
The Cold Commander is a Woman

Hail the way! Here is the revenge story of a stunningly beautiful yet cold woman. Zsadin is seeking revenge on her parents' murderer. Along the way she guards pop band Peace and its leader D or Damien, who is haunted from his dark past. Will Zsadin be able to take revenge or will she just fall in despair again? He was a gangster-turned-businessman, unwilling to spare anybody. Yet she made him feel helpless against her actions. Will love blossom or the connections between their past lead to a deadly end? Stay tuned to read how fate entangles their destinies into a tangled mess. Now, will it be a love triangle or a vicious revengeful triangle? Chapters would be published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Khan_zoha · Urban
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119 Chs

They are waiting for me!

Francois expected her to panic but she smirked and wiped away her make up and removed her wig.

All those present couldn't believe their eyes but stared at her for a while. Her beauty was unparallel but the movements of the still struggling man brought them back to reality. Though she looked extremely beautiful, like a precious gem the killing intent in her eyes could not be ignored

Francois signalled his men to attack her and they rushed at her. Swiftly, she picked up her knife back and stabbed them at their vital points. They tried light-stabbing her with their own knives, hardly brushing on her. After a while she let go of the knife and removed two guns which was totally unexpected. Their eyes widened but before they could retreat, she began shooting and many of them fell right away.

Suddenly, she felt like a needle had pricked her neck and she stopped but didn't lose her grip on the guns. She felt another sting and her body swayed to the side. She felt two hands picking her up and her world turned dark.


When Zsadin finally woke up, her head banged so badly as if someone was hammering it. She groaned badly when she heard other noises around her and struggled to sit up. Two strong hands gently held her and patted her back. A familiar scent filled her nose and she tried to recognize it. But when her eyes opened and she saw who it was, they widened in surprise and shock.

"How do you feel? Does your head hurt?", his calm voice felt like bombs were dropping and she tried to push him away but groaned again. The stabs on her chest were hurting her and blood seeped out, colouring her white shirt into faint red.

"Out, everybody!"

Francois was still glaring at his brother who had arrived just an hour ago. He had presented him with this wonderful gift but he didn't expect his Caleb to hit him. He was gently stroking the woman's head and arguing relentlessly as to why was she here.

He scoffed and left the two of them alone.

"What...are you...doing here?", her voice cracked due to the numbing pain in her head

"I will answer your questions later, first let's get your wounds treated!", he tried unbuttoning her shirt but she weakly pushed him away.

"I need to go! They are waiting for me!", she tried to get up but swayed again.

Sighing he pulled her back and she landed on his lap. His warm breath tickled her neck as she looked into his brown eyes, breathes going shorter and shorter. His hand slided towards her shirt and began unbuttoning it, revealing a bandage wrapped chest. Hands shaking he looked at her as if asking for permission but she turned away.

"I can do it myself!"

She removed her shirt and unpinned the bandage, slowly unwrapping it. As her unblemished back came into view, Caleb gulped hard and looked away, afraid of his impulse. When she applied the medicine, the sting made her slowly hiss which further turned Caleb on. He constantly wiped his sweaty hands on his pants, drawing deep breaths to calm himself down.

She wrapped her chest again and wore her shirt, slowly standing up.

Damn, her legs hurt!

Struggling to take a few steps, she stumbled only to be yanked back towards Caleb as he gripped her waist tightly and smashed his lips onto hers. Her eyes widened and she struggled for a while, trying to speak but he slid his tongue inside and tasted her.

His other hand snaked up to her neck, further deepening the kiss. Squirming a little she finally relaxed, feeling dazed by his fiery kiss as her body heated up.

When he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, the lost expression on her face made him fall for her more. He drew her more close but she groaned in pain. Realizing the situation, Caleb stood up.

"Let's get you out of here, first!"