
Chapter 8

Too much sitting in front of that monitor.Kai forced her thoughts into words. I really should get up in the morning and exercise before I go to the studio.But the thought of leaving the warm space in the bed next to Rhya’s smooth body before she absolutely had to seemed too much a sacrifice, even with the reward of finely tuned muscles. I guess I’m not that much out of shape. Maybe I’ll just watch what I ingest. But even that reminded her of Rhyannon who was downstairs waiting for her. She quickly forced herself to her feet and, grabbing a soft robe, hurried out of the room and down the stairs.

Rhyannon was standing next to the heat stove, stirring a pan of dark beans, brewing in a flavorful-smelling liquor of southern spices. The tangy smell reached Kailyn as she hit the bottom stair and hurried her into the cooking alcove.