
The Cold Commander is a Woman

Hail the way! Here is the revenge story of a stunningly beautiful yet cold woman. Zsadin is seeking revenge on her parents' murderer. Along the way she guards pop band Peace and its leader D or Damien, who is haunted from his dark past. Will Zsadin be able to take revenge or will she just fall in despair again? He was a gangster-turned-businessman, unwilling to spare anybody. Yet she made him feel helpless against her actions. Will love blossom or the connections between their past lead to a deadly end? Stay tuned to read how fate entangles their destinies into a tangled mess. Now, will it be a love triangle or a vicious revengeful triangle? Chapters would be published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Khan_zoha · Urban
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119 Chs

Their Bruised Goddess

At the villa.....

Raanz was staring at the huge villa, known as Lee's Nest, stunned by its beauty. The name defined the villa, it looked like a nest offering safety and warmth. The feeling was just like living in a well furbished yet ironically simple house. 'We are going to live here' the thought excited Raanz so much that he almost hugged Nancy. Smiling to herself, Nancy led them inside and they were greeted by the whole batch. They could see a few new faces in the team. Following the introductions, Nancy showed them their rooms. The interiors were very simple yet looked fascinating. The walls had landscape paintings which gave an aristocratic look. She informed them to come in the Hall after they freshened up. The faces of the boys formed a huge grin. Only D seemed unaffected. "Hey, can we call you by your name?" Raanz enquired. Surprised, Nancy just nodded. "I was a little curious. Is this villa your Chief Lee's private property or your HeadQuarters' property? It is really fascinating!" exclaimed Fobi. Nancy glanced at them and smiled. '"It is actually Chief Zsadin's". "What? Then she is filthy rich! Oh my god, she doesn't look like one", exclaimed a surprised Raanz. The others also gave surprised looks. "Actually, she doesn't speak much, which is why people underestimate her", saying this Nancy looked at Raanz and smirked. Raanz blushed in embarassment, seeing which the others laughed. As soon as Nancy left them, she contacted Chief Lee.

"Senior Chief, Nancy reporting Sir. Commander left the studio at 5 in the evening to meet Mr. Cooper at Jannet's. It has been more than two hours and I am feeling worried. Please look into the matter, Sir".

"Do not worry, Nancy. She is smart and strong as well. You really do not know her", chuckled Chief Lee, 'Alright, I will send someone. Do not do anything rash".

Meanwhile Adams and Rose, who were standing in the kitchen, grew anxious. Both were strolling to and fro, making phone calls to Nancy, Zsadin and the others. 'Why on earth does she have to confront that idiotic James! Does he have this much free time that he only seems to plot against her?' Seeing Nancy, they rushed towards her. "Any news?", both asked together. "What about Ryan? Where is he? When will he come?". Just when Nancy was about to answer them, the bell ranged. The main door opened and in came a very tall and built man. He was holding a helmet and was about to head towards the Hall when the trio stopped him. "Do you have any idea how worried we were?, Nancy yelled. "Did you hear from Chief? Ryan, we were so worried!". "No, she didn't contact me which means she is either fine or atleast coming back", Ryan seemed unfazed by the harsh yelling of Nancy. He smiled at her and turned to greet the others.

Hearing the commotion, the boys headed downstairs and gathered in the Hall. They started to look at each other wondering who should speak first. D was anxious, "Where is your chief?" he questioned Nancy directly, surprising the others. "She will be here in some time. Please sit down everybody. Ryan has already arrived. And we are waiting for chief".

The atmosphere became awkward again. As Nancy was about to call Zsadin, the bell ranged again. The main door opened but the person entering stumbled after taking a few steps. "CHIEF!" shouted Ryan and bolted towards her. "I...I...am fine. Don't..

mind me". She spoke staggardly. "Nancy, just give me your hand!" Nancy immediately held her up. As soon as Zsadin glanced towards them, sharp inhaling of breaths was heard. D, Vell, Fobi, Raanz even Adams couldn't stop himself from staring at her. Her face was covered with blue bruises which gave her a warrior look. She looked so stunning that the boys almost fell to their knees. 'Ah, she is my goddess!' Even D couldn't gaze elsewhere but at her face. 'This is going to be the end of me!' he sighed. "Chief, why do you even tolerate that idiot? He is just a total maniac!"

Nancy exclaimed. Hearing this, Zsadin glanced at her. "Leave my hand. He is your senior too. Is this the way you speak about him? This is our personal issue. Do not speak like that. Nancy, fifty laps of the main ground, now!" Nancy immediately took to her feet and rushed through the main door to the ground. "Batch! Everyone in the main ground now!" Several footsteps were heard rushing towards the door. Struggling, Zsadin went in the kitchen, took a water bottle and drank it. She turned towards the boys and said in a voice cold enough to send shivers down their spines "I apologize for the commotion today. You may retire to your rooms now. Good night" She then looked at Ron who had followed the boys, "Please provide me with their schedule for this month tomorrow morning". Saying this she walked out.

"Good evening, Chief", the batch of ten greeted her. Nancy who was amidst her fourth lap, halted and ran to stand with the batch. Zsadin ignored her and started addressing, "Good evening batch. We will now be protecting the Peace band as you all know. You are not going to overlook or ignore any detail while protecting them. Be with them, accompany them, study their life and remain alert. One mistake of yours may cost their lives. From now on, they are our responsibility. Adams, Nancy, Rose, Ryan and their partners will assist the boys while the others will be on standby. Nancy and Ben you will be protecting Raanz, Adams and June you will be protecting Sean, Rose and Justin you look over at Vell, lastly Ryan and Jess are assigned to Fobi.

Gabe and Sam you will be on standby. Batch, starting today these people are your priorities". Zsadin was about to head back when she turned once again, "By the way, who informed Chief Lee?" Listening this, Nancy slowly lifted her hand, "Chief, I did!".

"Very well. Additional 30 rounds". And Nancy could only inwardly cry.