
And then there were 12

[5 Year Recap]

In recent years I have left magic a little aside, as I have completely mastered it. With the high density of my platforms and Frisbees. I ended up focusing on martial arts. Such as Karate, Kung Fu, Boxing, Jiu-jitsu, Capoeira and judo. Even though I didn't like it, I decided to learn it because I thought it was necessary and I also wanted to increase the Four Arms Combat Arsenal. It was really very easy to learn anything with 50× learning.

•Madison Elementary School•

Tim was in a classroom in the typical protagonist's seat, near the window and he was looking impatiently at the clock, while the teacher said something that he didn't pay much attention to, when the clock finally rang.

*Ding dong*

Tim- 'Finally'

Teacher- So, class, enjoy your vacation and if you can, study a little to start next year in the best possible way.

Having said that, the teacher released the class, shortly after that, Tim runs out of the school and he is greeted by the image of the iconic trailer, Rustbucket. And in front was the greatest plumber in history. Hidden in the appearance of a grandpa with a flowered shirt and a friendly face.

Tim- Grandpa Max, how are you?

Max- I'm fine Tim. And apparently you must be very excited about our trip.

Tim- Of course grandpa, traveling all over the country. New places, new "people" and different cultures.

Max- Great. Let's go in, your cousin is waiting.

With that said, Tim and Max entered Rustbucket and Tim was greeted by two mountains in a tight hug that made Tim almost meet Rob again.

Gwen- Hi Tim!!

Tim- Hi Gwen, how are you?

Gwen- I'm great, and I'm really looking forward to this vacation!

Hearing this I break into a big smile.

Tim- I'm happy with that!

Max- Ok kids, now let's hit the road, our first stop will be a campsite and we should arrive at dusk.

Tim- 'Finally, I can start this story after 15 years of waiting,

Vilgax wait for me, because you will feel the power of love!'

So I sit down on the chair and have my hands resting on the table facing Gwen. Gwen, completely opposite to the canon, had long, silky red hair. She was wearing a red sweater over a white jumper. She has a black skirt and tights in a less dark tone and black sneakers (Ultimate alien costume). A beautiful sight to say the least~

[4 Hours later]


After setting up camp, Gwen and I sat down and waited for Grandpa Max to bring our dinner, which I didn't particularly want to try.

Max- Here children, rice with worms, enjoy because it is delicious.

Gwen- Grandpa... is this really edible and why are they still moving?

Max- Yes it is edible. And they are moving because the fresher they are, the juicier they become.

That said, Grandpa Max goes off somewhere to do something. Taking advantage of this moment, Gwen and I played what could be our death and started smuggling.

Tim- Okay, I brought 5 noodles and a bag of jelly beans. I didn't bring more things because I didn't have much space in my backpack.

Gwen- You were lucky, I only brought a bag of popcorn and Licorice.

Tim- Ok, I'll give you 2 noodles and you give me the bag of Licorice.

Gwen- Haven't I told you to stop eating too much?

Tim- *shrug*

Gwen- Okay, due to the seriousness of the situation, but next time there won't be any excuses and please Tim, stop eating too many sweets or else you'll get sick from it.

What could I do? I was born with a sweet tooth and it doesn't affect me negatively.

Tim- Have I ever been sick?

Gwen- Don't you remember that time you spent a whole week feeling nauseous and vomiting, saying how horrible the world is and everyone is so ugly?

Tim- First: I didn't get sick physically but mentally. Second: I didn't say that all people were ugly. You have always been beautiful and nothing will change that.

Then I smile broadly, making her blush a little.

Gwen- ...silly.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Grandpa Max calls us to the campfire and make marshmallows. I knew this was the most anticipated moment of my 15 years of life.

Tim- 'It's time'. Grandpa, I'm going to go for a walk, okay.

Max- Ok Tim but don't take too long. It can be dangerous, animals can attack at any time.

Tim- Right grandpa. 'The only thing that can put me in danger are mosquitoes, if even Saitama couldn't beat them. What can I, a poor soul, do against them?'

[20 Minute time skip]

As I walked, I was reflecting on what I really wanted? beyond the things I already know will happen. So what do I want? What do I need? and why do I need it? Perhaps seek knowledge of magic. Explore the universe or simply live a lazy life. I think that during the trip I will find out.

[In space]

•Vilgax's ship•

Vilgax the conqueror of 10 worlds. One of the strongest beings in the galaxy, now his objective was to possess the charquetrix, which could be his definitive weapon.

Vilgax- After a long time, I have a greater glimpse of my conquest of the universe, with this object I will be able to make an army of hybrids with all races. Thus I will be the sovereign of the entire universe.

Vilgax- Fire, shoot so I can get my charquetrix!

Lackey- Sir, our defense systems have been turned off!

Vilgax- wh–!


Vilgax in his control cabin received a direct hit from the enemy ship and was seriously injured. And at the same time the enemy ship was also hit but still managed to send the artifact capsule to earth.

[With MC]

I had been walking for about 28 minutes waiting for my shooting star, when I thought it had come too soon, I saw a light in the dark sky.

But then I realize that my destiny is going in the opposite direction from me and not coming straight towards me.

So I decide to use my magic as a rope. At surprising speed I manage to hook the container, quickly pulling it towards me, causing a whiplash effect and doubling its speed coming towards me.

Tim- Quick, very very VERY FAST!!!

I was about to start running as quickly as possible but I soon realized that it was a useless action. He then decides to make several mana barriers, causing the meteor to slow down.

Right after the deceleration I make a barrier on my side and propel myself away from the crash site.





After hearing several sounds of what sounded like glass breaking, I see the destruction that that alien basketball caused.

I take a deep breath and head towards the fall.

Stopping abruptly I remember something.

Tim- Oh, man. How could I forget this, I don't have the same DNA as Grandpa Max, so how can I open this?

After reflecting for a few seconds.

Tim- Okay, I'll do it like the old fashioned way of shucking oysters.

With my mana I make a very sharp saw, starting to saw the ball and after 5 minutes of sawing it I finally hear some sound.

*open up* {I don't know how to write the sound of something opening}

Then I see that inside the ball was an object that looked like a thin pink watch with gray outlines which was surprising, the watch had the design of the omnitrix from Alien force.

But I didn't have time to continue admiring the artifact because everything stopped around me, which made me very worried. 'I got close to the clock and Paradox already wants to stop me?'.

Rob- No Noah, I'm not Paradox. And do you think a small saw will open the capsule of the most powerful weapon in the universe?

After being surprised by the appearance of Rob, who was the least expected "person" for me, I recover from my stupor and soon the length.

Tim- Hi Rob, it's been a while, right? For a moment I thought I had achieved it with my cosmic saw, what do I owe to your sudden visit?

Rob- I'm here to apologize and give you some answers. Plus that name is ridiculous.

Completely ignoring your last comment I start talking...

Tim- Wow, I had even forgotten about that. And since you're going to answer me, here's the first one: Why does the watch look like its recalibrated version?

Rob- Would you want to walk around with something that looks like an electronic ankle bracelet on your arm?

Tim- It makes sense, it makes a lot of sense. And what will this apology be? Does Paradox already know about my existence? Those are my only questions, I like a little mystery.

Rob- The Paradox knows and does not know about its existence. Think of it as if you existed and did not exist, and yet you are in front of me talking to me.

Seeing that I hadn't understood exactly what was said, he continued

Rob- For better understanding I will give another example. Think of a story, which takes place from the protagonist's point of view and until that moment he has never seen you or heard from you. So you don't exist in the story but in its world.

Tim- What do you mean? do I exist or not?

Rob- Long story short, he knows you exist but you're not relevant enough for Paradox to care about.

Tim- I understand... But it hurts a little.

Rob- 'He should be grateful that I did all this work to fit his existence into the chronology of the original multiverse.' Your bonus is 2 additional Aliens, you can make any outfit you want for yourself and you will look more beautiful to other species. Congratulations!

With a smile he says goodbye to Tim and disappears from the place, making time return to normal.

[Tim's POV]

Tim- I expected more from this bonus, at least I have two more aliens and of course the idea of becoming prettier is a very welcome thing.

Now without any hindrance, I go straight to the watch and extend my left arm to pick up the watch.

With one jump it sticks to my arm 'No pain'. I thought, leaving the crater and starting to analyze the clock.

In place of a green hourglass symbol, there was a symbol of two inverted hearts colored pink. Apart from the part that the device is an alien Pokedex, it looks more like a normal watch and a bit feminine.

Charquetrix- Petition for the availability of the name referring to the host.

I was surprised by the sudden robotic voice but wasting no time I immediately introduced myself.

Tim - Timothy Benjamin Tennyson.

With a "Ding" the charquetrix shines and reveals a hologram of a normal Pyronite without any changes, which suggests that only after activating the watch will the result of the hybridization be given, a very interesting factor.

Tim- The feeling of having the item that all children wanted most in life is something wonderful. Let's see who the clock girls are.

Tim- Heatblast, Wildmutt, Diamondhead, XLR8, Gray Matter, Four Arms, Jetray, Ripjaws, Ghostfreak, Upgrade. Okay, the only difference so far is that I have the Jetray and not the Stinkfly like in canon. And now the bonus...

Then once again I turn the clock and a hologram of a humanoid tiger, Rath, appears. A very temperamental and explosive alien or the mascot of Sucrilhos.

And again I turn the clock and the hologram of the strongest cobblestone in the universe, the Chromastone, appears. This specific alien was one of the ones I liked most, especially its backstory.

Tim- now let's get to the real action.

Tim- Let's continue with the tradition.


After saying one of the most shameful things in my life, I see a powerful pink light. Forcing me to close my eyes and to give the touch of mystery.

Tim- Shiny??

???- Shiny? Where?

While a miniature Sun was confused and wondering what it was, it was a "Shiny". I was in contemplation, in awe of that magnificent vision.

The figure in front of me was a being that was made up of volcanic stones and some cracks that left something that could be fire, a completely white fire. Totally different from a common Pyronite. The flames on his head gave the appearance of hair cascading down past his shoulders. She had thin arms and in the area of her breasts (which were very generous) a little above between them was an opening larger than the other cracks and formed a kind of heart-shaped neckline. On her neck was the charquetrix in a kind of collar and its symbol was now 4 hearts that formed an X. In the lower region she had a very large waist and large thighs and in the groin between her legs there was no volcanic stone. , in the place that we could call the private part was a smooth stone in the shape of panties. The body had a complete hourglass shape.

Tim- Excuse me. What is your name? mine is Tim.

???- What a beautiful name... and I don't have a name.

Finishing saying that, she lowers her face sadly and her flames begin to turn darker into a strong blue. 'Something wrong is not right.' I think to myself after seeing this phenomenon, but I decide to let it go. For now...

Tim- Um, thank you. If you don't have one, I can give you a name.

???- Really!

Nodding my head, I close my eyes and start thinking of a unique name. Now I won't be the one who becomes an alien and simply uses a pseudonym to refer to myself. But rather name individual, independent and thinking beings.

Tim- How about... Violet?

I chose this name in honor of the great potential of a Pyronite that can reach the level of solar radiation which is an incredible feat in itself. After my suggestion, her flames begin to turn a shade of yellow bordering on orange,

in total contrast with its previous color.


After saying this she comes towards me and gives me a big hug. Which scared me a little because of her action. What surprised me was that I was not being affected by the flames but rather felt very comfortable and I returned the hug.

After we separate from our embrace, I lower my head and see something inescapable, the sight of my charred clothes.

Tim- Nothing unexpected here.

After saying this instinctively, I look at Violet who looked away from me and once again her flames changed color, now the flames were lilac. 'Now I got the reference. She is the literal one from Inside Out. What do these colors do? I already know what blue does for the classic design but the others are a complete mystery.' I thought while having fun with the girl in front of me all embarrassed.

Violet- S-Sorry Tim, I didn't mean to do that.

Tim- Okay, I understand that wasn't your intention.

Violet- S-Seriously?

Tim- Yes. And that leaves an opening for me to test one of the watch's functions.

As Rob didn't say how to activate this function, I simply thought of the outfit that Ben wears in the Alien Force/Ultimate saga. And with a "Ploft" I magically see the same clothes I thought appear but in different colors. I wore a white shirt underneath an open black jacket, a jacket that, on the left side, has a vertical white line and a white circle in the chest region, with a black "12". On the right side, it has two white horizontal bands on the upper part of the arm. I also wore gray pants and black and white shoes.

But I haven't had time to admire my own image, when I hear a shrill scream.


Tim- and here we go...

The end... It's just the beginning.

[Ben's world without a watch]

|after the explosion of the Chronosapien Time Bomb|

Vilgax- And now Ben Tennyson, without a watch, without companions, without anything. You are still just a mere insignificant existence.

Vilgax- Now without Ben's Tennyson I can finally dominate the universe hahahaha!!

Vilgax- Now I will give you a quick and painless death as mercy because without you, nothing would be possible.


Right after Vilgax's shot, before hitting Ben, he is suddenly pulled through a portal

Vilgax- Yes, run and hide for your pathetic life. Because if you go back you won't be as lucky.

[Somewhere in Time]

Kirby- Vilgax... he won, what should we do now Professor Paradox?

Paradox- Yes he won, surprisingly... but nothing is lost because there is still you Ben and the omnitrix.

Kirby- So what should we do now?

Paradox- Like every story, we must start at the beginning of everything.


Paradox- With that, Ben's other variants began to exist again... and Vilgax's crazy plan also began to exist.

Paradox- Now we must seek new allies.


While Paradox and Ben 10k were talking about their upcoming battle, Paradox abruptly stops talking and stands frozen looking in one direction.

10k- What happened Parad– .





What they just saw was another Paradox but in a white coat and younger, and a silhouette right behind him.

Coat- I'm sorry for interrupting this important meeting but when Ben and the other me restarted the prime line, greater forces decided to play with time and space.

After seeing all the serious faces he continues.

Coat- Because of this, there are now many more Ben's to battle. That's why I brought reinforcements.

He moves away from the portal and shortly after that, a teenager with beautiful crimson hair and eyes that seemed to reflect the cloudy sky jumps out of the portal. And with a big smile he introduces himself.

Tim- Hello everyone. My name is Timothy Benjamin Tennyson, but you can call me Tim and I hope we can work together.


Who would these greater forces be? Why are there more evil Ben's? Why is Tim so handsome and why is Ben 10k so muscular?

All these questions will be answered at some point.

To be continued...


{Hey guys. I wanted to say that it's really difficult to write in any kind of aspect. Be it dialogue, setting or characters. Regarding the changes to the aliens' names, I had the idea of them being more original since they are individual beings, I would find it a bit rough to call someone a diamond head, hence the decision on proper names. The issue of aliens having more peculiarities will be clarified in the next chapter. As for how Tim got to meet Ben's, you probably already have an idea of how, so that's it and bye.}

Next chapter