
Chapter 18

“I think it could be arranged,” Kai said, looking into her soup bowl with a knowing smile on her face.

“Honey, you’re on. Just let me know when he arrives.” She drained the cup. “Thanks for the tea. I’ve got to run back to the lab before those students laser each other wide open.” Alli set down the empty cup in front of Kai. She rose and sauntered out of the shop.

Kai picked up the empty teacup and waved it at the food server who immediately took it for a refill. Alli could always find some way to get a free cup of tea. Everyone knew it and they all just looked the other way. They knew it was her game and everyone loved her more for it.

Kai turned back to the cabbage soup in front of her. It felt good and warm going down. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was.

As she finished it, Danil sat down beside her.

“Kai,” he began, “remember when I told you, a few weeks ago, that I was helping a woman do some environmental discs?”