
The Coincidental Fate

nika_daz · Teen
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Chapter 1: Wake up


Zirashane POV

"Zirashane, wake up!"

Why does it have to be now? I'm still sleepy and I don't want to get up yet.

"Are you going to get up there or will I just pour cold water on you to give life to your dead cells inside you?"

My ears tingled at what I heard from my older brother but still chose to ignore him. My health is more important to him, so let me just sleep for five more minutes. Besides, my body's still craving for it.

"Come on, Storm. I'm still sleepy," I said with my eyes closed and heavy body, still enjoying the comfort of my soft bed, so when my brother pulled both of my feet, I almost had a heart attack. My soul finally came to life with my eyes wide open.

"Storm!" I screamed, wearing my sour face.

"I told you to get up, but you didn't listen to me." And he still has the nerve to laugh. The audacity of this old man!

My brother will never get tired of teasing me. I doubt that he will change this attitude of him when it comes to me. But you know what's funny? He's always the one who will get pissed off in the end, so the last laugh is still on me. I'm always winning when it comes to teasing each other and that's something to be proud of. After all, he's my 'older' brother.

"My dear brother, I'll say it again for the last time: I don't want to attend that party with you. You see, I'm not the type of girl who goes partying and clubbing because of my uniqueness and rarity." Grinning wickedly, I rolled my eyes on him and flipped my hair.

It's so early in the morning and my brother is pestering me. Why? He wants me to be his partner in the said party. And oh! It's not the simple and usual party to attend to because all the rich and famous artists were there. Of course, who am I to level to the power and reputation they have. I'm just going to embarrass myself in front of them.

"Hey, stop idling and thinking of something injustice." Oh, my brother will always be ruining my introspection.

"You're overreacting!" I stood up. I decided to fix my bed later on since my brother is so excited to go to the party. Here am I, having no choice again.

My brother and I went down to eat breakfast so that we could go to the mall early and buy what I'm going to wear to the party. Well, my brother wants us to buy now even though the party is still in the evening. He's that excited ad paranoid, I know.

"Hey, my baby," Mom greeted me. Mom and Dad still call me their baby even though I'm already in high school. They're sweet, unlike my brother.

"Hey, Mom."

"Are you ready for the party, baby?" Mom giggled. What the heck?

"She's not yet ready. We still need to go to the mall for her to wear something nice that might suit her."

There he goes again. I did nothing but to roll my eyes at his remarks as always.

"That's easy. You have a whole day to prepare for the party, so take your time." Mom's smiling, excited for the party too. "But for now, let's eat first."

We ate quietly, but my oh-so-good-brother kicked my foot under the table. I gave him a look, questioning him why the heck he did that as if we have secrets we can't reveal in front of our Mom.

"What's that look on your faces? Is there something wrong?" Mom questioned us when she noticed our strange behavior.

"Nothing, Mom. Don't mind us. I accidentally hit Shane's foot, so she gave me that look."

Oh, he's also too good at lying, by the way.

Hey, Storm! It's not 'accidentally'. It's 'intentionally'. There's a huge difference. Where's the justice? This is not fair! I'll make sure that I'll get back at you and see that that ugly face frowns again. Oh, it will be my greatest pleasure and happiness. Just wait for it, my dear sweet brother.

It didn't take us long enough to finish our food. We helped our maid to fix the dishes and food because that what Mom taught us. Even with the help of the maid, we still need to be independent for us to learn the basic chores of the house.

"Shane, hurry up and move quickly. You move like a turtle– no, you're slower than that. So, be quick, will you?"

Am I supposed to get affected by it? Well, yeah. Storm's choice of words will always have a place in my heart for the pain. So, let me just punch his ugly face.

"Hey! You've crossed the line! You must not do it again to your handsome brother! I'm still older than you, remember that!"

"Oh, yeah?" Go talk to your own ass!

When we're about to start firing our weapon words for each other, our maid, Fe, stopped us. "Shane and Storm, calm yourselves down. One of you might get pissed off again sooner or later or worst, the both of you." So, we did not bother to talk again. "Just get ready for the party you're going to attend."

"I'll go to my room, then. Thank you, our Aunt!" I smiled from ear to ear.

She just gave us a nod before leaving. I'm left alone with my brother again, giving me his deathly glare. It bothered me so I did the same to him.

"WHAT?" I challenged him.

"Do you really have nothing to wear?" He looks irritated, causing me to laugh at his face.

"Is that even a question?"

My brother seemed to have a problem in mind. Maybe he needs treatment in the mental ward. I'm willing to accompany him.

"Then, make yourself quick!"

Right. I was going to go up to my room, okay? But you're here, always interrupting my calm system and pestering my mood. For countless times, I rolled my eyes at him before walking toward the stairs. He tends to talk a lot compared to my Mom. Even so, I still love him from the bottom of my heart. I'm just not that expressive enough.

I took a bath and finish it immediately because I know for sure that my brother has a lot of smoke coming from his nose and ear again. After that, I make a quick move to fix myself even in choosing what I'm going to wear. When I opened my room door, the door of my brother's room swung open too.


"Oh, you're already done? I thought I will wait 'til my hair turned gray because of your turtle move."

"HA HA HA. You're really funny, my dear brother. No joke." Insert the sarcasm here. Gosh. Why do I need to have an annoying brother like him? What's so good in bullying me?

"You're pissed!" He laughed his heart out.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him again, stomping my feet on the marble floor. I decided to find my Mom downstairs to have an alliance. I'm not pissed. He's the only one who always got pissed.

"Mom, Storm's making fun of me again," I complained like an innocent child.

"Xykson Storm! Come here!" Mom called Storm using her angry voice. I laughed secretly because I can smell the victory.

"Mom, it's not-" Storm didn���t finish what he was going to say because Mom already squeezed his ear. Oh, that must've hurt.

"I told you not to tease your little sister. You're older than her, so make sure that your actions are matured than her."

I smiled widely, especially that my brother's face turned sour again. Oh, someday I will collect those funny expressions on his face in my polaroid.


What me happy was that Storm walked his ass out on the scene again. That's a sign that he lost the game again. Better luck next time, my dear brother. Mom loves me more than you.

"Mom, I have to go. Storm might leave me again." I kissed my Mom on her cheek and ran out of our house.

I immediately go straight to Storm's car, only to see his flaring eyes. I buckled up my seatbelt and prepare myself for a possible accident we might meet.

throughout the road. Not to mention that he is a racer. You'll die out of nervousness while riding in his car due to the speed. It's a pity for the woman he's going to marry soon. I can even picture out in my mind about their everyday argument. Hilarious!

While taking our destination, my brother's still not talking to me. I even talked to myself just to ease the boredom I'm feeling inside the car. He's ignoring me like I'm just a wind. The speed turned slow down not unlike before. Well, this is a miracle.

"Hey…" I called out. This is getting uncomfortable. I'm not used to this kind of situation with him.

"Hmm?" He responded, but his eyes were still on the road.

"Come on, it's no big deal. Mom's my only savior when it comes to you, you know that. Don't take it to heart."

He didn't say anything. What now? He's being sensitive because of that?

"Are you mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

My eyes narrowed. He didn't answer the question directly. He really is mad. Fine, then!

We arrived at the mall and got ourselves busy with what we need to do.