
Chapter 54

“They can’t fly yet,” Kai told her. “But they’ll learn soon enough.”

Soon, the babies grew tired of watching the women and waddled back toward the trunk of the tree and went about whatever business they thought they had.

They sat and watched the owlets for a half-hour as the babies pecked and examined something in the tree.

“Come on,” Kai finally told her. “We have to find some place to sleep and eat. It’ll be dark soon.”

She helped Rhya to her feet and they went off to find a clearing large enough to spend the night in.

“Thank you for the most incredible day,” Rhya said as Kai looked around the small clearing to see if it was suitable for their needs. “I’ve learned more today then I have in a long time.”

“Don’t tell Grandmother that,” Kai chuckled. “She’ll think you haven’t learned anything at the Hogann and she’ll send you back home.” She nodded as she decided the clearing was sufficient. “This should do. Now we just have to make our mattresses.”