
Chapter 21

“Watch out. You’re going to make me spill this,” Rhya said, setting the kettle quickly on the counter. “You sure are in a good mood.”

“Yes, I am. Isn’t it a beautiful morning?”

“Are you all right?” Rhya stared at her in amazement.

Usually, Kai had to pull herself out of bed, and on mornings like this, when she didn’t have a class to teach until afternoon, Rhya didn’t see her until long after the sun had been up. Now it was barely past dawn, and Kai was wide-awake and cheerful.

“I’m fine. Whatever I dreamed last night really put me in a good mood. I wish I could remember it. I woke wanting to make love but when I reached for you, you were already gone.” Kai opened the cabinet and pulled out a jar of dried fruits and nuts and sat down to eat from it.

“Then you don’t remember?”
