
Dec. 15, 2020

11:42 am

Oh. My. God.

Lots of things have happend and one thing in particular that i am very happy about.

So thing is that I confessed to my crush just yesterday. And turns out she likes be back in return! Yes, I am a lesbian. I love this girl with all my heart and so does she. Now I just can't stand it. COVID is putting so much distance between us and it is so fucking hard. I haven't seen or heard her in 9 fucking months. *insert_me_whining But no matter what happens, I will always love her. I am literally checking my messages every 2 mins to see if she texted me.

Quote Zelan from Freaking Romance in Webtoons, "You can push me a mile away, I'll run to you always. Put us universes apart, I'll still find you somehow".

[A/N: GO read it now! I love this story sososo much! You can find it in the Romance section]

But one thing I worry is that I hope our parents will accept us. I know most LGBTQ+ communities support people like us, but I just our families accepts us. Currently we re keeping this a secret for now until we fell that we can tell our parents.

A/N: I hoped u guys like this chapter! Yes this part is true for me. :D

I will try to update often but sorry if I update late I <3 luv ;3