
The Cold Commander is a Woman

Hail the way! Here is the revenge story of a stunningly beautiful yet cold woman. Zsadin is seeking revenge on her parents' murderer. Along the way she guards pop band Peace and its leader D or Damien, who is haunted from his dark past. Will Zsadin be able to take revenge or will she just fall in despair again? He was a gangster-turned-businessman, unwilling to spare anybody. Yet she made him feel helpless against her actions. Will love blossom or the connections between their past lead to a deadly end? Stay tuned to read how fate entangles their destinies into a tangled mess. Now, will it be a love triangle or a vicious revengeful triangle? Chapters would be published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Khan_zoha · Urban
Not enough ratings
119 Chs

You speak too much....

After about 10 minutes, a black Sedan parked in front of the hotel door and a very dashing gentleman strolled out. Wearing a greyish suit upon a black shirt, he looked so handsome that people would stare in admiration.

He walked the place as if he owned the world and he was the king there. Another person approached him and bowed humbly, "Good afternoon, Mr. CEO. I am Robin Magfield, the Manager here. The other guests have arrived and are waiting in the conference room for you. Would you-".

"You speak too much. Magnus will brief you of my later engagements", saying this Caleb headed towards the elevator.

Magnus looked at his boss and sighed.

'I wonder how he is going to deal with this situation now!'

He turned towards the manager who was sweating and shaking, probably due to Caleb's comment and softly spoke, "Ah, don't worry. His mood is a bit low today. He had reviewed your profile and is quite impressed. Keep up the good work", and patted his back.

Magnus approached the man who was standing near the reception and tapped him.

The man in question, gestured towards the hall at the end of the lobby. Then Magnus nudged the receptionist and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and got to work while Magnus headed towards the elevator only to see Caleb waiting for him.

"Boss, what happened?"

"Did you make arrangements?"

"Yes, all done. The staff will handle it!"

"Alright, let's finish this first!", and he stepped into the elevator.

In a round table conference room about 10 people were sitting, talking loudly creating chaos. It seemed as if they were not talking rather inviting trouble. Suddenly the door banged open and a very angry looking Caleb barged in.

The people inside hurriedly stood up and greeted him. A middle-aged man approached him and they shook hands. While the others only stared at the floor unable to meet his eyes. Caleb gazed deeply at each one of them and took the head seat at the table. While the others remain standing, he didn't bother to let them sit down.

They need to be standing for the mess they have created or worse.

Just then a burpy man said in a low shaky voice, "Mr. Caleb, why did you call us here?"

"Yes, you know we all are busy people, yet we cleared out our schedule for you!"

They were about to speak and object more when Caleb banged his fist on the table and they all stood quite, afraid their words would provoke them further.

"So, visiting illegal bars, using their staff for your pleasure and trafficking drugs are your important businesses, huh? Did you all forget you had signed a contract as in you will never indulge in something like this?", Caleb smirked dangerously.

The others, baffled and shocked looked at each other and slowly nodded their heads. Caleb further sat down in a more comfortable posture and stated, "Did you all read the contract? It clearly mentions in its last clause that breach of contract would result in penalties and all of your properties and assets would be mine!"