
The Cold Commander is a Woman

Hail the way! Here is the revenge story of a stunningly beautiful yet cold woman. Zsadin is seeking revenge on her parents' murderer. Along the way she guards pop band Peace and its leader D or Damien, who is haunted from his dark past. Will Zsadin be able to take revenge or will she just fall in despair again? He was a gangster-turned-businessman, unwilling to spare anybody. Yet she made him feel helpless against her actions. Will love blossom or the connections between their past lead to a deadly end? Stay tuned to read how fate entangles their destinies into a tangled mess. Now, will it be a love triangle or a vicious revengeful triangle? Chapters would be published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Khan_zoha · Urban
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119 Chs

Rendered Helpless

Finally the clock struck ten and D stopped the music. Although it was a treat to see the idol dancing, it was tiresome for the boys. They were about to relax when they heard D's voice. "We need to go downstairs, she is waiting". Within seconds they realized what D was talking about.

'Zsadin will drive them to the villa'

'Ah, my head hurts this instance'

Raanz thought that maybe he should tell D or Nancy or Adams to drive the car. He was terrified of her driving. Even the others were thinking the same excluding D. He didn't persuade the boys regarding the matter. Gathering up all their courage, the boys went downstairs and faced Zsadin. Seeing their reluctant faces, she could roughly assume that it was about her driving. Nancy was about to say something when Raanz spoke up, "Can you please let Nancy or Adams drive us home? We-".

"No", Zsadin just stated as matter-of-factly. Seeing this, Fobi got all riled up, but didn't say anything. Even Sean looked displeased.

Zsadin nudged them to enter the car. The pattern was the same, but the wind-blowing-in-their-face kind of feeling never came. The ride back to the villa was very peaceful, the car moved at a reasonable speed enabling the boys to relax. Finally, when they reached the villa, the boys just went to their rooms and crashed.

The next day.....

Again today the officers were blindingly gorgeous. But they seemed rushed and anxious. Seeing Nancy take deep breaths, Raanz finally asked, "Why are you all so nervous, it is just a press conference".

"Well, it looks like just a press conference, but that is not worrying us. Last time, when chief was protecting Mr. Ablone during a press conference, a man suddenly hurled abuses at him and lunged towards him. Chief blocked him, she tried to calm him down but he got violent and she broke his nose. After which she was suspended for a month. We are not sure that along with reporters if any anti-fans arrive and attack you, we won't be able to stop her which is bad!".

Hearing this, Raanz and Fobi became highly amused and thought, 'So if she breaks bones, she could get suspended!'

Just then, Ron came to fetch the boys, "D, it's time. Remember boys not to speak anything rudely and do not let out any inside information". They nodded at him and headed to the conference hall with Zsadin leading them and the others at their side. All had a stern expression, the look on Zsadin's face was even more grimacing. As soon as the boys entered the hall, the sound of camera flashing and clicking of photos filled the hall. D and the others took a seat and the reporters began to talk with the boys. It was not until a reporter asked Vell about his future plans that Zsadin noticed his mischief. He has changed his place with D! And Zsadin's expression became ice-cold. Sensing the temperature drop, the officers looked at Zsadin and then glanced at D and Vell. 'Oh shit! Are these people out of their minds? Now that their position has changed even the shield strategy changes. Nancy was about to change her position when she noticed something wrong with one of the reporters. They didn't check them when they entered as Steves was worried about the agency's image, but now she was filled with regret. Just because Vell had changed his position a loophole had formed in the unformidable shied, Vell and D were in danger as no one would be able to block any attack. One reporter was wearing a long sleeved loose tshirt and raised hand towards Vell. Nancy and the others saw this. While one of them sneaked behind the reporter, and Nancy rushed towards Vell. And then Nancy just fell on the floor while the suspicious reporter was caught and detained. Everything happened within seconds, before anyone was able to understand the situation blood flowed from Nancy's body and Zsadin rushed towards her. She was shot at and the bullet seemed near her heart, sensing which Zsadin's mood worsened. She immediately dialed the HQ, "Central command, Officer Zsadin reporting, a subordinate has been shot. I reqiest an emergency situation, I repeat, Emergency situation. "

"How is the pulse rate, officer?

"Steadily increasing, breathing is very fast, on the verge of losing consciousness".

"Do not let her sleep, keep talking to her". The boys and reporters were shocked silly. One instance everything was fine, and the other instance it was a chaotic mess. The other officers got over to the boys' side and began escorting them out followed by the reporters. Nancy's condition was deteriorating, as she tried to stop the blood using her hands, Zsadin's aura became menacingly cold. "Nancy, don't close your eyes, keep breathing", Zsadin kept talking to her. Finally, Adams came over, lifted Nancy and ran downstairs. Zsadin and Rose followed, she pulled the car out from the parking slot and opened the car's door. Adams carried her in and Zsadin drove at a very dangerous speed, but neither Adams nor Rose felt afraid but were very anxious. Finally they arrived at the HeadQuarters hospital where the staff was ready with a stretcher and everything. They got Nancy and rushed inside the hospital. Everything was ready and Nancy was taken to the operation theatre. Zsadin hated these moments when she was rendered helpless. When she could do nothing to save those who were important to her. After almost two hours, the door opened and the familiar face almost took Zsadin by surprise. She looked at him questioningly, "She is fine. She needs to be here for two days and then we could send her over", the voice seemed particularly angry. "You are not efficient, Zsadin. She could have lost her life". Rose and Adams looked anxiously at her, expecting her to defend herself. But as always she didn't say anything. "I will improve myself."

"At the cost of other people's lives? How foolish", the elderly doctor's words stunned Rose and Adams. They knew it wasn't her fault but they also knew that she would only give an explanation to Chief Lee. After scolding Zsadin for a long time, the doctor left and Zsadin released her breath. 'So nosy!'

Nancy was being shifted to the private room when Zsadin nudged Rose and Adams to return to the villa. They wanted to stay but couldn't disobey her so they left. This has always happened when anyone of her batch was admitted or injured. She stayed at their side. Nancy was unconscious so Zsadin sat on the couch looking at her. Finally, she dozed off.

My precious readers, First of all Thank you so much for giving my book the honour of being read by your eyes. I hope you have enjoyed the story so far. I am trying to make it two chapters per day. Please support and leave comments and suggestions.

Yous waiting-for-motivation


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