
Chapter 38

She started for the stairs but stopped at the window instead. Sliding the curtain panel back, she searched the street, hoping to see Kai.

The walkways were empty. Only a few vehicles glided by, none slowing as if to stop. She glanced at the chronometer—still two hours until midnight. It wasn’t really late yet. Kai had been coming home much later than this when she was installing the new studio.

She turned and started up the stairs. She could hear Jayanta’s bare feet padding across the floor. How could she calm Jayanta and make her rest when she herself was in such turmoil? She sighed as she reached the top stair and stepped into the sleeping area.

Jayanta was standing at the window, her head resting against the pane, staring at the street below.

“Think she’ll materialize if you will it hard enough?” Rhya tried to sound casual but the concern reached Jayanta who pushed herself back from the window silently.