
The Cold Commander is a Woman

Hail the way! Here is the revenge story of a stunningly beautiful yet cold woman. Zsadin is seeking revenge on her parents' murderer. Along the way she guards pop band Peace and its leader D or Damien, who is haunted from his dark past. Will Zsadin be able to take revenge or will she just fall in despair again? He was a gangster-turned-businessman, unwilling to spare anybody. Yet she made him feel helpless against her actions. Will love blossom or the connections between their past lead to a deadly end? Stay tuned to read how fate entangles their destinies into a tangled mess. Now, will it be a love triangle or a vicious revengeful triangle? Chapters would be published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Khan_zoha · Urban
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119 Chs

The Interview 3

"Haha, I am sorry to disappoint you....but...um...I have always been single", replied a flustered D.

"Ohh...is that so? Then who is the pretty woman who accompanied you?", smirked Mellisa. She knew that now, since D would spill the beans, she had a chance to dig futher. But now it was her turn to be flustered.

At that exact moment, D glanced at Zsadin and she nodded slightly, "She is a head commander, currently my bodyguard" and the whole studio gasped. Mellisa, Shawn, Carson, Pete and all the others who had seen Zsadin could not help but look at her.

She seemed tough but a commander and his bodyguard?

'Ah, this boy knows how to answer her!', a frustrated Pete glanced at Zsadin once again and went back to his cabin.

Mellisa quickly composed herself, " Could you call her on stage? The audience would also like to see her, wouldn't they?" And when D glanced in Zsadin's direction, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Um....she does not like the limelight, she is a lowkey person. And perhaps, it is for our safety to not let their identities be known to the masses".

"But why do you need a bodyguard? Are the other members also being protected?", enquired a concerned Mellisa.

"Actually, it is only that our manager is a bit protective of us, hence he hired them.He is pampering us too much", laughed D.

"So, you could perhaps tell us something about her, as I had seen her, she looks utterly stunning, is she good-natured too?", Mellisa tried digging deeper, expecting D to give her the answer she wanted.

"Well, she is very professional and doesn't speak much. She is good at her job and....not meddlesome", D replied in a monotonous voice, depicting no emotion, opposite from what Mellisa expected. Further she questioned him regarding his other albums and concluded the interview. D started to look around, nodding and smiling at everyone he met in the way.

"Searching for her?, I wonder who is the bodyguard here!", smirked Mellisa.

"You better not say anything to her, perhaps if you don't want a broken nose", D smirked in return.

Mellisa's smirk turned into a frown. "She does not even know where you are and you are already supporting her. What on-",

"You will look too good with a broken nose, additional make-up. Wanna try?", Zsadin interrupted her. "I am his bodyguard, but I don't like people poking noses in my job. So the next time before you target me, think twice. Mr. Damien, we should leave now", saying this Zsadin turned towards the exit and D followed her.

Hello Readers,

I am extremely sorry about not being able to update recently. My health is dragging me down. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Also, do write a review. Point out any mistakes, gracious people.

Yours hungry-for-motivation,


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