
Chapter 24

“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t aware,” she whispered.

“It’s fine.” Kai looked her in the eyes. “She died when I was eighteen. Papa died seven years before that. I still feel them with me.”

Engalla nodded in understanding.

“That really is a gorgeous outfit,” Kai directed the conversation back. “It looks so comfortable.”

“Yes, I love it,” Engalla admitted rather offhandedly.

Kai felt a strong impulse to reach out and run the material through her fingers, but she restrained herself. What would this woman think? Kai had come to inspect some sound-synth equipment and was standing here resisting the urge to run her hands over this woman’s clothing. How unprofessional!

Engalla held the sliding door of a small compartment aside and let Kai precede her into the lift.

“I’ve just made some tea. Come on up.”

In seconds the lift opened again and they stepped out into a spacious living area.