
Chapter 3

The Girlz saw something weird with Carol face red like tomato "why you're face like blushing with someone"

"Huhh bl-blushing" stuttered Carol said this is that guy fault his face look like a prince

"So tell us who made you like this" Seems like Irene really want to know who made Carol heart melt "Oh gash I have Eric"

"So tomorrow principal want us meet at her office" Kim Irene tell to The Girlz

I guess we have a new students or transfers students

"Between Ruby this party only us & your sister's friends only" Carol spoke spontaneosly

"Noo, my parents friend too in here & why you wanna know" there eyes focused on Carol Aileen now ..."Why nothing I'm just want know" The Girlz nodded

Adrien POV

I was stunned by the beauty of the girl earlier ,maybe she has a boyfriend... Adam snapped a finger in front of me "what are you thinking about"

"Nothing , so did you're guys bring me something" I told Adam to bring me some drink