
The Clover and The Poppy

Ian Choi, a recent college graduate and aspiring writer has just been diagnosed with Glioblastoma and has but 1 year left to live. Ian thinking that this was god mocking him, goes back to his hometown to help his sister, deciding to live the rest of his days in his family home. One day he discovers a bunch of old stories he made back when he was still in high school that he never got to finish, seeing it as a his dying wish was to be a writer, he sets a goal of finishing the stories before the new year and publishing them. But what he doesn't know that every story has a world within, and unfinished ones have dire consequences. Every unfinished story is a world without ending, leading to the characters within to come to reality and beckon the writer finish it themselves. Follow Ian as he makes his dying wish come true, with a hint of magic and the supernatural, will he fulfill it before time runs out? Or will he die a death filled with regrets.

CheerForTheOutcast · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 Mishaps

"Ian it's time to wake up its almost noon!"

The sound of banging on my door was from August, what in the world was he doing here anyway.

As I groggily made my way to the door, I let out a yawn, looks like my parents were still fast asleep, the night owls, sleep all day, speak all night. 

Opening the door, I was greeted with a disgustingly cheery smile and a slobber of saliva.

"Dexter no, stop that."

But it was too late, the Great Dane that is Dexter cannot be stopped and I was pinned to the ground by a 100 pound slab of fur and meat.

"Dexter no stop it, I'm already awake. Yes I'm happy to see you too but can you get off of me?"

Seeing as to how I seemed to be in distress, Dexter reluctantly got off of me and whined, looking pitiful but I had no mercy left today to spare, especially not just when I woke up, this headache was killing me.

I turned to my right to see the aftermath in the mirror, I was a mess. My hair looked like a bird had nested in it, my shirt smelt and was covered in dog fur. Not to mention my glasses which were fogged up from the greeting earlier by Dexter. Sure I love dogs, but not those that make me look even worse than I already am in the morning in front of a friend.

I instantly knew what August was thinking and held up my finger towards him as I still inspected myself in the mirror, seeing if there was anything else I could critic on how bad of a morning I was having.

"August put the phone down, that is if you still dont want to be breathing."

The glare I gave him as I said that was enough for him to slowly but surely put his phone away, smiling the entire time, eyes pleading for mercy.

"If I see any photo of me in this circulating I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind the stash you have in her own front yar--"

"Okay okay jeez, it's just that you look absolutely hilarious."

"One more word and I'm shutting the door on you, what do you want, my business hours start afternoon. Make it quick I need my coffee."

"Yes alright, anyways Hazel and I are going to hang out tomorrow just wanted to check up on you while i was walking Dexter, wanna join us? We haven't hung out together in a while."

"You're always busy with school and all, and since you've just graduated I thought we could throw you a celebration of sorts at the coffee shop Hazel works at."

"Fine what time."

"She gets off at 6 so let's meet her there tomorrow alright?"

"Now let me sleep a bit more."

I slammed the door and let him leave before he could answer me back, I made sure I heard the creak of the stairs of them walking down before I went to the kitchen.

It was noon and the sunlight from the balcony illuminating the essential ingredients for me to function, that being a caramel Frappuccino with topped with whipped cream.

I put up some tunes to listen as I made it, just the general EDM music that gets your blood flowing from a work out. My version of working out would be walking out of my bed to make coffee, then back on the couch typing away at my laptop endlessly.

While I waited for the coffee maker to do its thing, I made myself some eggs, scrambled. I always burned my sunny side ups, plus scrambled eggs quite literally take seconds to make, so even a shut in like me can make it.

After making the eggs I let myself finish up making the caramel frap and relax on the sofa, finishing up on a TV series I was meaning to get back to for weeks.

The moment I sat down I had a throbbing pain in my head, it was as if a vein inside Mt skull was going to burst, moving to the beat of my heart. The pain wasn't unbearable, it was just a nuisance. The doctor said the headaches would get worse with time, and that the pain meds would be enough to lessen the pain.

In my sudden state of shock I had dropped the plate of eggs on the floor, but I tightly gripped the frap for dear life.

"Ah crap, mom's going to get mad, these stains are going to take forever to get out."

I picked up the visible shards of china and wiped the rest with a towel, accidentally poking my ginger from a tiny stray piece.


The cut was quite large despite its size. My ringer was soon doused in blood, I quickly ran to the sink to run it under cool water and disinfected before wrapping it in a rag.

Blood was something I couldn't stomach, the entire ordeal was me fighting the nausea as dressed and cleaned it. By the time it was done I was on the sofa heaving, taking deep breaths. I took a sip of my frap and a piece of chocolate from the guest bowl I usually leave out when I have August and Hazel over. The tastes of sweetness on my tongue helped fight back the nausea. 

The sudden stress I got gave me a headache, it was dulled from the painkillers awhile ago, but it was a still noticeable. If I'm going to live the rest of my days, I was going to have to get used to it.

I caved on the sofa, completely forgetting that the TV was still on, my frap no longer creamy and just runny, the whipped cream on top long since dissolved.

Well Ian you're still breathing, that's a good thing at least. Your morning may have been ruined but the rest of the day can't possibly be any worse right? Wrong.

For the next few hours I was in constant pain and discomfort, I now understood what it was like for my sister to have her period, describing it as if you were dying and not wanting to move a single muscle. This was exhausting, how do women do it? Every month at that, big sis Sera sure was a champ if she had to go through something like this for so long.

Still slumped on the sofa, not moving a muscle, I received a call from my sister. Looking towards the window, it was already dark outside. Did that much time pass? Wow that was quick.

I tried to stand up to walk to the kitchen counter, but my legs were still asleep, so instead of a brisk walk to the kitchen, I gracefully landed my knee against the coffee table and howled in pain for a good minute.

"Are you kidding me!"

The call had already went to voice-mail, so I just laid on the cool marble floor, the cold numbing the sensations I was feeling and just taking away the pain, I just wanted to merge with the floor at this point.

"Hey Ian, I guess you're asleep, I've booked the plane for you to be around next week, just tell me the date and time and I'll have my secretary set it up for you."

"Just text me back when you wake up in the morning, sorry for disturbing you, hope you had a great sleep."

Ah, I forgot about that, I guess the meeting tomorrow with August and Hazel would be perfect to tell them that I was leaving. But even though they were my closest friends I don't think I'll ever tell them that I was dying. They're living their lives happy, I don't want make them feel sad or emotional when I'm gone. I just want them to see me now as a friend who went abroad that never came back. 

I'll just ghost them, I think that's for the best, I don't want to leave them as regrets for hurting them after all.

The coolness of the floor was somewhat comfortable, I've been so tired lately, the headaches haven't been helping with that either. I just feel so drained nowadays, both mentally and physically. When will this end?