
The Closed City

“Paimon, where are we?” he asked, finding no familiarity in his surroundings. “You’re in Teyvat! One of the biggest cities in the world. Paimon thinks over one billion people live here!” When she said Teyvat his memories came rushing back. This is a Genshin Impact Mafia AU. There will be drug references, blood/gore, and distressing medical scenes.

Mijo_Creates · Video Games
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17 Chs

Chapter 12

Aether left the station as quickly as he could without garnering suspicion. There was a different lady standing at the front desk. She had black hair in bob and was wearing a green and white dress. She gave him a small wave as he left the station and for some reason he felt compelled to reply. So Aether gave her a nod and then continued out of the station. What was the rendezvous point? Two or three blocks south of the police station? Aether had been told to go to their safe house. Apparently it's a café run by a woman named Diona. He was told to make his way there as soon as he escaped the police. That way even if the police did harbor any suspicion all they would see is a citizen going to get a coffee after a stressful situation. He made his way south looking for any sort of sign that would show the direction to the café. Luckily for him he saw someone he recognized across the street.

"Hey Bennett!" Aether called, waving his hand. Bennett turned and Aether noticed he was with someone, a boy with long gray hair and a purple wolf hoodie turned and looked at Aether from behind Bennett.

"Sora! Long time no see! Can I do anything for you?" Bennett asked. Alrighty looks like that's the ruse he is going with. Better follow along.

"Yes, I got a suggestion from a friend for a café around here but I seem to have forgotten the address. Would you happen to know anything?"

"I know! Razor goes there many times with big brother," the person said, stepping fully out from behind Bennett. What is it with people and talking in third person?

"I hungry. I show you." Razor turned sharply and began marching off. Aether gave Bennet a questioning look and Bennett just smiled. Razor is an interesting person.

They walked for a few minutes before Paimon broke the silence, "So Razor. How's Cyno doing? Paimon hasn't seen him lately." Razor deflated a little at the question. You know what's up with him. What are you doing? Aether looked at Paimon and tried to portray his questions without speaking. Paimon just pointedly avoided his gaze.

"Brother is…busy. He has big project with work. I only see him…one time in week," Razor spoke very haltingly, almost as if this language isn't his first. Teyvat appears to be monolingual though. "Bennett is nice. Bennet stay with Razor always." Bennett gave a soft loving smile when Razor said that.

"How long have you two been together?" Aether asked.

"A little over one year now," Bennett said.

"Here," Razor said, stopping in front of an unassuming house. I never would have found this without him.

"Thank you Razor," Aether said, "See you around." Aether gave a little wave as he went inside.

"Bye Sora!" Bennett waved energetically. Aether smiled internally. That kid is sweet. He entered the café and looked for any familiar faces. Surprisingly it was quite empty. He walked up to the counter and took the remaining seat. He ended up next to two men, one with long dark blue hair and an eyepatch and the other with short blond hair and a yellow star shaped pendant at the intersection of his collarbone. They seemed to be in a heated discussion about… Aether paused to listen.

"Klee would absolutely blow up the kitchen if we left her alone," the blond said.

"I disagree," the bluenette said, "I think she is responsible enough to be left alone for a few hours." I wonder who this Klee is. Their daughter maybe?

He sat at the counter for a minute, simply listening to the conversation and trying to scan the room for a familiar face. Finally after five minutes of waiting, Diluc walked in. When the door opened, the bluenette turned to see who entered. When the two laid eyes on each other the temperature seemed to drop several degrees. They obviously know each other. In the real world sense? Or in the mafia sense?

"Ah Sora. Glad to see you made it," Diluc said walking towards the counter.

When he was a few paces away the bluenette stood and said to his partner, "We should probably get home to check. I've got the bill." He very intentionally shoved past Diluc on his way to the counter. Diluc simply ignored him and walked up to Aether. The blond man nodded at Diluc before standing up to follow the bluenette.

As soon as they were out of earshot Aether asked, "Who was that?"

Diluc's eyes darkened before he put on a calm facade again, "An old acquaintance of mine. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long."

"Of course not," Aether said with a smile, "Are we going to head back now?"

"Yes, but first I wish to get a drink. This is a café after all." He sat down next to Aether and called to the kitchen. "Diona? Are you here?"

A timid looking man came around the corner and said, "Diona isn't here today. A man with multi shaded blue hair came in earlier and she left with him. Is there anything I can get you started with?"

Diluc almost imperceptibly stiffened before saying, "Can you describe this man for me?"

"Yeah. He was probably about your height with dark skin and super bright blue eyes. And then of course the thing I remember the most was that he had hair with about six shades of blue in it. Pretty remarkable person. I was in the kitchen so I didn't hear whatever he said to Diona to get her to leave but she told me to take over the register for the rest of the day because an emergency had come up. She's a hardworking woman and she owns this joint so I didn't question it."

"What time was that?" Diluc asked, tone slightly panicked. There are three things that could be causing Diluc this much panic. Either it's the police, unlikely seeing as I was just there and saw nothing. Possibly Asmoday but that seems unlikely. The most probable option is Dvalin, and therefore the Abyss if Heizou is to be believed. Aether was snapped out of his musing by Diluc grabbing his arm, "Let's go." Aether made no protest while Diluc dragged him out the door.

"Is that Dvalin's doing?" Aether asked once they got outside. Diluc simply grunted in response. He walked up to one of the cars.

"Get in." He's serious about this. Was Diona taken? Aether realized no was not the best time to argue or question so he simply opened the door and climbed in.