
Chapter 64

“Rhya,” Caryl said, putting her hand on the older woman’s arm, reassuringly, “I want to walk around and see who’s doing this. I’m a teenager. No one will think it strange if I wander around. We’ve got to find out where these are coming from.”

Rhya was amazed at the young girl’s strength. Her personal power was so strong that Rhya felt almost as if she were standing next to Kai.

“I’ll be all right,” Caryl folded her arms and looked up into Rhya’s eyes. “Honest I will. Don’t worry. But if this affects you, who’ll care for Kai when we find her?”

“I still don’t like leaving you here alone.”

“I have stronger powers than you,” Caryl told Rhya with a determined look on her face. “I’ve got to grow up sometime.”

Rhya studied her for a moment. Then she placed her hand on Caryl’s arm.

“I think you’re already grown up quite a bit.” Rhya smiled, then patted Caryl’s arm and left to go outside.