
The Closet Thief BxB

[Warning!] This story is gonna cause a lot of facepalms, lukewarm moments, laughs and tearing of one's hair scalp! You've been warned!!] Seventeen-year-old recluse Carlie Debaun has always been sure of three things; the cursed season of winter where every pitfall events of his life had surreptitiously taken place over the last few years, he's a sorry excuse of a human, and early mornings were spent writing fluffy fantasies in the closet. Living an uneventful life and forced to live in a society where being gay is always looked down upon, he pretty much had his plans cut out for him but still finds his strong crush on his good-natured mailman turning into true feelings......Until he finds himself harboring reckless local living Carter Gepetto in his closet who poses as one part nemesis and two-part fairy godbrother. For with Carter's rough childhood and a little too overboard advice, Carlie discovers that some things aren't so hard after all. And suddenly, confessing his feelings to Charlie doesn't seem so bad. But there the problem lies - how will Charlie take this piece of news and can Carlie keep afloat with the impending rejection?? Brimming with love, friendship, candy, and just the right dose of magic, this is a tale about the never-ending possibilities of each new day. Gay romance.

Marcel4eva · LGBT+
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27 Chs

✓Epilogue - There's A Thief In My Past!

Dear Carlie,

Of course, I get to do this every once in a while. But that's not what matters, Happy anniversary darling! I also heard about Charlie's promotion at his workplace. Tell him he owes me a treat.

Well, a lot must have happened but I'm just too lazy to know. The last time I checked up on your father, he's planning to get married to Dorian and move to Alabama. I'm not sure if they've tied the knot or not but Sidney is currently dating Griffith. The duo has been going strong ever since. Be it's been a long time since I've felt so restful. Freddie has been up most nights with Baine and the little snot is driving me nuts!

How else to deal with motherhood?

Anyway, just wanted to put this to you. It's Baine's one year birthday next week and I'm hoping to see you both at the party. It's not a request cause I'll beat you with a stick if you don't sho

I folded the letter back in a matter of minutes, gazing out at the garden where Cayne and Mara played. Charlie was helping them up the slide but now I heard him come in through the front door.

He snaked his arms around my waist. "We don't get to be like this more often."

"I know right? Who knew parenthood could be so stressful. By the way, little Baine turns one in a month."

"Dang! I know he'd take after me. He has my growth spurt."

I turned to cuddle against his bare, chiseled chest. "Why don't we have some good time in bed? Just you and me, know what I mean?"

He kissed my forehead subtly. "Beg me, honey."


"You know I could never refuse you."

"Of course you can't," I wriggled my brows seductively. "You're under my spell, Sivan"

He raised a brow. "Really? Did you just say that?"

"Of course I did. What other thing did you hear?"

"Um, I don't know. To help out with the kids maybe and forget about sex?"

"Oh no, you don't. Those children are monsters."

"Our monsters, Carlie," he said unto my skin. "Our little furry monsters. I'll go take a bath now and will be back to hoist you onto my bed."

"Ew," I pulled away from him. "I forgot how you stank."

"You can't deny I'm sexy when sweaty."

"That is yet to be a justified fact."

He retreated into the inner rooms.

Carter sat on the peach sofa, poring over one of Mara's toddler books. He looked up at me and winked.

I went over.

The last time we'd spoken was at my wedding last year. I'd gone up beside Charlie at the altar when suddenly Carter appeared out of the blue behind the bald pastor. He'd clapped along with the audience and had muttered something that sounded like congratulations.

He'd always come back as if to serve as reassurance that he'd always be there. As a part of life, rather than a figment of my imagination. It gave me hope, a joy that at least I still got to see him sometimes.

I handed Gin's letter which he took after a moment's hesitation. We both reread it once more, laughing at Gin's poor attempt at humor. I'd taught her once but she hadn't been eager to grasp on.

"Can you join us for lunch?" I asked, partly certain he'd say no.

Carter smiled, shaking his head lightly. It was as if he was satisfied. That everything fell into place after all. I angled my head toward the window to take a peek at the children and when I turned back, he was gone.

Later that evening, I picked up a pen and paper.

Dear Gin,

It's so great to finally hear from you. You know how I hate writing, so I intend to keep this short as possible. Happy belated birthday to my little sunshine! Hope he's as tall as you've told me. Anyways, Charlie sends his greetings too and we hope to visit someday.

You're right, motherhood can be stressful. Cayne and Mara are a hard throng to take on but we manage. They're our children and it'd be insipid if we choose to give up on them. They light up our day with their noise and wit.

By the way, who's Griffith? I've never heard of that name before and as for Dorian and Daddy, I knew long ago that they'd end up just fine.

I've gotten over Carter now, thanks for encouraging me. He's a topic we'd both have to talk about someday, just get ready your tissues because you'll be tearful all through. Send my regards to Freddie and Baine.

Lots of love,