
The coin

On a day like any other the sun shined with resplendent light on a two story apartment a 20 year old boy lived: ajax.Ajax is from a relatively normal family of four. A decent income his father makes, a loving mother and an annoying sister. His lives in Florida while he moved to new york to pursue his degree in literature.

Ajax was kicked out of school a year ago for getting into a fight with his ex's new boyfriend who she was cheating on me with the whole time. Now a year later has past and he refuses to tell his parents for fear of their disappointment. So he does minor jobs all over the place and uses the money his family send to barely keep himself above water.

Ajax awoke within his small one bedroom apartment where the walls are thin and the rent is cheap. He gazed around his "home" that he has been living in for 6 months now. The only place which allowed him to stay despite his instability. The room had brown colored walls, probably due to the poor upkeep. The bed was a small single bed aplenty for Ajax's small stature.

His bathroom plain with nothing but a shower, sink and toilet. In the corner of this hideous place, was a barely use able kitchen and fridge.

Ajax sighed at his home for the millionth time; he got up knowing he needs to go to his hated place, where his ex studies to go fix the bathrooms in the boys dorm.

The walk to the university was always boring just as much as he remembered from his previous ventures. The walk took about 20 minutes to reach the university if the shortcut through the woods was used. The walk has always been mundane but this walk will change his life forever, altering the course of the universe and giving control to Ajax's life.

Ajax reached the forest 10 minutes into his walk and turned to the unbeaten path which usually isn't taken by anyone other then himself.What greeted him was a deep fear which traveled throughout his body stopping him at the entrance to the path. That cold feeling that reached the bone and travled to every inch of his body left as soon as it came.

No longer ailed by the cold deep fear he inched inside the entrance telling himself its nothing.

An object stood in front of his path blocking him from reaching the other side. That object is a coin. But, not just any coin, a coin bigger than others, a coin the size of a plam. A coin with demon wings and horns on one side and angel wings and a halo on another.


"how did i get here"?

Ajax asked aloud as he realized he is holding an inspecting the coin. "But i wasn't even close to here".

His thoughts were interrupted when a searing pain erupted on his hands which held the coin. Ajax was unable to withstand the pain and fainted not knowing what was happening and what will happen.


a creepy evil laughter escaped from the coin along with a soothing hum.