
The Cold Commander is a Woman

Hail the way! Here is the revenge story of a stunningly beautiful yet cold woman. Zsadin is seeking revenge on her parents' murderer. Along the way she guards pop band Peace and its leader D or Damien, who is haunted from his dark past. Will Zsadin be able to take revenge or will she just fall in despair again? He was a gangster-turned-businessman, unwilling to spare anybody. Yet she made him feel helpless against her actions. Will love blossom or the connections between their past lead to a deadly end? Stay tuned to read how fate entangles their destinies into a tangled mess. Now, will it be a love triangle or a vicious revengeful triangle? Chapters would be published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Khan_zoha · Urban
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119 Chs

If I lose, I will volunteer the Northern Borders!

"Chief Lee is planning to send someone skilled to the northern borders! Should I recommend you?", the threat was evident and James paled.

"If I lose, I will volunteer for the northern borders!", Zsadin smirked sending shivers down his spine.

"Alright, if I lose, I'll go! The game is on!", James confidently stepped inside the shooting range.

The other people who were also practicing, had heard their conversation and they doubtingly looked at James.

"Hey, are you sure she forgot her skills?"

"Yes, ofcourse. Also she has a injured arm. So it won't be a problem. We will send her to the North", he was confident enough but Zsadin didn't care.

Northern borders was a very dangerous section of the country as it shared the border with F country. Frequent attacks and abduction often took place. Also, she wanted to visit the borders, it would be better for her to go volunteer there. But it would be best to send James there. Arrogant jerk that he was, he also had a large network.

The other officers gathered around them to watch the show. If she had really forgot her skills, then it would be fun to watch her make a fool of herself.

"I bet on him, he may not be as skilled as she was, but he is good!"

"Man, if she loses, it would be my treat!"

"The Cold Bitch, whatever, she is just a attention seeker!"

The hateful comments only fueled up James' confidence, he looked down at her.

"5 rounds, highest wins. Shall we start?", his mocking tone further energized the crowd. They began commenting on her even harshly.

"What is going on here?", Jacobs' voice resounded all over the shooting range.

"Chief, Officer Zsadin and Officer James are challenging each other. The one who loses will volunteer on the Northern Borders", an over-excited underlink could stop himself.

"And this moron accepted?", Jacobs' was amused. This sister of his was surely something.

"Alright, so on the count of three, shoot!"

Due to Jacobs' presence the crowd had stopped venting their frustrations, but didn't stop looking down on her.

Zsadin and James took their positions and stood in their stance.

"One, two, three!"


The crowd inched closer only to be shocked by the results.

James had fired three shots in the 8-pointer while two shots in the 10 pointer, scoring 44 points.

"Wow, impressive James!"

"Man he has skills!"

"Yeah, what a shooter!", amazed by his score they showered him in praises.

Then they proceeded to count her score. She was bound to lose is what they thought.

Ridiculously they looked at her firing and their eyes widened so much as if their eyeballs would pop out.

"Damn, all shots are 10-pointer!"