

It's the year 2628 on the galactic calendar, the standard calendar for the Galatonien star system. It's day 6 in Iron month, normally this would just be a normal day however today wasn't normal at all.

"Carter! stop doing that weird monologue sh*t, it makes you look weirder than you already are!" said a beautiful blonde teenage girl. She was exactly 5,5 and weighed 136 lbs, she didn't always have people turning their heads to look at her. however by no means did that mean she was bad looking .

"Calm down Alice I was just preparing for my speach later. Why do you have to be so mean?" exclaimed Carter, a little unhappy that he was called weird.

"Carter I'm not being mean, I'm just telling the truth!" Alice yelled playfully. Alice and Carter have been friends since childhood and were very close, even now as they were teenagers, they still looked out for each other.

"Whatever Alice let's just get to class I have to give that speech or I'm going to fail."

Carter is just your average everyday teenager, he played video games, hangs out with friends, and even tries to do good in school. However this was not his fate that was decided by the supreme one, his life was only going to get more exciting. As the two kids were making there way to class, Carter started to see something odd.

"Hey Alice, do you see that?" Carter said while rubbing his eyes.

"See what?"

"That! The glowing light! Can't you see it!?"

Surrounding Carter was a bright beam of light, but only he was able to see it. He started to panic not knowing what was going on. While he was freaking out Alice didn't know what to do, she couldn't see anything and was worried. Then for Carter everything went white, where as Alice could only look at the place her best friend once was and the scorch mark on the ground where he had just been.

This is my first ever story and it would help me out if you guys would give me feedback on what you think. That way I can keep improving this story.

TheWizWizcreators' thoughts