
Chapter 16

“Slowly. It has to be gradual. That’s the only way to avoid damaging the patient. Never force it. Let it flow.”

She sat back and watched intently as the changes were made, as the upper sound wave, generated by her control panel, carefully coaxed the lower wave to move with it. Time seemed to have no meaning as they all watched the monitors intently.

“The breathing has changed,” Caryl murmured softly, as she looked over at the young patient, in awe of what she was seeing. “The brain waves are reaching a higher level of consciousness.”

The life support monitors clearly showed a change in the breathing and heart rate. The gauges were slowly moving from below the delta level, up through theta, to alpha, and finally stopped on the border of beta waves, all four brain waves synchronized to the computer generated ones.

“This is the crucial part. One must never rip the patient into consciousness. The awakening must be gradual or the psyche will be damaged.”