
Chapter 28

“Isn’t that what you wanted? I thought you did. Have I misread your reactions?” Engalla questioned the look on Kai’s face.

“Yes…no…” Kai struggled to bring her thoughts into focus. “It can’t be that way. If I did anything to make you think…I mean, if I gave you the impression…”

“It’s not a problem, Kai,” Engalla said, reaching out and running her hand down Kai’s cheek. “It’s not a problem. I understand. I must have shadowed your reactions with my own desires. I respect your position. The rest of my offer is still good. Let’s talk about it. Can we at least do that?”

She took a step back and searched Kai’s flustered expression.

Kai nodded in concession. She was feeling dizzy and overwhelmed. She hadwanted to hold Engalla, to kiss her, to make love to her. But the thought of Rhyannon had flashed in her mind. She knew she could go no further with this and regretted having let the kiss happen