
The Closed City

“Paimon, where are we?” he asked, finding no familiarity in his surroundings. “You’re in Teyvat! One of the biggest cities in the world. Paimon thinks over one billion people live here!” When she said Teyvat his memories came rushing back. This is a Genshin Impact Mafia AU. There will be drug references, blood/gore, and distressing medical scenes.

Mijo_Creates · Video Games
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

**Aether POV**

Lisa had left the room to call Jean. Aether was left simply standing in the entry hall. At the moment I would guess it's 50/50 if I'm shot. The others remained in the room, waiting for the verdict. Deathly silent. As long as I stay still, hopefully the others will simply let me fade into the background. I mean, I doubt they want me to be shot. The door opened and Lisa entered the room, she had a grim look on her face. Aether tensed, then he subconsciously stretched his back and hands. Looks like I'm going to have to fight my way out.

"Sorry darling," she said to Aether, "We might have to shoot you anyway." Aether clenched his fists. I didn't want it to come to this. His eyes slid to see who was closest. Mona. I can steal her gun, as long as I time it right. She doesn't seem very combat proficient.

"What did she say?" Barbatos asked, his voice as serious as Aether had ever heard it.

"She said that an outlander appeared out of nowhere. And that she suspects we are involved, since the area he was found by is what they suspect to be our area. An investigation may be launched. Although judging off her tone it is imminent. Nothing about Diluc was mentioned." I'm dead. Okay. Let's do this. Three.

"Soo," Barbatos began. Two. "You got Chief Jean and Chief Investigator Xiao on our tail. What do you think that means for you?" He raised his hand and Diluc moved to grab Aether's arm. Now. Before he could grab his arm Aether spun and grabbed Mona's gun. He checked it was loaded and the safety was turned off before pointing it at Barbatos. As simple as pulling a trigger. None of them will risk Barbatos. Bennett gasped and went to move but Noelle put her arm in front of him.

"If anyone moves I will shoot." I will kill if it means I make it to my sister. The dark thought surprised him before he realized it was true.

Diluc aimed his gun at Aether. "Do that and you won't live long enough to see Barbatos hit the floor." Clever. But not clever enough. Aether moved and grabbed onto Bennett. Cleanly taking his gun to hold against his head.

"Are you really going to bet your lover's life on my self preservation?" At the word lover both Diluc and Barbatos stiffened. "Oh, let me guess," Aether began sarcastically, "I'm not supposed to know that. I'm more perceptive than you guys think." His facade began to crack. No. I will not cry. I must be strong. If not for me, then for Lumine. "All I want is to find my sister. I didn't want to fucking be involved with this." His voice cracked on 'sister.' His facade began to crack. No. I will not cry. I must be strong. If not for me, then for Lumine. He tightened his grip on Bennett causing the boy to yelp. Noelle gasped and grabbed onto Barbara for support.

"What's done is done. What do you expect us to do?" Barbatos asked, infuriatingly calm.

"Help me." He all but yelled. "That's what I wanted you to do. I asked Paimon to take me to an official building to find her." 'This is not a fight you will survive,' the Dain within his head said. 'He's right you know,' Lumine replied, 'and as much as I loathe to admit it. Emotion might be a good play here. Prove to them you are human like them.' Fine. "If you can change police files, you can dig up some information. Something. Anything. Please." He allowed the mask to crack. He loosened his grip on Bennett just enough for the boy to dart back to his sister. Noelle hugged him tightly before sliding him behind her. Aether's aim quivered and he lowered the gun pointed at Barbatos slightly, he had Bennett's stolen gun aimed at Diluc. Diluc kept his firmly aimed at Aether's skull. "Three outlanders must show up in someone's files. Be it yours. The police. Even if you hack into the freaking Abyss. There has to be something." What started as anger dispersed into hopelessness. "I wish no harm to anyone in this room. I will help you however you demand it."

"I was already looking into it," Mona said. Barbatos gave her a slightly stern look. "What? His arrival piqued my interest."

"We can help. But we can't help from jail cells," Barbatos said. Did this truly work? He waved his hand and Diluc lowered the gun. Aether followed suit and lowered the stolen weapons fully. "We are trying to deal with Dvalin. And doing that with Jean and Xiao on our tail is going to be hard. Diluc, what can you do to placate Xiao?"

"Short of having him and Sora meet and giving some elaborate lie that he is a citizen? Not much," Diluc said slightly sarcastically.

"Then do it." Upon seeing the look of disbelief on Diluc's face. "I mean it." What? How do you plan on doing that? Especially since I so spectacularly fucked up my first interaction.

"What if we didn't lie?" Lisa asked, "I'm sure Mona and I can forge enough documents and enter enough data into the system that he looks as if he was born here."

"Even better," Barbatos said, "I want you and Mona to start that. Diluc, you and the others need to be prepared for confrontation. With the police or with Dvalin. Sora, you are with Mona and Lisa. Try to keep as much information the truth as possible. It's easier to remember." With that said Barbatos retreated back up the stairs and Diluc followed. Mona gestured to Aether and the two of them walked to the Archives room with Lisa and Paimon.