
The Cold Commander is a Woman

Hail the way! Here is the revenge story of a stunningly beautiful yet cold woman. Zsadin is seeking revenge on her parents' murderer. Along the way she guards pop band Peace and its leader D or Damien, who is haunted from his dark past. Will Zsadin be able to take revenge or will she just fall in despair again? He was a gangster-turned-businessman, unwilling to spare anybody. Yet she made him feel helpless against her actions. Will love blossom or the connections between their past lead to a deadly end? Stay tuned to read how fate entangles their destinies into a tangled mess. Now, will it be a love triangle or a vicious revengeful triangle? Chapters would be published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Khan_zoha · Urban
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119 Chs

A Female Bodyguard?

Zsadin was reading through the information booklet Nancy had given her regarding Peace.

Name : Peace

Leader : D - Damien

Members : Sean, Vell, Fobi, Raanz

Assistant : Ron

Agency : The TopShot

Address : Shackled Hills, Zeen Bay

Manager : Steves Park

'It is going to be rough, Brandon watch out.....I am coming for you' sighed Zsadin.


A person with only sweatpants laid on the bed with his eyes closed. His face gave the look of a greek god, his almost perfect appearance hid all the scars of his past.Knock, knock, knock. Lazily, he got to the door. "D, Steves is here, wants to speak with you and the boys", said Ron. Ron was the assistant given to the boys to help them in times. "Alright, give me 10 minutes", saying he went back in the room. "Yeah, I get it that you all are not kids, but see the situation. I do not want you all hurt or anything, try to understand!" As soon as D entered, Sean spoke up, " Even D is not agreeing, then why? I know you are worried and all but no.....we are not getting ugly bees swarming all over us". "Hey, who said they are ugly? You all are underestimating them. They are all just your age and very charming people". "What?...You are hiring newbies and rookies to protect us? ...Then it is an absolute NO!!!!", humphed Fobi. "Atleast get us some experienced people, ugly or beautiful, I don't care. They must be capable enough", said D. "Don't worry, they are top-notch. Not only their chief even the underlinks are well trained. As for experience, they protected the Foreign Minister, Mr.Ablone in F country". "What the hell....You mean those same officers are going to be our bodyguards....WOW!!!!". "Yeah....Those are not rookies as for their chief, I was told that the chief is a tough no nonsense person but is very dedicated. You would be living with them for the mean time in Chief Lee's villa. Try to get along with them and pack your things. They will meet you tomorrow in your studio at 4 in the evening''. "Hey, Steves is there a beautiful girl too or is it an all boys squad???", asked Vell but Steves just shrugged and smiled.

"Well, lets start packing alright?" chirped Sean and everybody just nodded. The next day....

"One, Two, Three, Four...one, two, three, four....one, two, three, four...come on boys show some energy" D was practising with the boys for his latest album. It was one week after the attack yet they seemed unfazed as if nothing had happened. "Okay guys, take a break, 15 minutes".Tired, the boys lied down on the floor facing the ceiling. "D, the officers are about to come. We had an appointment with them half an hour later", said Sean. "Yeah, relax, we will see them". Little did he know his life was about to change gradually from today.

Knock, knock. "D, the officers are here, please come out", said Ron. "Yeah..coming".The boys had a change of clothes and entered the main hall.Nancy, Rose and Adams greeted them. While Adams had put on a professional smile, Nancy and Rose looked at them with puppy eyes. Seeing their expressions the boys smirked 'Oh! This is gonna be fun'. "Hello, I am D and this is my team, I am sure you know them. I-", "Please wait, Chief is still not here." Nancy cut him. "Look, I really appreciate you volunteering for us, but our time is also precious, can you please hurry..". " Uhm...yes, just a minute. I will call her". And D just stared hopelessly. "Hello, Officer Nancy reporting, where are you chief?". Just then the door opened and in came Zsadin, "Well, I am already here!". D and the other members could only gape in surprise. What? How? How come it is a lady....that too, this stunning!!!!! Nancy greeted her followed by Adams and Rose. Zsadin turned towards the members and spoke, " Hello, my name is Zsadin and I am their chief. Your safety would be my responsibility from today. I request co-operation from you all". "I am sorry if I am rude but how can a woman who is so delicate looking protect us and command us. Are you sure you are a commander? Like how can you even protect yourself...?" exclaimed a surprised Raanz. Zsadin just removed her goggles and smirked at him. 'Did she just smirked?' 'Yeah...you idiot' 'Hey, Raanz wake up!!!' the other members inwardly told Raanz and gestured to him. Only D looked at her, his gaze unpredictable.Then suddenly he charged at her, aiming a punch with a force.He was about to stop at her face but she grabbed his wrist and flipped him upside down. The members just stared, trying to analyze the situation and just gasped when realized what had happened. "Is this proof enough or should I break his bones and prove it?" said Zsadin bringing everybody out of their trance. "N..no...no...this is enough...I surrender", said a shocked Raanz. D was about to get up when Zsadin offered him a hand which he refused, visibly hurt, only to further question Zsadin, "Were you really going to break my bones if he was not convinced?"

"Presumably, yes", said a calm and composed Zsadin shocking all the boys. While the boys were stealing glances at Zsadin, D just directly stared at her. "Ahem...Chief....Ryan will be reporting directly at the villa" Nancy reported. "Please bring your luggage, we will be heading to the villa this instance". Saying this, Zsadin left the main hall. D and the others were still in a trance when Adams said " I request you all to please co-operate with chief. We will wait outside, please bring your luggage".

"Wait man. She is hell of a woman. I DID NOT EXPECT THIS. And D how could you lose!!!! You are a black belt for god's sake! How in the world did she tackle you? I am beyond impressed" exclaimed Raanz. D just shrugged his shoulders in annoyance. Seeing this, Nancy just couldn't hold back her chuckle. All the boys looked at her in depair and she lost it. She laughed and the rest then finally joined her. 'D could be so cute'. While the others were still laughing he just rushed out and bumped into Zsadin. She had a neutral expression on her face. "Are you done packing? We need to talk" she said and looked at him, expecting a reply. "Yeah....sure. Come with me".