

Rose feared vulnerability, she feared being hurt again, she never let anyone get close to her with an exception of her grandparents and best friend. She had built up endless walls and shut down any suitors. She decided to awaken her former self before she fell in love, before she tried gaining the love and validation of her parents, before she tried being a 'good girl' Countless attacks and dissapoinments made her choose the cold way, she didn't know how much she could take but she knew she was ready to make peace with being the villain. Rose had planned out her life fully and knew what she wanted but we don't get what we want all the time now do we? What happens when all they all tried coming back? What happens when a certain suitor is determine to tie her down to him?

Elsie_Newton · Urban
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107 Chs

Granddaughter of the year

By now, Anita had realized that she was not going to win against Diana in any way, and therefore she chose to change her strategy as she proceeded to apologize to the crowd, stating that she was just so anxious and so excited to see her sister after so long and therefore seeing her reaction made her angry and so much more propaganda flowed out of her mouth, and by the time she was done apologizing, the crowd was literally so done with her. But of course they could say that the Katz family events and occasions seemed to be one of the places where you wouldn't just be going for an event, but also for a juicy situation.