
Chapter 58

Rhya took a deep breath.

“All right,” she finally said. “Wait here while I dismiss my class. Then I’ll come back for you.” She started for the door but turned. “You can wash your face in the faculty washroom.” She indicated the door in the corner. “And Caryl? Don’t be afraid. You may have saved Kai’s life.” She left to go back into her classroom. 24

Kai sat up in bed and looked around. Where was she? Nausea and dizziness overtook her and she reached back to lean onto the bed.

She rubbed her forehead to try and wipe the mist away from her psyche but there didn’t seem to be anything she could do to wipe away the fogginess that surrounded her.

As she rubbed her face, she saw the thick bandage around her wrist.

“What is this?” she asked herself. She touched the bandage and felt a burning sensation going up her arm.