sofia the CEO is here immediately Sofia woke up from her sleep, as everyone ran up and down, right and left, forward and backward, here and there confused. Finally they gathered in a small room, without Paul and John's presence.

"Good morning sir, they all greeted,

"yes so who will start today's meeting, said Alex everyone exclaimed. Isabel stood up,

"where do you think you are going to? Alex asked her, Isabel turns,

"sorry sir are you talking to me?,, she questioned him.

"no young lady I'm taking to myself, would you just sit down back, said Alex. Isabel went back, Sofia raised up her hand, with Benita giving her a sign not,

"ok Sofia what do you have to say? Alex asked. Sir on Monday the company will be organizing a low price sales, Isabel was busy sleeping as her head rests on Alex's shoulder he quickly pushed it away behind him, a hard thud on the floor, Isabel woke up apologizing with a continuous bow,

"so I was thinking it will be better to take it into the street, where we can sale off old product away waiting for the new products to arrive, said Sofia.

"Ok that's a good idea, I'll do that… so do anyone earls have something to add to what she said?

"yes I do sir, said Benita raising up her hand.

"Yes please you are free to say anything very important, any thing, said Alex

"thank you sir, well all I want to say is this, we are on a vacation not in the company neither are we in working week, so CEO please can we leave? She asked. Everyone was afraid that he would terminate their vacation, (characters murmuring) Isabel who was sleeping suddenly woke up resting back on Alex's shoulder in the middle of her third sleep, Alex pushed her head away, (hard thud) she sat down apologizing

"ok fine everyone you can leave, said Alex but they kept on looking at him, "I said you may all leave. Benita first got up leaving the room, as they got up leaving the room, Sofia came back only for Isabel to find Alex smiling, as Chide pointed a suspicious eyes on them.

"What's going on between those two, the CEO is mine, ahh, whoever dears to take him must shot me first, Chide thought in his mind.

Game 1 Finding Tumashai

"Every one prepare your selves for this great challenge, if your team end up finding the great Tumashai, your team will be going home with five hundred thousand naira that is 1.20 Us dollars, but if your team doesn't you will be going home with… nothing, said Chide smiling, he left his position walking around the teams.

"Some times it's wrong to fight nature, some people were born to win while some, he came closer to Sofia, "were born to loss for life, said Chide turning.

"I will be tying each team's hands together with a different color of material, which means a team will have to work together as one, if your team material ties apart that's the end of the game for your, as for those who doesn't have a partner sorry, you won't be joining this game, because you were born to lose for life, did you hear me? You wont be joining this game, so Sofia come out…

Alex interrupted "stop! she already have a partner, and that partner is me, said Alex dressed on his sport wear, coming out of the building, Chide's breath shakes folding the material on his palm in pain. Alex stood beside Sofia waiting for Chide to tie both hands together, Sofia and Alex looked at each other blushing, without the others knowing. Chide tried finding a way to hit Sofia but he stopped,

"huh you evil lady, you're not lucky today because I'll make this game terrible for you. Chide thought almost disfiguring his face.

"Chide what are you looking at, tie our hands already, said Alex.

"Ok CEO, said Chide in his girlish low tone, as he tied both hands together.

"Excuse me what's does the Tumashai look like, Commander John asked,

"it's a small wooden shaped lion dipped in a white paint, and we will be finding it in the nearby bush, hanged on a tall branches and you must be careful, things there can be very dangerous and crimpy, said Michael as he head for his great search with Ola. Everyone has gone far in search of the Tumashai, while Sofia and Alex were still at the behind walking slowly and chatting. Chide was at the back of them, watching if they were going to do anything silly, seeing them laugh together makes Chide angry,

"ahh! That smile was meant for me, he's giving her all he got, I most make her show her true colors, that girl is a tiny snake in a big secluded hole, Chide thought. Coming across a very low sandy cliff,

"look, when I first visited this town during my school excursion, this placed made me cry, ( they both laughed) I fell down here and kept crying on a bloody fact, I could not lift myself up, I couldn't even look down, but one of the male teacher saved me. Chide brought out a secures preparing to push Sofia, setting the secures opened to cut the material, "I think I should be twelve years old then, immediately Chide tried to push Sofia, Alex quickly drew her as Chide fell off the low cliff.

"Come, come I still have a lot to show you, said Alex.

"CEO Help, some body help me, said Chide staying all alone down the cliff, "some one should help me please, said Chide as he began to cry.

"Wait! stop running, slow down , said Chief commander John.

"No sir I can't slow down, unless they will catch up with us, that 1.20 Us dollars I most get it, said Paul,

"did you just say you, or the both of us, said Chief commander John coughing.

"Elm, ooo.. oh! yeah I know, said Paul as they both kept on running with their stained cloth. Immediately Paul stopped with Commander John almost falling.

"Paul what's the problem with you, he asked. Paul gently stepping backwards taping him.

"Chief commander John" "yes what" "mum, said Paul.

"what's wrong with your mum, is she dead, are you seeing her spirit? Chief commander John asked.

"it's coming closer, (commander John was about to talk, Paul shushed him up), don't make a sound, just move back…

"what's it Paul? Chief commander John asked.

"mum snake she is coming.. run, said Paul, the anaconda made a strike, Chief commander John turned almost been attacked by a snake, he was dragged by Paul's fearful pull, the anaconda missed him, both characters were already on a run, the anaconda went after them.

"oh heavenly Lord safe me, because of $1.2 I'm on for my own blood hunt of Darth, said Chief commander John.

"There are so many tall trees here, which one do you think he could've hidden it? Ola asked.

"I don't know, all we've to do is... hay look at Isabel and Benita let's meet up with them, said Michael as they went after the ladies.

"hello ladies what's up, how is the hot search? Ola asked.

"as good as always, Isabel replied, Ola held Isabel by the hand, she gave him an unexpected charming smile, this has never happened before,

"am I dreaming?, if I am I need some one to wake me up, Ola thought.

Mr. Michael noticed that both Isabel and Benita's hands were not tied together, he quickly drew Ola away from her, (surprise gasp),

"what's it?, Ola asked with anger.

"Shi, something isn't right, Mr. Michael whispered.

"I don't understand you Mr. Michael, said Ola trying to understand Mr. Michael.

"let's leave, they are not who we think they are, said Michael. Ola took a good look at them.

"what's wrong let's keep on going, said Benita.

"no you guys should move on we are fine, besides I want to pie as well, said Ola.

"that shouldn't bother you, we can come along, said Isabel.

"what!! They exclaimed.

"ok if you say so, Mr. Michael replied nodding his head continuously, they both turned walking normal.

"in the count of three we run, Ola nodded, one, two three.. Immediately they both started running.

"they knew, the two characters said transforming into a ghost demons, going after Ola and Michael.

Alex and Sofia got to a point where the ground was waterlogged, all they needed was something to place and cross over.

"Wait Sofia we've to take care not to muddy our shoes, said Alex.

Sofia suggested; Then let's look around we..

"don't worry I've someone who can do that for me, said Alex holding Sofia's hand. After a minute Chide arrived.

"oh my goodness Chide look at you, your cloth is torn, what happened?

"I fell down… Alex quickly interrupted him; Oh! Sorry, Chide we need away to cross this thing and our hands are tied together. Chide stood looking at both Sofia and Alex's hands held together, he snapped his finger,

"no I don't want to, he turned his back on them.

"ok, fine then, we'll find our way over it.

Immediately Chide remembers the agreement he made with CEO in the company the previous day,

"sir, Sofia was the actual poisoner of the cake she gave me, so I was thinking you could punish her for me, said Chide,

"ok I'll help you push her to her place, only if you become my close servant for the next three days, said Alex, Chide agreed to Alex's deal.

"Wait boss I'd it, said Chide, Sofia was still surprised that Chide hasn't say anything to her yet,

"Excuse me, said Chide looking at Sofia with an evil smile. He quickly lied on it giving Alex a thumb up,

"ok after you, said Alex. "No, don't let her!!Chide shouted, as Alex permitted Sofia to pass with a nod of his head, she went with bounded love he follows her, getting to Chide's head Sofia crossed over it including Alex, but in the process of Chide getting up , his hands slip and his head went into the mud along with his enter whole body,

"ops" they giggled Chide slowly came out with his kneels "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you, said Sofia. Chide raised his head up (shaky breath) Hmmm… Chide couldn't speak, dripping of muddy water

"Oh, sorry chide you'll have to clean up.. but you did well, nice job" Alex told Chide who remained stiff, with his kneels in the mud, (both characters laughing) with the intention to leave him behind, Sofia sensed a shadow which passed between the bushy trees, she stopped.

"what was that? She asked moving to her right, Alex held her "Sofia be careful, it's dangerous in here" Alex told her "that was a woman's figure" she takes his hand off, moving forward, Alex began to think Sofia was been controlled "Sofia, Sofia" "she's so stubborn, she better listen.. why am I stupidly disturbing myself over an evil lady, beside it will be a good favor if she goes a head and die" Chide took a good look at himself, tried and gave up flat into the mud, the sound moved Alex's heart to fear, he looked back, "Chide, Chide" he ran back. Sofia kept going in looking around, she kept walking forward, still looking behind a tree she saw a shoe finding It's way in, she went closer careful as Sofia jumped right in front of the shoe, to take a look. A bit of trauma shock Sofia when she saw her mother's face, (Heavy shaky breath), Alex ran to her, "Sofia, he called meeting her stiff and remained eye contact with a tree, "Sofia are you alright? He taps her on the shoulder snapping his finger close to her eyes not a blink, he carried Sofia by his arms in a hurry leaving. "Paul please let's stop here, I'm weak already, I can't take it any more, said Commander John squatting on the ground,

"but we are almost there, replied Paul. The snake came for his fearful hunt but stop not crossing over the marked line, it sticks around "it seems he can't cross over that line, said Paul watching it sit around.

"Oh mine, that's what you've been saying since and we have passed so many tall trees, because of that a stupid snake but still nothing" Chief Commander John.

"Wait what's that, said Paul pointing at a tall tree,

"is it, isn't it!, said Chief Commander John as they both quickly rushed to get it.

Coming across Isabel and Benita, they stop, Mr. Michael looked at their hands, seeing the tied material he relax,

"it felt so real, hopefully we're fine now, they aren't fake, said Michael.

"oh thank God.. this is hell" said Ola "probably this forest has a season sickness.. it wasn't like this the previous year" he told Mr. Michael, in a hurry the spirits approached with it fingers stretched forward to them, the igg made the spirits unaware of line before them, crossing over (a wild loud scream) that scared them all, watching as the spirits burn into ashes.

"what's wrong with you two? Benita aske, obviously noticing they were not aware of the demons,

"nothing we are fine right? Michael asked with a tap on Ola's chest,

"yes we are totally fine, Ola replied.

After minutes they were all discussing and laughing forgetting that they had a price to win,

"yeah but still, there is something I keep on forgetting" Benita told them thinking,

"what's that? Ola questions. They all exclaimed with their eyes opened, before a race could strike their mind, their legs were on a run. Chief commander John and Paul were up the tree fighting on who will take the Tumashai,

"wait I will pick it, you hands are shorter than mine" Paul to Chief commander John,

"is that an insult or what, look I'm older so I'll be the one to pick it, said Chief commander John. Isabel and the rest came, resting with they hands on their kneels, (breath heavily, character chatter) they looked up seeing both cat and mouse fighting for who will take the fish,

"no your hands are shorter than mine, obviously it a pity you can see it, but you don't want to listen" Paul told Chief commander John.

"no I'm older here, said Chief commander John beating Paul's hand off.

"no your hands are too short" "no I'm older here" Paul was about to blow up as a young man, Both characters still arguing.

"Why do those two always fight each other, especial the fact they argue over nonsense, pieces me off, said Ola squatting on the floor,

"I can't tell if you ask me" Isabel told Old as she took a step almost falling, immediately Ola quickly putted himself letting her to fell on him, but Benita pulled herself backwards so she won't fall on them, Ola's hands grabbed Isabel by her breast, as he feels it noticing she filled it with a lot breast pad, seeing his hands, she quickly got up feeling uncomfortable and smiling to hide the fact from every one, expect Ola who already knew.

Isabel ran off as Benita followed her.

"Get up let's take that Tumashai down" Mr. Michael told Ola pulling him up.

"No I'll pick it, said Chief commander John as they sighted a long stick with Ola and Michael, coming to attack their property, "how about we take it together" Chief commander John asked.

"but how, oh I see.. you should've told that along time ago, said Paul smiling as they hocked their thumb together going after the Tumashai, immediately the stick was about to touch it they held it rejoicing, "what kind of humans are this" said Mr. Michael, Ola and Mr. Michael dropped their stick leaving frustrated.

"Ok now, how do we get down? Paul asked Chief commander John, "why are you asking me that? Chief commander John asked Paul frustratingly, "but you brought the idea first" "then you should bring yours dummy" Chief commander John told him, (breath exhaled) they both looked at each other, eyes avert both characters rested their heads on the branches (Breath exhaled again).

"Where's Chide, Isabel asked Ola and Michael who just arrived answering her; we don't know. Sofia and Alex came together laughing,

"wait a minute isn't that the CEO and Sofia both laughing together? Benita asked, "well it's not my business" Isabel told Benita.

"What? Isabel! this is my first, I've never seen you avoid gossip, what have gotten into you? Benita asked following Isabel inside.

Ogbolo walked in greeting; good evening Mr. Valentine, good evening young master Philip.

"What's it Ogbolo?, Valentine asked him, Ogbolo looked at Philip and Valentine; sir, are you sure I should say it, with young master sitting around.

"Yes say it, said Valentine with a cold face expression, Ogbolo took a dip breath with his heart pounding,

"ok sir, I.. I messed up.. sir she, she found out, that I was spying on her, said Ogbolo.

"What? Valentine angrily hit away the expensive glass wine on his table, (liquor pours and glass shatters)

"why, why Ogbolo, think for once, be smart, why are you always messing up, every single job I gave you, you take it for a play, do you care about your family?, if you don't care, then I will teach you a living lesson., said Valentine as he stood up caring an animal skin wipe, he took from under his dinning table, "crazy shirt lie down. Immediately Ogbolo lied down his eyes avert, Valentine began to beat him up with the wipe. Ogbolo kept on enduring the pain as tears drops down from his eyes. Philip remained where he was, knowing that his father is a heartless kind of man, and if he defends Ogbolo, he's sure to receive double of what Ogbolo has received.