
The Closed City

“Paimon, where are we?” he asked, finding no familiarity in his surroundings. “You’re in Teyvat! One of the biggest cities in the world. Paimon thinks over one billion people live here!” When she said Teyvat his memories came rushing back. This is a Genshin Impact Mafia AU. There will be drug references, blood/gore, and distressing medical scenes.

Mijo_Creates · Video Games
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 5

"-a! -ora! Sora!" When Aether came to, he was lying on the floor. What happened? The memories echoed through his brain. Paimon stood above him waving her hand frantically in front of his face.

"Step back Paimon," Noelle said, "Give him a moment to recover." He gently sat up before rubbing the back of his neck to feel for whatever scar that memory might have left. He felt slightly raised skin in the shape of an 'x', it felt mottled and slightly numb when he poked it. What did they do to me? He checked the crook of his arm and sure enough, there were three small needle shaped scars. They inserted something into my arm. IV maybe? It felt more metallic though. Almost like they put electrical wiring in me. Why would they be experimenting on me? And all that bandaging on my back, which of the scars are from then? How many times did they cut me open? How many chemicals are in me?

"Sora?" Noelle asked, "How do you feel? Do I need to take you to the infirmary?"

"I'm okay. Just a little dizzy," he said. Should I tell them? No, I shouldn't tell Noelle. She will report it to Barbatos. Paimon maybe? Except the two of us are never alone. And I don't want to traumatize her. I can't tell anyone about this until I understand it myself.

"What happened? You got all quiet and then looked very calm. And then you passed out!! Paimon caught you and set you on the ground. But you kept spasming! Paimon thought you were going to die!"

"You were only out for about a minute. Any longer and I would have called Barb. She's our doctor," Noelle said, "While I cannot force you to do anything. I strongly suggest that you visit them." Should I? She could see if Asmoday actually did something. But it could expose a weakness to the Knights. Which while they have taken me in. It's only out of necessity. And protecting themselves.

"No, I'm okay. This has happened to me my whole life," the lie easily told itself, "Sorry for not warning you guys." Paimon's face creased for a split second but then she accepted the lie. Thank you Paimon.

"You need to tell Paimon these things! Paimon has to be able to protect you!" Protect me? Am I not almost double her age? As if she heard his thoughts, "As your official Teyvat Travel Guide, Paimon has to protect you from anything from the city! And Paimon needs to help keep you healthy!" Aether smiled when she said that and then tried to stand up. He stood up and almost immediately collapsed again, his vision was spotty and his head was throbbing as if someone was banging a hammer against it. He swayed for a moment before Paimon grabbed his arm and grounded him. It feels like the memories are trying to all rush out but there is a block. How did she induce amnesia?

Paimon looked at him with concern. "Don't worry! I'm okay!" He turned to Noelle, "I will go to this 'Barb' individual if she has some painkillers. I always get a horrid headache after my episodes." Noelle nodded and gestured for the duo to follow her.

The trio walked down a new hallway. This place seems to have an infinite number of rooms. Which is impossible. Two lefts and a right later, they entered a room that looked a lot like an army hospital. Oh! Cross Girl! Cross Girl had her back turned to the door and was restocking materials while singing softly. When she heard the trio enter she turned around. Her dress fanned out as she did so.

"Hey Noe! Paimon, Sora, welcome to my humble domain!"

"Hey Barb," Noelle said with a soft smile. Interesting. These two care deeply for each other. "Sora was wondering if you have some painkillers. Just something for a headache." So Cross Girl is 'Barb.' An interesting name if you ask me.

"No problemo!" She spun back around and began digging through the cupboard. "Aha!" She said with a flourish, twirling around and tossing a container to Sora. Aether, who's reflexes aren't quite what they used to be, would have been smacked in the face had Noelle not reached out and caught it. She handed the container to Aether and then began a conversation with Barb. With the medication acquired Aether turned to leave the infirmary. Noelle wasn't paying attention as he exited the infirmary. Paimon saw him as he left, he raised a finger to his lips to hopefully signal her not to alert them. Paimon gave him a crafty smile and a thumbs up. Thank god for Paimon.

When going to the infirmary they had come from the left so he decided to investigate the right. With any luck I can find a way out of here. Aether followed the hallway for several minutes before he finally came to a segway. At this point they had to have noticed my disappearance. And if they haven't Paimon has to be stalling them. He heard airflow from the left passage so he decided to head down it. Maybe there's a window. He followed the passageway and came to a large air duct with a fan spinning across the entrance. Well, nothing can ever be simple in this city. The fan was spinning slowly enough that if he timed it right he could jump through and hopefully not be gored. I probably wouldn't be gored, just maybe a little cut.

He waited for a moment, counting the seconds as it spun, before springing forward. He slightly misjudged the distance so while he still made it through the gap he smacked his head on the top of the passage and his arm on the fan, both of which created a very loud bang that echoed through the warehouse. Those are gonna bruise. He heard faint voices coming from behind him. They must be on my tail. I have to hurry. He began quickly crawling through the ducts. It is in times like this I am thankful for my size. In his haste he didn't notice the fact that along the way had changed color several times, which had he been paying attention he probably would have put it together that he left the main warehouse. He finally reached a grate, it looked rusty but not super strong. He pushed against it to test the durability and it didn't even move. He shoved his body into it and it let out a screech but barely moved. "Shit," he muttered. More panicked, he shoved his shoulder against the grate. Finally it popped free, the cover fell a couple feet before clattering against the concrete below. Okay so not that far of a drop. Aether slid out face first and scraped his knees and hands when he landed. Note to self: don't wear shorts when exploring closed cities. He brushed his knees off as he stood up. In all of the rush and clamor he failed to notice the person standing a few feet in front of the grate.