
Chapter 12

“Yes, she must have been. But I woke up the next morning and couldn’t remember a word she’d said. I had no idea what her position was on any of the issues!”

“Then she must have been veryarticulate!” Kai laughed at her sister.

“Well, I sure thought so the night before. I’m usually not taken in that much,” Jayanta admitted. “I’m usually more of your average skeptic.”

“Maybe you were just too tired to retain it all,” Rhya offered. “Fatigue has a lot to do with your retention rate.”

“But she must have said something good. Everyone was cheering her.”

“That sounds very strange. Keep us informed,” Rhya added.

“Has Grandmother contacted you recently?” Kai asked her sister.

“No,” Jayanta answered, her eyebrows leaning toward the center of her face. “I contacted the Hogann by wire, last week, but only Shaymana Tuey answered. She said that Grandmother had been in meditation with the Goddess Mother for three days. I left a message but Grandmother hasn’t contacted me yet.”